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[AA] Complete Ascension Analysis

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Ascension Analysis

Just a note: I won’t have a CotD one until everything has been figured out, and I may not even do one because I don’t like it.

btw guys some [brains] would be nice.

Let’s start with the radios

(thanks again cod wiki because my computer sucks with saving files :facepalm: )

Radio 1: "(STATIC) I give you my sincere gratitude for that... but, down to business, I am pleased to report all projects are running smoothly again after these here personal changes. As I had previously mentioned. Yuri Kravcheski is a brilliant scientist, but it he has been so far incapable of handling "Project Mercury" - or as you call it, "the Gersch Device". (a slight chuckle), and so due to numerous setbacks and delays I am forced to transfer Yuri to AK64-A experiments. I have decided that your nephew should take his place. I look forward to working with him directly. The recent incident with the Kassimir Mechanism leaves no doubt in my mind, that this is the right decision. The explosion caused the Mechanism significant damage - it will take time to re-manufacture all of the parts - unless some of them can be salvaged. (STATIC)"

So Yuri apparently cannot handle Project Mercury, so he is transferred to work on rockets. And who’s nephew? Who it isn’t Yuri since he’s reffered to as ‘him’ and Gersch is the one talking. And there was an explosion with the Kassimir Mechanism ( maybe happened because of Yuri because Gersch says it lets him know that it’s the right choice ) and then that it will take long to rebuild unless some can be salvaged.

I believe that the aftermath of this accident can be seen. If you go up the one stairway to speed cola, after you buy the fire-trap door, and look outside the map you can see another casimir mechanism, and behind fire and another hunk of metal. Then the giant crane is holding another mechanism of some sort, so possibly this could be where the original one was destroyed.

Radio 2:

"(STATIC-)Rockets! He transfers me to work on rockets! These experiments require no finesse, no imagination! My intellect is ill served blasting a bunch of monkeys into the atmosphere!(Sigh) But I can’t fight Gersch on this. I was able to hold onto my keys, (STATIC) as well as my research. No one else really understands what "Project Mercury" is capable of. Until then, this lab will have to do – wait, is that a matryoshka doll? Did someone let a child in-?(STATIC)"

So Yuri is incredibly furious about his new position on the rockets. And says that his intellect is ‘blasting a bunch of monkeys into the atmosphere!’. So they were launching the monkeys into space. Apparently Yuri is the only one who understands what the Gersch Device is capable of doing. Then he discovers a matryoshka, which shows Sam’s presence at the base.

Radio 3: "(STATIC) found a box today. Some lebanke left his teddy bear in it - a disgusting and filthy toy! Who keeps bringing their child onto this base?! Thank God they did not take the diary: the things I have learned about the Element (Static). I'll have to conduct this research on my own, away from the destructive hands of Gersch! His research in Project Mercury has stalled, but will HE be transferred?! I doubt it! As long as Project (Static) remains on track, his friends at (STATIC). I must think small. (STATIC)"

So Yuri hears more about the ‘child’ at the base. Sam’s presence is growing stronger. But Yuri found Sam’s diary in the box, and learned more about 115. And I guess Gersch is stalling on Project Mercury and it’s angering Yuri that he will not be punished, and then Gersch’s ‘friends’. Who could this be? Could this be a reference to the Illuminati? After they have a fairly strong presence at Ascension, TV screens, illuminati notes, pyramid on paper, etc. Or perhaps another secret society…

Radio 4: "(STATIC) I can assure you that our craft will be far superior to whatever the Americans... or should I say, Canadians (heh) are developing. Finally, Project Thunder is nearing completion. My staff has assured me that the remaining limitations of the effective range and power cells will be solved within the next few months - oh, and also - you should know that Doctor Kravcheski does not appear to be adjusting to his new position. He has been hostile towards the other scientists - at least, more than usual - and has frequently been seen muttering to himself. The transition must have been hard for him, but if he does not learn his place soon... I may require another, more competent scientist to replace (him)-. (STATIC)"

The ‘craft’ they are reffering to I believe is the Canadian Avrocar.


