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Everything posted by Kurasaki

  1. That's mainly what I'm simply curious about, I don't wish they would put EVERY single BO2 gun in zombies(though that would be boss) or that they shouldve done more per say...I simply wish the guns that made an appearance in BO1 and then made a retunr appearence in BO2 but with a new iteration(not just simply re-textured but re-designed as well) weren changed to the newer version for zombies...
  2. Thank you for being the only one who understood any of what I was attempting to say in regards to the fal...sincerely...I'm glad someone at least understood what I was attemtping to convey, agreement or no thanks :)
  3. @MurderMachineX I find it amusing that you completely disregarded and overlooked every post,statement, and sentence I made that wouldn't fit me into your quick assumption, but I'll try my best not to do the same of you... and if you could refrain from over-insinuating you'd realize that I said I was upset with the fal and alot of things, but not once did I say that I was upset at treyarch, or with treyarch...I could say I'm upset at a drunk for having consumed an entire bottle of peach vodka, you would be quick to assume that I'm upset that he allowed himself to drink a whole bottle, while I could just as easily be upset because he simply didn't offer me a dagum drink...but nonetheless First of all: Kurasaki wrote:Why hasn't the mp5 become the mp7, why hasnt the Fal in the box become the new Fal from Black ops 2 multiplayer... I loved the Fal ever since they (unfortunatley) took out the G3 from MW 1 and introduced the Fal as the new single-shot semi-automatic gun...But the Black ops 1 Fal in my opinion was the most visually unnattractive iteration of the gun...The new Fal looks significantly better...and even if not...The new fal would be so much more fun... That is simply your opinion. Some people like the gun they have. Some don't. Who are you to say what everyone SHOULD have? I like variety, so I would like both, but it didn't happen. Oh well. I literally said that it was my opinion and my opinion alone but thank you for completely overlooking that and reiterating exactley what I had said...and no I never said people should have to like it my way... Secondly: Kurasaki wrote:The current Fal is great out of box, but PaP'ed its terrible as it changes the entire gun mechanics to a triple burst...causing an immense waste of ammunition and simply an unfavorable feel to a gun thats supposed to be a single shot...I would love to see the BO2 Fal in the box...when being PaP'ed remaining a single-shot(which is why I use it in the first place) with maybe attachments such as a possible, Holographic, Select-Fire, and whatever else may seem fitting... The FAL is the same as it was in Black Ops. Literally the only thing changed was the prefix of the name. You completely misunderstood every single comment that I was trying to address...I realize the Fal is the exact same in relation to it's mechanics...that why I love it, before it's PaP'ed, but PaP'ed I was stating I would prefer for it to be a single shot still which would indeed be something "different" that I would be looking for and would enjoy but with the current state of the way guns change attachment wise, the new fal would have to be implemented, when I said I would like the fal to be the black ops 2 fal I meant aesthetically, but obviously you missed the mark on that as well... Thirdly: Kurasaki wrote:I understand they kept the galil...But the ONLY reason people love the Galil is because IT'S the Galil...let me explain...the reason people love the Galil is because it was easily one of the strongest guns in multiplayer and in zombies...but if the Famas was the best gun in multiplayer(which some may argue, not me, but some) and the best in zombies then people would have wanted the famas to return in BO2 rather than the Galil(if say the galil had the ammo capacity and strength of the famas in zombies)... Of course. What exactly is the problem? The Galil stayed because it had been the best bullet gun thus far ever. So Treyarch let us keep it. However, it has met its match with the futuristic weaponry. I'm saying the want of returning weapons such as the Galil is because of how powerful it was...but if they used a new gun with the exact same shooting mechanics then it wouldnt be missed... Fourthly: Kurasaki wrote:They Kept old guns because people Loved, I loved, how great they were...but they can just as easily put a gun in the box and make it's shooting mechanics, fire rate, bullet spread pattern, and