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Everything posted by redbluesky

  1. I love Grief mode. Lots of potential. Please, Treyarch, allow more than two teams provided each team has atleast 2 players. Could you imagine 2 players versus 6? or 3 versus 5? Talk about awesome. I can't wait to see ways to grief an enemy.
  2. "Grief the glitchers...!" I love it. The custom game modes sounds amazing. Griefing sounds amazing. Tranzit looks amazing. Being on a bus surrounded by zombies. I can see being so overrun in an area you move on to the next where it levels up and gets harder and harder. This could make for some interesting decisions. I wonder if you protect or save civillians at all in tranzit. I'm curious how the leader boards play into customer matches. I watched the trailer first and was disappointed. However, when I read an article and watched it again I was pumped. Please, Treyarch, have solo leaderboards. I'm so glad I took the 11th off.
  3. I think it might work that the less players you have maybe you work a smaller section of the map.
  4. W/o taking story into acct, id much rather have samantha replace takeo. Though i love takeo. Howabout 5 randomnly generating characters for up to 4 players.
  5. Oh and when you pack it, each shot teleports you to the next level.
  6. I agree with the previous post that while some of these suggestion are interesting in the end they will make the game too easy. So with that in mind, Howabout a new wall gun called "the da vinci." It costs $500 and randomly fires one of three things: a kaboom powerup, max ammo powerup or live chickens. That would be awesome. :)
  7. For solo, id love to play at different difficulty levels such as the equivalent if 1, 2, 3 or 4 person zonbies. This could play into solo ranking board. Also an overall ranking based on average lvls on maps with difficulty of levels factored in.
  8. I just played Nacht der toten and it appears that mule kick is gone.
  9. I dont play regular call of duty, only zombies and ive always wondered if the next cod game was all zombies if that would alienate a lot of hardcore cod players?
  10. Id love a map which randomly generates how its laid out. Im sur a lot of planning goes into layouts but a map that is different every game would be interesting.
  11. Much like how zombies drop powerups i.e. instakill, max ammo or kaboom, maybe zombies could pick up zombie powerups to temporarily help them. No ammo - players are cleaned out of ammo. Speed burst - zombies run faster. Double zombies - not sure how this would work with lag but the ammount of zombies on screen would double. Invincible - unkillable zombies. No perks - you lose all your perks temporarily. Not sure how it would work. Maybe if i a player goes down and is not revived he drops one. There could be some strategy to get the powerup or cover the powerup befor the zombies get it.
  12. I want basic improvements: Better matchmaking. Ability to invite a player to a game in progress. Clans. Solo ranking boards. Games hosted on a server not by hosts. I would be willing to pay extra for this. Ability to drop perks without having to die. Leaderboards where glitched games are not included.
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