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    What We Know About Operation Apocalypse Z

    Treyarch has revealed the name of the next Operation coming July 9th, 2019 on PS4: Operation Apocalypse Z


    Operation Apocalypse Z will be a Zombies-themed operation with new content coming to Zombies, Blackout, and Multiplayer. This includes the release of the new Zombies experience Alpha Omega, the second-to-last installment in the Aether Storyline. Let's break down what we know so far about what is coming to each respective mode.




    - This Operation will see the release of Alpha Omega, a new spin on the classic Nuketown map and the penultimate map in the Aether Storyline. Yesterday Treyarch released a mosaic poster for Alpha Omega; Pictured on the poster are Primis, Ultimis, as well as a zombie face in the center of a mushroom cloud. It is unknown which of the two groups will be playable, or if even both will be.


    Treyarch also released the Aether Returns video for Alpha Omega, which may potentially be the intro cutscene. It depicts many key moments in the Aether Storyline with a narration by Nikolai hinting at what is to come.



     Treyarch also tweeted blueprints for a new weapon meant to be appearing in Alpha Omega. It seems to be a new version of the Ray Gun Mk II, originally from Black Ops 2, with four different elemental modes to be used.



    - Due to leaks by Joshwoocool on Twitter, we also know a new perk is coming to Zombies called Bloodwolf Bite. It is unknown what effects it will have.


    - On Monday at 11AM PT, Treyarch will be hosting a livestream to reveal some of the new content coming in this Operation, including a gameplay reveal of Alpha Omega, and there is mention of a very special guest coming. This guest (or guests) may be members of Avenged Sevenfold, and we may be seeing a new song released with the map, or in a future map. 




    - The Blackout map will be receiving an update, most likely with the addition of a classic zombies map drop location.


    - Alcatraz will return, as well as a "dark new twist" coming to Alcatraz during the Operation


    - Splitscreen co-op will return as well on July 9th. This feature was removed recently for unknown reasons.


    - We can also gather from the initial teaser gif from Treyarch's Twitter that Russman will be arriving as a playable character sometime in the operation. From voice lines in the files for Misty, we can gather the rest of Victis should be arriving at some point as well. We also see two characters riding a motorcycle with a sidecar which will most likely appear in the Blackout map update.




    - The new Operation will see the release of new maps with the Black Ops Pass, and there will be walkthroughs coming on the Monday livestream. it is speculated that there will be two, and both will be themed after Zombies. This is based on two tweets from Treyarch with mysterious gifs from two unknown locations that contain Zombies assets. Treyarch has similarly hinted at Multiplayer maps in this manner in the past.


    The first gif has coordinates which point to Austria, meaning this map may be themed similarly to Der Eisendrache, though they are not exactly at its real-world location. The second shows both assets from the Aether and Chaos storylines, and with the description "Exit through the gift shop", we can gather the map may be some sort of Zombies-themed museum.




    - The livestream will also feature gameplay for a brand new mode.


    Data-mined Leaks have also been revealed *Spoilers*


    - Data-mined leaks have also revealed three new ranged weapons will be added in the operation, and two new melee weapons. The ranged weapons are the M16 from Black Ops, the Argus Shotgun from Black Ops 3, and a crossbow called the Reaver C86. The two melee weapons are the Full Stop (a Stop Sign) and the Backhander (a Zombie arm).


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