strength comparable to the galil and people would then LOVE that gun...Why try to keep remnants of what was just because it was good...There were great guns in WaW there were all discarded in the transition to BO1...so why has that not occured with BO2...I know I'm knitpicking with the galil...but I am sincerely upset with the Fal returning as the BO1 iteration and still being PaP'ed into a triple burst... Stats aren't as simple as that. You can't just add in numbers willy-nilly. It loses balance when you do it. They have to go through a screening process of how many of which guns to use. Notice that there are never more than three LMGs in a level? How difficult would it be to use the gun mechanics of the galil, fal, mp 7, anything and then re-skin it with another gun aesthetic...modders do it all the time...it's horrendously easy...and if a billion dollar grossing company cant find employees that can do what modders do for "fun" I feel there is a problem... Fifthly: Kurasaki wrote:I can understand guns such as the olympia and M14 returning as they have no new iteration(updated design) in BO 2, but why have the older guns that do in fact have new iterations returned to BO2... Actually they do. The Hades is different than it was before, and the M14 has a new model. Obviously the olympia and m14 have different models than the previous BO1...dag the fal has a different model then BO1, obviously they have a different model as they had to slightly re-texture the guns for them to fit in a new or simply re-vamped engine, but thank you for stating the obvious... Finally: I am a fan of variety. I want AS MANY weapons as possible. I want lots and lots. It's so fun to have variety. You're looking at the glass half empty. You see it as the choice to include old weapons took the place of having more new weapons. You don't know that it. The actual choice may have been to have only new weapons versus having them as well as some old ones. They may have been NICE in giving you something, but you just want more. It's understandable, we all want more. But there's no reason to get all upset about it. Why are you not thanking Treyarch for keeping some old guns rather than berating them? I wish they had kept the MP40. It would've then been the only bullet gun to be in all three games. (The M1911 doesn't really count since the Colt M1911 Pack-A-Punched into something different.) I like it. And obviously I realize I'm knitpicking at insignificant stuff in relation to all that is BO zombies... and that as a whole I'd say zombies is still immensly fun... I literally said I love black ops zombies...or rather immensly enjoy it... and I stated I'm obviously knitpicking yet as a whole (glass half full if it helps you understand) enjoy the experience that is zombies...I'm not berating treyarch...and if u believe I am you seriously need to step off the white-knight act and realize I'm simply talking about what I would enjoy, and to some extent should have been done fal-wise(my opinion thank you), within the game...but I at no point called out treyarch saying I'm upset with them, I made shotty statements as to whether or not their being lazy or intentional, but they were sincere inquirys that I(whether I'm leaning towards one of the other) have not concluded upon either... But thank you, thank you for portraying a perfect embodiment of how the media abuses and mis-quotes transcripts to their own liking and assumptions...that was a great experience... I'm not gonna lie...you made an amazing thread on the potential history of zombies and I commend you for that...but as far as the way in which you reply to threads I must say it's relativley off-putting...but that's just my opinion...though I'm sure you will help me understand and reiterate that it is indeed my opinion...OBVIOUSLY I dont need to tell you, to tell me, to tell..u..about...somebody...telling things about opinions...yeah...
  4. Honestly to me it just seems like theyd rather keep certain guns and their(relativley poor)PaP'ed versions and old shotty attachments simply because it's easier then having to design new attachments for the mp"7" and the fal, even if easier is simply not having to take several seconds to re-skin them... And obviously I realize I'm knitpicking at insignificant stuff in relation to all that is BO zombies... and that as a whole I'd say zombies is still immensly fun...but still we pay for a new game, I feel it should have the "new" versions and mechanics of whatever is in that game, rather than just being lazy and keeping old guns/skins/mechanics simply to save minscule amounts of time and money...