I believe the craft that they have and are working on is the luner landers. Projec Thunder, is likely the Thunder Gun. As I stated if you read my other posts about it, I believe that a Russian scientist in Group 935 created the Thunder Gun. So here at Ascension they must have wanted to re-create and tweak it. They mention power cells and the effective range, which makes it seems more like a Thunder Gun reference, since it’s kill range isn’t very large and it’s stun range isn’t to far either. Then the fact it’s power cell can only hold 2 shots, they would want to change these things. Another thing that can be figured out from this radio, is that Yuri is normally rather hostile. It seems now that he is beginning to be bothered by Sam, since Gersch states he is muttering to himself. Then that Gersch was considering complete replacement.

Radio 5: "(STATIC) They're entering my head! Always my head! I can't hinter, I can't, OOF, I can't stop it! Keep it out! I want you to LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Calm down there! Calm down! No, no I won't! ShutTheShutTheFuckUpSTOP! J-Just stop! Fine... Okay, okay, I will- (STATIC)"

So Sam is driving Yuri completely insane, driving him to do something which he greatly wishes not too. And then he can’t handle is cracks giving in to do a deed which I believe is explained in Radio 6.

Radio 6:

"(STATIC) This had better be good Yuri: the fact that you're in this lab again is reason enough to have you permanently removed! If you've done anything to ruin it- (STATIC)"

— Gersch

"Do not worry, you will not be disappointed (chuckles). In fact, I'm sure you won't forget it! ...But I can't take all the credit. If you will do me the honors."

— Yuri

(Gersch pushes a button, and a sound similar to an activated Gersch Device. And then:)

"Having Fun?!"

— Samantha Maxis

"What the-?!"

— Gersch

(Electricity surges)

"No! (Little Static) No! Yuri, you-!(screams as he is presumably sucked into the Gersch Device)"

— Gersch

"(Laughs evilly) You fat pig! Enjoy your bed! Heheheh, heh... Oh no. (Yuri Being Panicked) No! Nononono! Nonononono! What have I done?! What have I do-?! (STATIC)"

— Yuri

I’m gonna break this one down.

So in the first part said by Gersch, makes me believe there is only one they are working on and will be very angry if Yuri has messed anything up.

Then Yuri’s dialogue in the next one references Sam. He says he can’t take all the credit, since he’s hostile and avoids the other scientists, this makes me think she helped him complete it to do this for her. And her diary helped his knowledge of 115.

And Gersch starts the device and you here Sam mock him as he gets sucked into it, as Gersch screams for Yuri to help him.

Then Yuri in a demented manor mocks Gersch and calls him a pig then comes to a realization of what an awful thing he has done. This sudden change makes me believe that Sam was controlling his mind until that moment.

So here’s my summary of what has happened:

The Russians begin to work on on their newest project, Project Mercury, or the Gersch Device. The head scientist on this is Dr. Gersch, obvious since the device is named after him. Yuri has a hostile and poor attitude towards the others, and an explosion with the Kassimir Mechanism makes Gersch decide it’s best to remove him and put him to working on Rockets. He replaces Gersch with the nephew of another scientist there who is not named. Yuri is furious with his new position working on rockets and sending monkeys into space. The monkeys are sent to get 115 for their experiments, since Yuri mentions mention he learns more of the element, which means it is being used at the base. So he holds onto his keys and continues work on the Gersch Device, and notices a ‘child’s’ presence at the base. Later someone discovers a box with a teddy bear and a diary, obviously the work of Sam, but they do not know who she is. Yuri takes the diary and reads it, and learns more of the element 115 and it’s powers from her diary. Gersch is lacking effort on his work for Project Mercury, but he is not punished at all. Gersch has ‘friends’ somewhere else which yuri acts like are to blame for this, possibly referencing the Illuminati who obviously have an influence at Ascension. Gersch, gets frustrated by Yuri’s increasing hostility with his new position and considers removing him completely. He does not understand that this is the cause of Sam, speaking in his head trying to control him. She picks Yuri because he is the perfect one for her task. He is the incredibly brilliant scientist, who keeps to himself, exactly what she’d be looking for to use to complete the Device. So she presses and presses Yuri until he finally snaps and does what she tells him. She helps him complete the Device, after all she is the daughter of a crazy genius. Then takes over his mind and has him present the finished Device to Gersch. Gersch is very hesitant, and fears Yuri has ruined it completely. But to his surprise it works well and is used to suck him into Aether, where he becomes trapped along with Sam. Yuri remains under her spell for a little after doing this, laughing and mocking Gersch, but then once it fades he becomes desperately sad about what he has done yelling, “Noooonooonooo, what have I done? What have I done?!” Then sometimes after that, Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai end up at the base and free Gersch from Aether and whatever Sam he would be left with by Sam.

