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Der atzi

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Everything posted by Der atzi

  1. Devil+succeeding= no that's a bit too doomish for me... I've had nightmares of the devil destroying the world sence... Now that I think about it when I was like seven... Creepy... But no that is NOT how the world will end... Aliens destroy the earth: I can metaphorically live with that.... Demons roam the earth... That's fine..... Devil destroy the earth: no, I just don't see it...
  2. You have taken every last thing that would make zombies terrible and crammed it into one post.... This is awful, and that's that, aND IM NOT GOING TO FIGHT aNYONE ABOUT THIS!!! IT'S FINAL!!!
  3. Yeah... And if a person leaves another person or Spector will take their place...
  4. That's the wave gun.... But better....slightly... Look until the LAST zombie map EVER! We will likely only see the wunder waffe as the result of an ee like cotd
  5. Ok the ww dg-3 jz can only be in der reise and possibly the last map trayarch will ever make...... That's what makes der reise special! It was the first "last" game, it has sentimental value, Mabie another ww like eh... Blistic disk, it's like holistic knifes but they are sometimes explosive and are much wider....
  6. You'd need to kill them with explosions and they hurt and teleport you, but don't take your perk, because later on there could be a secret room you can only access by using a mummy zombie....
  7. Who's stoping them? Mabie you could, and Mabie, idk of this is possible or not, add the ees from earlier to the maps? You'd be a legend....
  8. That's great! Do it in egypt and Mabie the zombie boss can be zombie mummy
  9. "Shudder" Step 5 stays the same, but the way you have to press them changes based on the number of players in the game, so you could also do it solo Perfect! Wunderbar!
  10. Shudder... Let me be monkey.... Why would you hurt mr monkey, mr monkey only wanted to PLAY!....
  11. Ok great! But those buttons from the monkey round still haunt me....
  12. No... Yours should come before mine! But don't use the Harrp just yet... Nikolai knows about it for some mysterious reason.... And dont fix the atmosphere just yet... Oh and my review: 1 wwwaaaayyyy too much pap equipment, it's hard enough to get the objects out of the box let alone pap them.... 2 to little time to hack all of the switchs, four min sounds more likely considering one one person is soposed to get the hacker... 3 if a map has a mini ee like cryogenic slumber party, it should be able to be done in solo.... 4 for the love of god! No! No special round buttons like in accession! I hated that! 5samantha shouldn't have to pick up the stone IF! It's solo... 6 is there some way of finding out what order to push the buttons and set the dials? 7 this seems a bit too complicated, unless you can buy the dh2 or the raygun from the wall, that will help... And 8 this looks as if you took all the chalenges and even some of the events from past ee and crammed them all together.... Getting the sphere with the pap monkey bomb:moon excavater tunnel six, buttons in order, shangri la... Hacking terminals,moon... Rockets firing at the moon,moon... And the dials from call of the dead.... This looks like a great idea, just the way of going about it needs to be tweaked a tad....good job!
  13. Imagine the amount of up close accidental deaths....
  14. I expected the earth or something to blow up when I saw the submerged missiles in the valley on moon, but you have me there, still, let peoples imaginations run wild, let them think what they want to.... That's how we get great ideas....
  15. I agree, but perhaps in the future a trayarch zombie writer may be fresh out of ideas and come looking here! Besides it might be possible, trayarch was looking to hire new writers earlier this year... Could mean they know everything about zombies beginning and end, but are still looking for a few pieces to fit the final puzzle....that they could find here!
  16. They did that it's called a Q.E.D. On moon, it's a grenade but it works like that, Mabie a qed grenade launcher..... Hahahha
  17. Tell you what: if trayarch DOES on some whim do this, I'll give you about two months before you realize how bad an idea is!
  18. Because its stupid! I don't want to deal with trying to level up over advanced periods of time, zombies will become way too multi-player-esque and it will become even MORE slow and choppy, zombies should always be play until you get the easter egg or another acheivement, Nobody wants to deal with presetiging and getting better weapons then the class below you, that's why my town stopped playing multiplayer! Look my point is its too complicated and requires so much more effort, connection, and customer's time to deal with! Keep multiplayer multiplayer and keep zombies zombies, so many people will look at perfection and search for improvement and ruin their perfect creation, this is one of those times
  19. I liked it until I noticed 3 things 1 this map is bacicly a mixture of old maps put together, 2 the hacker can't be brought back to every map willy-nilly, it's like the gersh devise, only put it in the map if it's supper important, like moon or der reise, and 3 it is WAY too easy to activate the pap room, it shouldnt be open permanently once you've activated the teleporters. But aside from that this is pretty good...
  20. AegisKnight already has all the best strategies for the Atlantis map They would first have to restore the earth, probably will use the Harrp, use the link in my sig. To read more...
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