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Doggy II

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Everything posted by Doggy II

  1. I was playing CoTD today with my friend and I had Jug, staminup and quick revive and I had the packapunched python and the rpk. Then I went to buy speed cola and suddenly I started to lag. When the lag stopped I only had my python and lost my rpk :x Then i tried to use the box and i wouldn't let me. Then I used the zipline and when i was on the ground my cobra was as if it was still in the zipline. This really sucks, Treyarch please fix this. kthxbai
  2. Ok, first of all do not play on this map on solo because it is imposible to get to a high round. Second, here is my stratey in which me and three other people got to round 24: When you start don't buy any guns until round 5. At round 5 you open the door and buy the mpl and hold them on for 3 rounds. Then someone open the elevator, go downstairs, buy an mp5k of the wall each and each grabs one windows . When its like round 13, everyone should have more than 4000 points. At the end of round 13, make a crawler, open the stairs, open the elevator and go down, turn on the power, whore the box until everyone has a good gun, then open the packapunch room and hold the zobies from there like this: two people grab the windows and the other to grab the front. NOtethat everyone needs to have mics and must not be little kids who do whatever thay want or jerks who think they are the best zombie players and try to kill everyone until they get downed in the must stupid place on the map in which you take a lot getting there and if you don't revive them they quit the game(i know this by experience). If you follow this strategy I guarantee you that you will get far. We got to 24 because I had to go to my swim practice and they were getting bored so we let the zombies get in the packapunch room and we fought them like heroes. It was epic kthxbai
  3. For me, AK-47 on zombies or gtfo. kthxbai
  4. In call of the dead, Ak-74fu2 and m72 anarchy. You must have PHD flopper, Juggernog, speed cola and quick revive. kthxbai
  5. Well then they should take out some retarded guns like the Spectre and the MP5k. I mean seriously why even bother putting those guns in the game if when you PaPunch them they still suck. I think they should remove guns like the Spectre, Mp5k, China Lake, and the Dragunov and replace them with the Ak-47, m60, kiparis and stoner. kthxbai
  6. Yesterday I decided to play World at War multiplayer. When I entered a lobby I suddenly got killed by a dog. Then I keep playing and the dogs dont go, they just keep coming. Then I look at the window and I see everyone flying through the air, so I left the game. Then all the games I kept joining were hacked. I am sad because World at War was the first Call of Duty I bought and I just loved its multiplayer and zombies, but now that Black Ops is out Treyarch has forgotten about WaW and don't do anything to the hackers on the game. I are dissapoint. kthxbai
  7. Why does everybody keeps asking if im a dog or not. Yes i am a dog, don't know how i can talk or type in the computer or even play xbox but i am a dog. Did that answer your question? Regards Cachorro
  8. HOW DARE YOU CALL THE MP5 RETARDED IT BETTER THAN THE AK-47 BY A LONG SHOT!!!!! RRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you know if its better if the Ak-47 isn't in the game son. Regards Cachorro
  9. Why didn't Treyarch put the Ak-47 in CoTD. Why make a poster showing it and and then not put it in the map. They just love to put retarded guns like the MPL, MP5K, Spectre and the PM63 but they don't put the Ak-47. If they are going to put those retarded guns at least make them good instead of making them shoot foam balls. BTW I haven't played CoTD but what i have seen of gameplay it looks beast. But they should put the Ak-47, thats my only complaint. Regards Cachorro
  10. I are Dissapoint Regards Cachorro
  11. What is a true gamer to you, people who play the entire day? Anyway if you buy a game you can play anyway you want. You can either rush, camp or go to the objective but there isn't any rule that tells you how you can enjoy your game Regards Cachorro
  12. if its some little kid or jerk just mute them so you don't have to deal with them and yes sometimes Black Ops can get a little boring and you have all the rights to play another game. And thanks for the brains nicolas. Regards Cachorro
  13. Everybody was so pumped when Black Ops was announced because they were so tired of playing Mw2 because of all its boosters and hackers and bullsh*ts. When Black Ops comes out everybody was so happy and even made videos thanking Treyarch for releasing the game. One month later everybody hates the game because it has Ghost and campers and are going back to Mw2, the game they all hated. Listen people, in every game there are campers because its just a way to play the game. If you don't like camping or campers, then leave the game and join another one instead of starting threads of why the multiplayer sucks and that Treyarch is a bad game maker. Stop complaining. Camping is not a cheat or hack, is just a strategy to play, even though it is cheap. In most of the cases people who camp are people who just can't rush in a game without getting killed a lot of times. My message to all of you is please stop looking at a Black Ops for its flaws instead of enjoying its good things. This will benefit all of you and will let you enjoy more your online gameplay. Regards Cachorro
  14. I have to say Polonsky/Roebuck in WaW because after being the whole campaign with one of them, it sure made me sad that they died right before it was all over Regards Cachorro
  15. Dude I just lol at your responses because they seem that you really didn't put any real thought into it. First you say Mw2 should have zombies because it sucks, then you say you hate it and then you say the only thing you like is the multiplayer. If you don't like the game at all, why even play it or start a new topic about it. But seriously thanks for making me laugh at your comments. Regards Cachorro
  16. Can you guys please tell me who said there had to be a female character because I think i'm really lost on this character thing reading what you guys post. Regards Cachorro
  17. ROFLMFAO man you are funny as hell. Thanks for making my day.
  18. I've been thinking about these new characters and I think that they must be from the campaign because seriously there aren't any other type of characters they can actually involve in the story. If they are from the campaign, they must be: 1. Frank Woods 2. Reznov 3. Kravchenko 4. Mason Woods and Kravchenko because nobody knows if they are really dead and fit perfectly in the story, Reznov because he is very involved in nova 6 and maybe Mason but im not really sure about him. What do you guys think? Regards Cachorro
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