So that’s really a summary of happened. If you don’t get everything I said, go read over the radios and my reflection of them above to understand my thinking.

Now just an extra note on the Gersch Device, Richtofen states it would be better if they knew where they would end up. I guess the place that Gersch ended up was in Aether, I think part of that may have been Sam's doing.

Next topic: Illuminati involvment at Ascension

Now of coarse from dialogue we have known that Richtofen is a member of the Illuminati, and they show up a lot in the game.

First thing, it the TV screens. By the mystery box, those TV screens sometimes have moments where they will show the Eye of Province.

Second, is that the all seeing eye shows up again on the computer when you activate the 1st node of the easter egg.

The pyramid with the eye also shows up on a piece of paper near Richtofen’s matryoshka doll.

Also in the area around his matryoshka, there are papers that when decoded read ‘MOON’, one of these slips can also be found the by the Speed Cola machine.

In one radio, Yuri mentions that Gersch’s ‘friends’ and a certain project. This could possibly be a reference to the Illuminati and that Gersch had connections with them, which would explain how the illuminati stuff keeps on showing up around Ascension. The eye on the TV’s could signify that they are watching what’s going on there.

Now for the rockets and monkeys and such.

The rocket found on Ascension is the Soyuz rocket. The Soyuz rocket is the most successful system of any rocket, over 1500 launches and a 98% success, also a very prestigous and common rocket in Russia. The Soyuz rocket is what carried the Vostok 1 spacecraft into orbit, on it was the first man to be in space, Yuri Gagarin. An earlier Soyuz carried Sputnik into orbit. In fact, in the campaign you can see a glimpse when they are talking about the Ascension group, of them working on the Vostok 1 spacecraft.

There are also pictures of the Vostok 1 on the map Array and Launch.

The rocket on Ascension, doesn’t appear to be a manned Soyuz, rather a cargo. Here’s a picture showing the different Soyuz models.

But the loading picture of the rocket, as you take the landers and link them to the centrifuge, the thing of the rocket which turns green increasingly as you link them, and the one by the button you launch with, is the manned one. So this makes me think that they intended it to be the manned one, but were lazy and copied the same model as in EO and Launch.

And another thing on that, in the game in several places, and in the Five room on Kino and in the back of one of the lab windows on Five, there is a blueprint of the Soyuz rocket. But not a cargo, but the manned model. You can tell because of the distinctive pole shape on the top of the fairing which isn't on the other models. And then to the right there is even a picture of man sitting in the vostok spacecraft(sphere shaped capsule).

Before I tell you how taking the monkeys and such would work, I must explain how the rocket works.

The Soyuz starts by taking off with all 5 of the main thrusters. At a certain height, the 4 outer boosters break off, leaving the main booster still pushing it outward. Once out of fuel, it breaks off and the second stage ignition starts, keeping the craft moving. Once that is out of fuel it breaks off leaving the TMA spacecraft, which orbits the earth several times, then the re-entry capsule breaks off and falls back to earth. With Ascension, it would have to work differently because they are going to the moon, not orbiting earth.

These vids should help you see how it’s flight and re-entry works. Just forget the part in the first one with the docking because that obviously wouldn’t happen since the ISS didn’t exist yet.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K47QJ63d ... re=related


Previously I believed that it was impossible for an orbiter such at the Soyuz to go the moon, but I read an article, stating that every Soyuz TMA launch is a potential moon landing. The only reason that this hasn’t been done, is because the Soyuz cannot take them back, since it’s cargo bay isn’t large enough to carry spacecrafts in size like in our moon landing. A Soyuz cannot contain a landers( let alone the size of the eagle or a command module at the same time. ) So if someone took a Soyuz to the moon, they couldn’t get back. And this is where the monkeys come in. those monkeys, are MUCH smaller than people. So they could train them well, and give them similar equipment to what we used in the moon landing so they could go, collect the element, and bring it back. And we know 115 is on the moon since it is stated in the Data Servant file on the Terminal.