  5. While some are revamped and re-skinned versions of guns with the same exact shooting mechanics as their precursor, I would argue that some guns arent the exact same as their potential counter-part in BO1 zombies... and also if most guns are simply revamped versions, why haven't older guns been revamped and skinned yet others have...such as the fal not being the new fal in BO2 multiplayer, as all they would have to do is simply change the skin not re-design an entire new one as it's already in the game, or the mp5 which should be the mp7...
  6. @Flammenwerfer Yeah I'm wondering if there is some correlation or some relevancy to keeping old guns once more maps come out...and I love how they added more futuristic guns in die rise...but what I dont get is if theyre going to implement new weapons on the wall and in the box...shouldnt it follow the time period i.e. why isnt the mp5 the mp7...its the newer iteration and fits with that time period...so why hasn't it been updated... I don't know if it's laziness or intentional... but I'm slightly tired of making excuses for why some things are and aren't in Die Rise and varying zombie maps...
  7. Yeah I understand the fundamentals of having certain guns for certain skill levels...and honestlu I dont advocate changing guns such as the olympia or m14...and I do understand that there is a level of nostalgia to keep...but some guns the nostalgia was relatviley, unpleasurable...i.e. the fal(yes I am mainly upset with the fal but also do wish for other guns to be updated as well) being PaP'ed into a triple shot which ruins the gun as the sole purpose of wanting to use it is being able to shoot it as its fundamental mechanics are meant to be used... and also I do believe that the Black ops 1 iteration of many guns were the worst in visual appeal...
  8. Thanks for all the replies...will take into account next time I attempt the easter egg... :D
  9. Also learn to shoot in bursts...or simply to ease off holding the trigger down when shooting automatics...there are only rare occasions that I ever hold the trigger down i.e. if I'm about to be demolished and overrun, but as long as the hoard/zombie/zombies seem managable try shooting short consecutive bursts to the head...to get a feel for the gun and how it shoots...rather than just spraying at them aimlessly
  10. Honestly like I said earlier it's a near essential perk for anyone and everyone...there really is no "good" time to grab it...there are definitely times in which you "shouldnt" grab it...but none come to mind where I would say...What the FUDGESTICKS you havent got Double Tap... Honeslty if your running through your ammo before you can make it to the boss round then your probably not conserving ammunition adequatley, that or your on a ridiculously high round, but that doesnt seem to be the case as youve stated...dont take it personal everyone has had this problem at one point...the best way to defend against wasting ammunition is honestly to go for headshots whenever and however possible(not sure the exact damage modifier but in rounds 30 plus there are guns that will take half an entire magazinge to kill a zombie to the body but still only 3 bullets or so to the head...)... Try this as this helped me significantly: TURN OFF AIM-ASSIST...I never realized how detrimental it was till I really paid close attention and realized that aim-assist not only occasionally aims you at a zombie that you werent trying to kill, but it also aims you right directly below their neck...greatly hindering the ability to damage said zombie... After that simply learn when and when not to shoot your gun(yes there are times that it is advised not to waste ammunition) As far as learning to train...play solo, go to tranzit, and run trains at the farm where the bus stops...theres an Immense amount of wiggle room to use and essentially no obstacles(just note where the "actual" fog starts and ends)...which allows one to learn how to effectivley train... And as far as camping...with a good team, or even on solo die rise...I've managed to camp out till roughly round 34ish before I feel its a good time to train...I like to camp to run through the low rounds then I LOVE training once the flesh starts spilling... Thats my advice hope it helps...and dont worry about asking if you need clarification
  11. Certain weapons obviously are still viable...i.e. ballistic knives being needed for the die rise easter egg...but I'm not talking about changing all the weapons, just the ones that have new iterations...especially the Fal... And Nuketown is referrring to the fact that the future characters i.e. Marelton was in the bunker when the missiles from Black Ops 1 hit the earth in the ending of Nuketown Zombies in Black ops 2...Showing that the new characters and the new saga of characters and story starts when collideing via the events of Black ops 1's easter egg which nukes the earth their on... The weapons in the box or the wall have no relevancy to the nuketown phrase before selecting the map...I believe... Thank you for sharing though, and Hello :)
