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What if there is a map is taken around in the 70's?

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What if there is a map was taken around in the 1970's? That will be sweet! Can you imagine Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen wearing Disco suits and Bell Bottoms. Even a extra character would be Eric Forman, his lines would be hilarious. Zombies also have the suits, some of them have afro. There is a special transportation would be roller stakes around on the disco floor and even you can use the disco ball as a auto turrents. The background noise would be a disco music or funk music from Bee Gees, Kool & the gang, or many different 70's band. The lighting and mood would be very colorful and more exciting to kill zombies on the disco floor or on the bar table. The pack a punch camo would be like rainbow chromish or glittery purple/white. A new wonder weapon shoots out 45's and chops zombies heads off, pack a punch to shoot out 33's. I would enjoy this map so much if it did existed. :lol:

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I wrote this a while ago:

hmmmmmmmm i dont know about you guys but i would love to kill zombies in a 70s/80s disco club. maybe some one hid some one 115 in a club and every one turned into zombies. just think about it killing zombies to disco music sounds awesome. and than when you active the real song (the one by Elena) all the zombies start bobbing there heads to the song while trying to kill you.

here are the 4 people you play as:

Darth Vader. who needs a gun when you got force choke ?

Red Forman from that 70s show like yellow card said. he would shove his foot up the zombies ass.

the biker guy from the village people. just for the lolz.

Tommy Vercetti form vice city. he can hold so many guns he will never run out of ammo.

and the map will be called: DISCO DER TOTEN. i don't even know if they have discos in Germany. but if they dont than just put it in America and give it the same name.

and the easter egg is you need to free the owner of the club from a "modified" Gersch Device. the owner thought it was some type of radio device. but while you are doing the easter egg you find out the owner is a ex group 935 scientist who is some how still alive. then when you free him EVERYONE gets a wounder waffle.

now i know that sounds like a good reward but come on 4 players with the waffle = MASSIVE kill stealing. the real heros are in the map as well.

after you free the owner you see the crew pop out of the device. then Dempsey says: "DAM IT. we are off course come on every one back in the black hole thingy we got a nazi to kill." than Nikolai says: can we stop for a drink while we are here ?" Takeo: "BARFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" Dempsey: "GET IN THE BLACK HOLE THINGY WE NEED TO F***ING STOP DI*CKTOFEN. Nikolai: "fine but you owe me some vodka once we get to *insert name of the next map here* ok ?" Dempsey: "fine."

and the special zombies is a zombie with no arms who is really big. he will run at you and try to hit you but than once he realizes he can not hit you he will explode like a napalm zombie. but he only does a little damage, the catch is when he explodes he destroys your gun. he runs at you the same speed as a normal zombie. but he can only take 11.5% more damage. so he is not that hard to kill in the lower rounds. but as the rounds get higher and he gets stronger it could mean the end of you if he explodes next to you when you have a Ray Gun or a really good gun out.

if you only have one gun and he explodes next to you than the same thing happens on five if the thief takes your gun. you only have a knife which = death. NOTE: if he destroys your gun you can get it back from the box/wall but if he destroys a ray gun/what ever the really big powerful wounder weapon is, you will not be able to get it for 3 rounds.

well thats my idea for a disco map.

I wrote this back in July lol. You can tell because my grammar was even worse then it is now! ha ha ha.

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What if there is a map was taken around in the 1970's? That will be sweet! Can you imagine Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen wearing Disco suits and Bell Bottoms. Even a extra character would be Eric Forman, his lines would be hilarious. Zombies also have the suits, some of them have afro. There is a special transportation would be roller stakes around on the disco floor and even you can use the disco ball as a auto turrents. The background noise would be a disco music or funk music from Bee Gees, Kool & the gang, or many different 70's band. The lighting and mood would be very colorful and more exciting to kill zombies on the disco floor or on the bar table. The pack a punch camo would be like rainbow chromish or glittery purple/white. A new wonder weapon shoots out 45's and chops zombies heads off, pack a punch to shoot out 33's. I would enjoy this map so much if it did existed. :lol:

i'd like a map with the 70's show caracters

i'm going to stick my m16,up the zombies ass
lol red forman
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