Here’s a vid to understand how we did it exactly:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VvfTY-t ... re=related

So the spacecraft would have to be like the command module and ‘the eagle’, (name for american lander), except smaller for monkeys. They would go gather 115 rocks, bring them back into the lander, and it would take them back and they would dock in orbit with the module, and return back. The reason they would need a lander, is because there is no air in space, so a parachute type thing like with the TMA wouldn’t work and they’d crash and be obliterated.

So that is how it would work if they were like the Americans.


They did just as I said, but they only landed on the moon. And they took another rocket back. And how could this be? Simple: Moon Base. They would have the monkeys come, and bring supplies and such for those working at the moon base, then they would be sent out to gather the 115, because it’s easier for the humans that way of coarse. Why do it if you could train a monkey to do it all? Then put them into a small rocket and send them back. It takes much less to get from the moon to the earth because of 2 things. 1. Moon has less gravity than Earth. 2. Earth has more gravity than the moon, so they are pulled in.

The only other theory I can think is what I call the Lazy Theory.

The Lazy Theory is that Treyarch is Lazy and doesn’t know anything about the rockets besides their appearance, and want us to just assume that the rockets take the monkeys there and back to gather 115 and to think nothing more.

Let me know which theory seems most plausible to you.

There’s just one more mystery concerning the rockets on Ascension. The one crashed outside of the map. It’s not done with it’s stages, right now it should be in the atmosphere igniting the second stage engines, but it appears to have plummeted back right into the wall of the facility. Taking out several generators as well. The most plausible thing I can think of to explain this, is that in his rage about his new position, Yuri sabotages a rocket which ends up coming right back into the base.

That is really all for the rockets.

Now let’s talk about the Kassimer Mechanism, all we really know is that is that it’s that hunk of metal in the repair yard and what you do from the easter egg.

What the Kassimer Mechahnism is, a device which was used by the 4 main characters to free Gersch from Aether and get away from Samantha.

The Mechanism requires power from a generator of some sort, and lots of things to get it to work, I somewhat disregard the steps because those seem to be just for gameplay. I doubt they would make a mechanism in which you must stand on a luanch pad for several minutes to activate. And I believe shooting the orb with the weapons is supposed to show it requires 115 to work.

And if you want to do the Easter Egg here are the steps, even though you likely know them already:

1. Toss Gersch device in front of generator outside map near mp5k. Then go to repair yard and hit button on computer under stairs

2. hit all 4 buttons by perk machines during monkey round, except quick revive.

3. stand on launch platform for 2 minutes.

4. take landers in a certain order to collect the L U N A letters in the sky

5. Toss gersch device down by orb, shoot it with the pap Ray Gun , ThunderGun, crossbow, and matryoshka.

6. your done and you get long death machines hooray!!!

Back to the device:

I believe that the spelling is wrong, and it is the CASIMIR mechanism. thanks TacticalInsertion. I looked it up again, and found a wiki page on the 'Casimir Effect'. Now most of it is to complex for me to really understand, I'm no quantum physicist. But I did get some of it.

So the example is two metallic plates just micrometers apart in some sort of vacuum. Now this vacuum could be created by the Gersch Device, since it spawns a black hole. Then the other part I found related to the topic in the Asylum forum about teleportation. The space between the two plates is described as zero-point energy in a quantized field. This connects to what that other topic stated about Aether(where Sam and Maxis are stuck) being the zero-point. So this could explain the end of the easter egg. Using the Gersch as the vacuum with Casimir Mechanism and powering it could allow Gersch to be freed from Aether, and possibly Sam too.

Sorry I'm not a quantum physics expert but that's basically what I can conclude from that. So that's really all for now on the Casimir/Kassimir Mechanism.

Richtofen has confirmed that is it CASIMIR mechanism, not Kassimir. In one of his qoutes he says, "hmmmm, Casimir, I wonder if this is related to Hendrik's work." Sorry guys but it's not Jimi Hendrix lol. He's reffering to Hendrik B.G. Casimir. Who along with Dirk Polder proposed and demonstrated the existence of Casimir forces.