  12. Any and every time...It used to be in my opinion terrible as it wasted you ammunition faster than one could pull the trigger...but now it hase the ability to shoot two bullets for every one bullet...inevitably DOUBLING the strength of any gun...it is amazing and is an immensly benefricial perk to have honestly...my perk consumption in Die Rise- If all goes as planned is: Juggernog Double tap Speed Cola Quick Revive/Mule Kick(whichever seems more pertinent at the time) Quick Revive/Mule Kick(whichever wasnt recieved earlier) Whos Who
  13. For those confused about the thread title: This is soley about the guns When they initially brought WaW zombies and then made BO 1 zombies they didn't even hesitate with having all new guns, whether it be on the wall, in the mystery box...EVERYWHERE... But with Blacks ops 1 zombies being what brang Zombies over the top and to most peoples attention (most, not all, as I understand most still love the precursor that is WaW zombies) They decided to keep guns from Black ops 1 over to Black ops 2...WHY I'm not talking about the zombie specific weapons such as the monkey bombs, ray gun...ect... I'm referring to the guns used in multiplayer and cam,paign alike... Now at first I was furious and confused that tranzit had no new wall guns (aside from the remington) but then with the release of Die Rise I understood that this decision was because tranzit was in the past(I think) and therefore they kept the weapons from that time frame but in Die Rise, being in the future, they added guns such as the PDW, AN-94, and SVU to the wall...BUT the box guns and MANY other wall guns are still here... Again...WHY Why hasn't the mp5 become the mp7, why hasnt the Fal in the box become the new Fal from Black ops 2 multiplayer... I loved the Fal ever since they (unfortunatley) took out the G3 from MW 1 and introduced the Fal as the new single-shot semi-automatic gun...But the Black ops 1 Fal in my opinion was the most visually unnattractive iteration of the gun...The new Fal looks significantly better...and even if not...The new fal would be so much more fun... The current Fal is great out of box, but PaP'ed its terrible as it changes the entire gun mechanics to a triple burst...causing an immense waste of ammunition and simply an unfavorable feel to a gun thats supposed to be a single shot...I would love to see the BO2 Fal in the box...when being PaP'ed remaining a single-shot(which is why I use it in the first place) with maybe attachments such as a possible, Holographic, Select-Fire, and whatever else may seem fitting... I understand they kept the galil...But the ONLY reason people love the Galil is because IT'S the Galil...let me explain...the reason people love the Galil is because it was easily one of the strongest guns in multiplayer and in zombies...but if the Famas was the best gun in multiplayer(which some may argue, not me, but some) and the best in zombies then people would have wanted the famas to return in BO2 rather than the Galil(if say the galil had the ammo capacity and strength of the famas in zombies)... They Kept old guns because people Loved, I loved, how great they were...but they can just as easily put a gun in the box and make it's shooting mechanics, fire rate, bullet spread pattern, and strength comparable to the galil and people would then LOVE that gun...Why try to keep remnants of what was just because it was good...There were great guns in WaW there were all discarded in the transition to BO1...so why has that not occured with BO2...I know I'm knitpicking with the galil...but I am sincerely upset with the Fal returning as the BO1 iteration and still being PaP'ed into a triple burst... I can understand guns such as the olympia and M14 returning as they have no new iteration(updated design) in BO 2, but why have the older guns that do in fact have new iterations returned to BO2... Please tell me how you feel...I know (and yes I really am upset with the Fal in particular haha) I would love that the Fal would become the new iteration...being able to be PaP'ed to a still single-shot and then having a select-fire on it...but thats just me... Please share your opinions and(reasonable) wishes for change to old guns becoming existing BO2 guns as well...I would love for Treyarch to take note of this... Thank You for any support...
