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V-R11 Lazarus Revival Theory

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Alright, I'm gonna get straight to the theorizing here.

So in the Bible, the story of Jesus and Lazarus involves Jesus allowing a man to die, waiting a few days (three I believe) and bringing him back to life.

In COTD, it turns zombies back into humans, but can it possibly bring dead teamates back to life? My theory is that while in "Zombie Vision," you can see dead teamates, and possibly revive them. I plan to test this tonight, so if there are any Xbox players interested in trying this, message me over Xbox. GT: DownbeatAura.

And feel free to post your thoughts on this, and if you're going to flame, please try to flame kindly.

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ha ha, No mate that sounds little too much but I did notice sometimes in the game when a teammate dies, there is marker that says "revive your teamate" even after he is dead.Let us know what you find.

Yeah now that you mention it I've seen that to. I thought it goes a couple of seconds after your teammate dies or it's just the game being slow.

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Theory Debunked:

Two buddies and I were deciding to call it quits in one of our games. We had an upgraded VR11 so we decided to test this theory out. Here's what we did:

I downed myself (death by crawler) and we tried a couple of things. We had the VR11 guy shoot me while I was downed and nothing happened (no auto-revival, no zombie vision, etc).

Then the VR11 guy shot the other guy and tried some things while in zombie vision: My downed character didn't look any different in zombie vision (no highlights), and I (the downed character) was not insta-revived by the character in zombie vision when pressing x to revive (nor did reviving seem any quicker)

Then we let me die completely to see if the VR11 could bring me back from the dead somehow. We tried having the character in zombie vision "find" my body somewhere. We tried looking at the original spot I died, the starting area, from on top of the lighthouse (large view of the whole map) and there was nothing. We tried shooting the zombie vision guy 3 times to see if he got some sort of "super zombie vision" but there was no difference.

So to conclude, unless there's some other crazy method to using the upgraded VR11 in conjunction with a dead/dying character, the VR11 does not assist in revivals in any way.

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Theory Debunked:

Two buddies and I were deciding to call it quits in one of our games. We had an upgraded VR11 so we decided to test this theory out. Here's what we did:

I downed myself (death by crawler) and we tried a couple of things. We had the VR11 guy shoot me while I was downed and nothing happened (no auto-revival, no zombie vision, etc).

Then the VR11 guy shot the other guy and tried some things while in zombie vision: My downed character didn't look any different in zombie vision (no highlights), and I (the downed character) was not insta-revived by the character in zombie vision when pressing x to revive (nor did reviving seem any quicker)

Then we let me die completely to see if the VR11 could bring me back from the dead somehow.  We tried having the character in zombie vision "find" my body somewhere.  We tried looking at the original spot I died, the starting area, from on top of the lighthouse (large view of the whole map) and there was nothing.  We tried shooting the zombie vision guy 3 times to see if he got some sort of "super zombie vision" but there was no difference.

So to conclude, unless there's some other crazy method to using the upgraded VR11 in conjunction with a dead/dying character, the VR11 does not assist in revivals in any way.

They could not find it, the test is not complete.

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They could not find it, the test is not complete.

Interesting logic. I guess unicorns must exist. The fact that we haven't found any just means that our test to find unicorns isn't complete... :mrgreen:

From what I've tried, I don't believe the VR11 can revive prople, and I've at least given the theory a chance to affirm my beliefs. Since I'm satisfied with my own conclusions, I'm not prepared to try out any further suggestions on this theory.

If you want to believe there is more to this theory then how about you actually try some of these suggestions! ;)

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ha ha, No mate that sounds little too much but I did notice sometimes in the game when a teammate dies, there is marker that says "revive your teamate" even after he is dead.Let us know what you find.

This is what I thought would be tested and you could not find this marker after you died in the game so how can you conclude that is is tested.

It's not about me or you trying, I am just saying that it is not completed yet. Thanks for your test anyways.

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