Now on to the perks:

Ascension introduced 2 new perks, and got rid of Double Tap. So they had scientists working on the perks, so they must have known of what the Germans did. Perhaps they found Der Riese, or a completely different location, since the Americans found Kino Der Toten. I believe that the scientist Gersch is talking of is the one who invented Flopper, since the radio is close by, so the nephew of that Scientist would be the one who would replace Yuri on Project Mercury. As to who was the creator of Stamin up, I do not know.

Next topic: 4th lander theories

There has been buzz for a long time about the Ascension easter egg. Some say that there is a 4th lander location. If there is it would likely be in one building out of the map between flopper and stamin up landers. Or, the big building outside the map by the PaP which looks very much like a lander pad. I’m honestly no longer a believer of a next step anymore because it’s been so long we likely would have found it by now. But we also haven’t cracked the Der Riese server yet, so you never know.

Now just one more thing that I want to clear up:

The thing in the beginning is not a spinny thing or ‘spinning dildo’ as my friend calls it, it is called a centrifuge. It is a device which is used to test people on handling the high g-force levels of space and other fast aircraft flight. The centrifuge in Ascension is broken though, so it spins randomly without initialization.

The one on Ascension, is obviously based off of the one at Baikonur Cosmodrome. Even though it is NOT Baikonur, since they do not use real locations in zombies.

Just a cool little easter egg: on the red key on the Ascension lander controls at the pads there is a little decal of the monkey bomb’s head. It’s small so you have to look close.

Here’s links to all the Ascension character qoutes:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd5WLaoO ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhE6yYiE ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh_xeizW ... re=related

thanks to cjdog for the qoutes


Further research and playing has made me come to discover that there are rocket engines and interstages and such lying around the map. There are 2 of them that really resemble the RS-68 engine and the RL10A-4-2 engine.

I'm not sure why since these are American rockets used in the Delta and Atlas rockets. I will continue to look into Russian rockets to see if any look similar.

This is the one Russian rocket I could find with a picture, the Nk-33/Nk-43.

It's interesing because it was supposed to be used in a moon rocket, but the program was cancelled. It's a bit bigger than some of the ones like it on Ascension. I believe that they just made a model of an RD engine and added an extra frame because those seem most similar in appearance an size.


The lunar landers on Ascension are very similar to the American Lunar Module we used. But I believe I have found something more closely related to it; the LK Lander.

Now as you can see the LK is much smaller than the LM. This is becuase the N1 rocket which was suppossed to take it to the moon, had a much smaller payload than the Saturn V. The LK was suppossed to be used to beat us to the moon, but all the rockets were unsuccessful so it never got a chance. And the LK could only hold 1 man, or as I would think in Ascension, 3-5 monkeys. Perhaps the most interesting thing I found was the spacecraft it would dock with after launching back from the moon. The LOK. Here is a picture of it:

Look familiar? You may have not noticed it but this looks just like the crashed spacecraft wrecks lying around Ascension. Which makes me think I have just discovered they're space travel technology. And on Ascension they're solution is to use a special Soyuz rocket with a large payload to carry this spacecraft, perhaps shrunken even more for the monkey's small stature. So all of this put together, seems like a solid theory of how they got to the moon, except in the game it worked unlike in reality.

Now that I looked again, it seems that the crafts resemble a cross between the LOK and the NASA Command Module. It seems like a Russian command module, except it is small, and hard to tell since it is not in one piece.

Never mind, that's just a wierd looking engine. It looks kind of like the SR71 turbine, perhaps they tried to re-create it, after all it is also shown in Hangar 18. But maybe they just re-used it.

The monkeys themselves were likely one of 3 species, since these are the kinds that actually have been sent into space, Rhesus monkey,cynomolgus monkeys, or common squirrel monkeys. All of them look similar to the Ascension ones, except the ascension ones have a different 'space suit' than them, since they're made up. Also, all of those monkeys are around 1-2 ft in length, so they fit the appearance as well.

Note: This isn’t entirely done, let me know if there is anything that I should add or forgot.

Thanks for reading.

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Incredibly impressive article, a few grammatical errors, and also it's Casimir not Kassimir, but great article, I will refer to this often!

oh, it's casimir mechanism? ohhh, now I can find that page again with stuff on it. I'll have some editing to do.

and thanks, it was 8 pages on Microsoft word before I finished. It's my favorite map so I wanted this one to be my best one.