  14. It's been disproved as it was confirmed that you could just shoot the knife in the room...but that was before the patch as maybe it was a glitch and they fixed it...regardless though we tried having Russman go down with whos who and reviving him with ballistics but no dice, the dude who shot it wasnt Samuel but I thought that renacting the cutscene was unecessary...just curious to see what has worked for people recently...prefferably after the patch...
  15. So I've been trying tirelessly to do Maxis' side and it seems that everytime we get to the reincarnation part it fails to allow us to move past the step... We get the ballistic knife and PAP it and shoot it at the buddhas, the floor, each other...but no dice...I know some people say theres different mean to do this...but was that maybe a glitch that was patched and now it has to be done a certain way...?... Could someone shed light as far as what they have done (prefferably after the patch) for the reincarnation step... Much Thanks
  16. Hahaha...Thanks RequixEclipse, cant forget the classics haha...I loved dragon ball z and goku's spirit ball just seemed to fit perfect with the example ... and yeah I just been reading everyones quick assumption of Maxis and their general interest but lack of strong reasoning for picking Richtofen and felt compelled to flesh out my reasoning haha...
  17. You don't think Maxis experimenting on Fluffy is evil? No idea why he introduced Fluffy to Samantha. Emotional attachments are made with pets, which Maxis did not care or consider for, especially when Samantha ran after Fluffy and he tried to stop her. Or the fact he wanted to create an undead army, as well as other things? Both are evil in my book. Right now Richtofen appears to be the greater threat. It could change, it could not. Regardless, I'm going for Maxis because majority are going for Richtofen. I will see both play out anyway. Maxis is immoral in certain regards...not evil...theres a difference...somebody who kills people for enjoyment is evil (Richtofen), somebody who experiments with living things for the sake of science and exploration is immoral, and a bit detached, but not evil (Maxis)...Someone doing horrid experiments on animals for the shear enjoyment of their pain, suffering, anguish, and eventual death along with science is evil and effed up, someone who does the same for the sake of science and the greater good (or simply greater possibilites that will be found after experimentation) is greatly immoral and to some degree detached but not evil... Also where do you infer he wanted to create an undead army, and even if he did wish to capitalize on creating controllable corpses, what government agency or military wouldnt wish to utilize that...he didnt wish to create an undead army as much as he wished to simply understand all there is to know abou this miraculously versatile compound 115 and its implications on corpses, weapons, and everything else it interacts with, he was doing his studies because he LOVED science and all that entails, and was hired by nazis, this doesn't mean he was a nazi or that he wasn't, that is unknown...but regardless what he has done doesn't necessarily make him evil just immensley detached and immoral...
  18. Also in the end regarding a choice that must be made, I honestly believe that the ending cinematic (if there is one) to the last zombies dlc will take into account both sides somehow... Richtofen says "MEND THE RIFT", if you notice you first arrive in the cinematic to die rise, but inevitably die, then you "arrive" again, and Stuglinger has Dejavu...Every character on tranzit has dejavu around the vault, and accounts of having "been here before...?" to some extent: What I believe is occurring is that they did in fact visit these places in a different dimension, a rift if you will as a result of time travel, and that there are billions of outcomes, and that by the end of the dlc both richtofen and maxis will have been helped in one of these vast and endless parallel dimensions which will create an immense and climactic end...to Black Ops 2 zombies...but not Cod zombies whatsoever as theres obviously going to be a Black Ops 3...that just me though...and sorry for posting here if this was seemingly a response that should be posted elsewhere...
