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Everything posted by RedDeadRiot

  1. Whatever you listen to, wouldn't be around without The Beatles. They made music what it is today.
  2. The first zombie map came with the game, and i'm not doing the math for that, assume that one's free. You guys aren't getting it. Why would they be talking about how much something costs for WaW, when we're talking about something in Black Ops? EDIT: Retail price NOW for the three DLC zombie maps would cost you about 6.10 with the Bundle that they have for the map packs. And assuming that NDU is the same price (which it isn't) STILL only add's up to $8.33.
  3. Technically speaking, to get all of the Map packs they cost Thirty dollars, and seeming as how there was three maps per map pack PLUS the zombie maps, that would make the zombie maps roughly $7.50 for all three. And no, it says that the Updated zombie maps are a 15 dollar value.
  4. In this picture from the Gamestop pamphlet - It says "Four exclusive zombie maps from World At War updated for the Black Ops engine ($15 value) It would only be logical that Treyarch would also release the maps as DLC aside from getting them in the Prestige/hardened editions. What i'm worried about is the 15 dollar value. Do you think this is a sign that Activision is going to continue to release CoD DLC at 15 dollars a pop(or 1200 MSP)?
  5. yayyyyyyyy! I was scared i was gunna have to find a new forum Congrats to CoDz!
  6. no infinity ward did less to the community they just added alot of stupid ideas like akimbo How did they listen to the community again? Commando, OMA, Marathon... We asked for new ways to use guns, we got akimbo. We ASKED for more perks, we ASKED to change Extreme conditioning. All of the perks they added are FINE. Just abused, with some tweaks they'd be better. OMA is a good idea, and when it's used without toobs the way it was intended it's a good perk, I've gotten three nukes OMA sniping. If commando had a shorter distance, it'd be better, and honestly? Nothing wrong with marathon? when it's Marathon Lightweight Commando yeah, but by itself, its good. The reality of it all is, every game is going to have problems, communitys are so diverse in what they wanna see. I will personally guarantee you that there will be a gun everybody Says is Overpowered, but they'll still use it. I guarantee you there will be a Killstreak that everyone says is lame or too powerful or lasts too long. Dev's can't make everybody happy, but they TRY. If you step back and look at MW2's core, it's a good game, problems yes, but i still enjoy playing it.
  7. Elanor Rigsby is most deff the worls best Zombie Slaughter song. Just sayin....
  8. I'm hoping any blot actions we can run without a scope PLAYDATE
  9. No flame thrower, Napalm/Dragons Breath/M202A1 Flash Rocket launcher all replaced the flame thrower in the mid 50's
  10. IW doesn't set prices, Activision does. And chances are Black Ops Map packs are gunna be 15 a pop too so if you're gunna hate one hate both. The gamestop Pre-order thing said Retail Price on the zombie maps was $15.
  11. I think they'll rebuild though, you have to remember we're dealing with a Billion dollar Developer. You REALLY Think Activision would give up on that? They sold 20 million DLC for crying out loud. They'll be back. And with a new engine, a lot of people would buy it. If they fixed the stuff they messed up, I'd be more than happy to buy MW3. I LOVE CoD 4 and CoD 2 is a blast. IW Is a good Developer, they just fcked up. I love the story behind the Campaign too.
  12. Yeah but i'm saying it's not anything they can't get back.
  13. They only lost like 20 percent of the staff, and with that kind of money behind em they'll be back. Chances are they were working on a new engine before all the drama went down.
  14. This is for Xbox 360, please read OP before posting.
  15. @Alsom, you should talk to the PS3 Ambassdors to see if you guys could set something up?
  16. It was a rumor for a while Mikeh. And Sadly, Infinity Ward is no where near it's dying breath. They'll be around for a while i reckon.
  17. Yeah, I'm doing this not even to play Multiplayer, more like a Party or something, so we can talk about stuff, Guns, etc. BUT NO SPOILING obviously I'm gunna play the first three Campaign missions, then pwn some noobs, then get my Der Riese on (Pending on new zombies or not) Then Co-Op And yeah I'm hoping my line isn't too bad, i live in a fairly small town :p
  18. Alright, so In ANTICIPATION of Black Ops, and members on the sight being primarily the only people I know who will be attending Midnight releases, I would like to know who will be attending one and be needing people to play with? Just think it would be nice to have the names of everybody, because exploring a game with people is a lot more fun without, So post your GT and i'll make a list. Go ahead and add your Time zone too List of members attending Midnight Releases: (Forum username/Gamer Tag/Time Zone) evoL Shady/GT: Sendaton/Pacific Igetmyspason/GT: Rgs Bloodhound/Pacific antvic/GT: Antvic/Eastern
  19. I caught Salmanella from creating a facebook account. I got a trophy for it. It's small though :(
  20. Depends on how the First one turns out :D
  21. All the guns/attatchments/customizations are done, i guarentee you. Maybe they'll add camos. But that's about it.
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