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Incredibly impressive article, a few grammatical errors, and also it's Casimir not Kassimir, but great article, I will refer to this often!

oh, it's casimir mechanism? ohhh, now I can find that page again with stuff on it. I'll have some editing to do.

and thanks, it was 8 pages on Microsoft word before I finished. It's my favorite map so I wanted this one to be my best one.

It wad amazing great job, me and you should work in the Call of the Dead together since ur not a fan.

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Incredibly impressive article, a few grammatical errors, and also it's Casimir not Kassimir, but great article, I will refer to this often!

oh, it's casimir mechanism? ohhh, now I can find that page again with stuff on it. I'll have some editing to do.

and thanks, it was 8 pages on Microsoft word before I finished. It's my favorite map so I wanted this one to be my best one.

It wad amazing great job, me and you should work in the Call of the Dead together since ur not a fan.

Yah. I just want to wait a little bit to make sure that basically everything on there has been found, it's only been a little over a month.

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That's fine, I can start gathering info now if you want or whatever. What kind of stuff did you plan on covering?

I usually start with radios. Then just go into the other storyline related topics. and then the easter eggs.

Sound good, if you need links to easter egg or radios, you can check my sig

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That's fine, I can start gathering info now if you want or whatever. What kind of stuff did you plan on covering?

I usually start with radios. Then just go into the other storyline related topics. and then the easter eggs.

Sound good, if you need links to easter egg or radios, you can check my sig

okay. I'm going to be delayed in working on the CotD one though since I'm still working on this Ascension one.

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This stuff is just too good. It makes the story even more interesting. It's so cool reading all of your research. Thanks a lot! 8-)

There's one thing I also noticed that you didn't cover, though. In Ascension, like in the main building, there are pictures of what look like a landing strip of sorts. Could you look deeper into this?

Oh, and there are also pictures in the building next to the first auto turret, on the wall in the back, but I can't see them without a sniper scope (I don't mod).

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This stuff is just too good. It makes the story even more interesting. It's so cool reading all of your research. Thanks a lot! 8-)

There's one thing I also noticed that you didn't cover, though. In Ascension, like in the main building, there are pictures of what look like a landing strip of sorts. Could you look deeper into this?

Oh, and there are also pictures in the building next to the first auto turret, on the wall in the back, but I can't see them without a sniper scope (I don't mod).

I can check that stuff out. and which room is it in? Juggernog? Stakeout? mystery box spawn below speed cola?

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This stuff is just too good. It makes the story even more interesting. It's so cool reading all of your research. Thanks a lot! 8-)

There's one thing I also noticed that you didn't cover, though. In Ascension, like in the main building, there are pictures of what look like a landing strip of sorts. Could you look deeper into this?

Oh, and there are also pictures in the building next to the first auto turret, on the wall in the back, but I can't see them without a sniper scope (I don't mod).

I can check that stuff out. and which room is it in? Juggernog? Stakeout? mystery box spawn below speed cola?

I remember by the stairs in the Stakeout room, for sure. I think there are a few other places (maybe the room that has the Nixon telephone in it) but I can't remember quite right.

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Awesome. I love your map analysis threads and your research. I can't really talk much right now so I'll just say whats on my mind. Maybe the person Gersch is talking to is his "friend" who is part of the Illuminati which is why he is reporting to him.


I was sure this would go in the Asylum with my others, since they all got in I had over double as much info in this one as the other ones.

And yes, maybe it is his friend who is talking to the illuminati. But like I think I said, the eyes may be a reference to Sam watching them, not the illuminati. But the illuminati notes say otherwise. So someone there must be involved.

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Yea... It kind of makes me wonder what the Illuminati is really trying to accomplish in the zombie story...

Yes. And re-read the post. Those huge pictures.

I believe I have just discovered the lunar technology used on Ascension!

Post it then!

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Yea... It kind of makes me wonder what the Illuminati is really trying to accomplish in the zombie story...

Yes. And re-read the post. Those huge pictures.

I believe I have just discovered the lunar technology used on Ascension!

Post it then!

I did. Read the part with those giant pictures about the Lunar Landers the LOK

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