  19. Dont know if callously bashing or arbitraily cursing towards Maxis is necessary...regardless...I'd have to side with Maxis...and dont jump to simple conclusions... I loved richtofen(odd to say I loved a nazi :? ) and he made me laugh my tail off becoming my favorite character to play as, but still he's a narcissistic, manipulative, backstabbing, leave you and your daughter to die, F*** everyone its about my tail, psychotic... Those saying richtofen might not be that bad and that his end result may be "pure" or simply interesting...he wants to use us, then abandon us to the zombies after he's attained full control...HOW THE HECK is that considered possibly remotley a desirable end, or even exciting, all he wishes to do is ascertain full control, which may be interesting but most likely would simply need us helping him then him off-ing us, AND as far as his plan being difficult to conjure as to what he may be trying to do...HE SAID IT IN DIE RISE after Samuel Stuhlinger(sorry if the name is mis-spelled)turns on power, he states that all matter has energy and that right now his power is limited: This is a true fact...all matter gives off a degree of energy, off-topic there is in development a battery thats self-sustaining as it feeds off of the natural ambient energy around it from the surrounding matter being even humans as we give off a miniscule but nonetheless an amount of energy, and with the world being corrupted and near dead the energy is in fact "limited" (Maxis' reason for having nuked the earth, not to desolate the planet for fun, but rather to limit the amount of natural energy in which to utilize) look at it from a dragon ball z perspective if it'll be easier: Goku makes a spirit ball via living energy from people, plants, anything and everything, but with a dying planet i.e. the current state of earth in zombies with little to no "living" beings and essentially no life and very little habitation to harness energy...Goku is unable to harness this energy (regarded as ki by japanese, chi by koreans, and simple energy by americans) and cannot make a spirit ball: or in other words richtofen cannot harness natural energy in order to somehow manipulate the element 115 within the zombies... He says it is difficult to control the zombies, I believe the element 115, that has bonded with the dna of humans making zombies, is in and of itself a harmless element that is controlled in the aether via "natural energy" which maxis has destroyed via nukes... now how he wants to achieve his goal may be a mystery, but what his goal is is obvious... Those that say Maxis is evil...he asked his daughter to kill himself and everyone else when they came across her in the pyramid on moon, pretty self-less to me, and he didnt nuke the earth for fun, he did so to prevent richtofen from having full control over the zombies...obviously it was a diffficult and to some degree horrid decision that could be misconstrued as evil, but it in essence, I believe, is good: Think of it like this, you have the option to either kill 6,973,291,433(200,000 short of the whole world population) people with a possibility that the human race will in the end prosper, or do nothing and everyone on earth dies... What choice do you make, what choice do you have Maxis was a nazi, or a scientist hired by nazis, but nonetheless he was simply someone so absorbed by science that he can look at people as numbers, being able to conduct horrendous experiments for the sake of science(not agreeing that that's okay whatsoever just statieng), but still in the end he doesnt wish to kill all of the human race or enslave them, but to simply stop Richtofen from controlling the world and condeming it, what can be worse than that... Maxis is in my opinion good, to an extent, and wishes to help the earth, not condemn it which is Richtofens obvious goal... I apologize for the extent of this text, and also apologize as I realize most are just stating what they think would be fun and picking the popular individual i.e. richtofen as this is simply a fun question of who to help and not what you would actually do... I just look at things through how i would in real life as I love role-playing and immersion and therefore am stating what I would "actually" do... Also HUGE thanks to MurderMachineX as his thread on the history of zombies is what I used to note the history of maxis above, its an amazing thread and was immensly fun to read...
  20. Yeah I suppose in that regard I should be happy about a knife as that means I have yet to reach my full potential and still have room to grow...which I can agree with to an extent... The ranks are definitley as you said "relative" to the individual with no gold standard but rather simply the bar that one sets for themselves... explains why some get knives at 60-70 (i.e. they have a low bar to leap) whereas some get theres at 150( meaning their average has given them a higher obstacle to overcome)... The way I see it the ranks are as follows 1 Bone (0%)- Youve just begun your journey 2 Bones (15%)- Youve begun to show you have some understanding Skull (50%)- Your at half of your full potential wherever that may be and have much room to grow Skull with knife (80%)- Youve shown that you excel in most areas and continue to excel the bar you set for yourself Skull with shotguns (99.99999%)- Youve exceeded above and beyond "your" skill measure and have achieved your true potential...but everyone has a thing or to to learn... The percentages being there rather than k/d as everyone sets a different skill level for themselves to hurdle...reason why the k/d does not insta-buff you to the next level Also Jimmy Z recently tweeted "Roses are red, violets are blue...Leaderboards"...perhaps affirmation that on average beating our own scores is how to level up...one doesnt have to have the last game be amazing to level up (as in I play 1000 k/d games, then have a 250 k/d game but level up because thats when the "grading period" ended) but simply a set of "good" games relative to their stats within a certain grading period in order to rank up, or potentially rank down if the games are all poor... jimmy zielinski:‏ The rank "system" is not a bread crumb path, there is no end or goal, rather it is how good you are right now. Showing that there is in fact some form of periodic grading that can buff or debuff you...how many games that grading period contains or time needed to pass is unknown...
  21. I have no dagum idea, but it bugs the fook out of me...honestly it feels as though they were trying to nerf it(which is ridiculous considering its the weakest gun in the box, literally, its not even stronger than the starting pistol if barely) until my friend used it and got 420...whenever I use it on solo it only gives me 210...If it is a bug I really wish they would fix it as I used to love it for a points gun if it came up...but now it doesnt do squat...at least I dont let it because I'm upset about the glitch/troll/whatever the frik...
  22. Unfortunatley I'm honestly not surprised about the improvment factor, and it is definitley true that a relativley bad player has a more efficient chance at getting shotguns then a good player...which makes no dagum sense... There was a kid with a 28 k/d...started doing easy custom town games getting a k/d of appromimatley 180-250 every game and recieved shotguns...so apparently someones whos terrible and does decent is more efficient at zombies then someone who does amazing and then does slightly better...terrible implementation of ranking... I having player 3 days IN A ROW, playing 5-8 games a day with 1000-1 k/d didnt rank up because it wasn't a large enough margin of improvment... I def feel as though the improvement factor is held higher than the consistency factor...but regardless looks like Imma have a harda** time trying to achieve shotguns but will attempt...again...there should be a standard of improvement not a relative measure...because then the ranks are in and of itself relative...people with shotguns are great compared to "their" stats but not the entire population of slayers out there...thats a defintive LACK of a true rank...but unfortunatley that seems to be what it is... Thank you for posting your information, unfortunbatley stat reset is near impossible (as of right now i believe) as they've patched all the means to do so...and I'm not starting a new account...so looks like I may be stuck with knife for a good while... I've taken a break from playing for a good bit...(4 days hahaha i love zombies too much, if thats possible) so imma jump in guns blazing and try to set a relative bar for myself...think Imma get to 38...then continue to go up 1 round for each next game and hopefully rank up... my method will be essentially: 38-suicide 39-suicide 40-suicide XX-suicide ect. ect...will Post results
  23. Yeah...I dont jump at the ledge and have still gone down...but good job reading all previous posts...it is a bug...
  24. Holy dag...wonder if he put that in relation to something I recently tweeted to him(may have sent a series of rather, extensive tweets) Regardless this is momentous (as far as confirmation as people have thought this for some time...) enormously great news...this goes to show that resetting accounts is mute...and that overall stats are in fact disregarded in the result of your final rank... Rather your immediate previous games, the kills/revives/downs and other stats associated with that game are the resulting factor of how one ranks up... Bout to stop playing for a week (itll be difficult believe me) so that I'll have a fresh, "persistent" slate and will try to maintain only round 35+ games...with as little downs as humanly, and then some, possible...will post results... THANK YOU SINCERELY for posting this series of tweets... :D
  25. True that, weapons that have some sort of back story to me have so much more...depth... as if it holds some weight that allows it to feel as personal of an entity and ally as fellow players themselves...it just makes them "last" i suppose rather than feeling discardable...while the jet gun and sliquifier were supposed wonder weapons they do feel more so like make shift guns...but the sliquifier def harnesses some liquid that has had questionable influence and design...
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