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Everything posted by pughy60

  1. can view a translated copy of the web page here: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... n%26sa%3DG
  2. I miss my zombie-fests, i used to hav a whale of a time, wasnt a huge fan of verrukt but i didnt play it tht much. pretty much started the fest on Shi No Numa and tht was wat got me hooked. guna invest in a copy of WaW in a week or so, so the zombies better beware Wud love to hook up wiv some of you guys frm the forums but cnt till i invest in the game and map-packs :(
  3. instead of 'quoting' your friend, wouldn't it be an idea to play the game and get some proof (if they do reference chernobyl) then we may start taking you more seriously....
  4. just a random thought but could fentna be a mole planted over a few forums but using different usernames to try and work out who is leaking info, as i seem to recall was mentioned in a GKNova document (possibly on a USB flash-drive) that they were only releasing little bits of info to try and work out where the leak of the major info was coming frm?????
  5. I gota agree with you there chelsea but im not sure if any person could have such an imagination to come up with the intel that fentna has. there has to be some grounds to the intel...
  6. Great find KrustY, no offence to the germans but being english there will always be that dislike of the nature in which they conducted themselves in the last 100 years or so.... Alphasnake makes a good point about the black sun and only when looking for the GKNova logo did i see it, but the if a person gets obsessed (maybe too strong a word) over a certain point or topic then their brain may trick them into seeing the thing they are so transfixed on... If any of u dont agree then i welcome your comments...
  7. they may have bin posted from different time zones and that may account for the time delay in the posts. that is the only explanation i can think of atm, or i could be completely wrong and they have set it up to create confusion for the eagle-eyed readers out there
  8. decided against for now??? so whatever was discussed could still be featured in the game? Sounds to me like that could be a lead up the garden path as it were, however could be worth some investigation by the veterans of the forum as they have done so well so far with the intel they have uncovered. major respect to the vets :D
  9. it does indeed seem strange that he would change his avatar picture, im nt sure wether to believe what he says... but if it turns out tht his friend works for treyarch and his intel is confirmed then he will earn my respect along with im sure many other users of this awesome site Any info tht could be provided as stated before like new levels would disprove any doubt tht has been planted from fentna's multiple posts of the same info
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if treyarch were to put freckles on a character as no other game has tried it lol, but that could just be for the advertising pics to create speculation. on pic 4 it could be dirt from sneakin around but we will have to wait and see what they decide to run with
  11. Cant wait to get my hands on an AK if the attention to detail is as great as the pictures suggest, i love the stealth mission idea as i would love to sneak up on sum1 with a shotgun or rifle and just ping them with a headshot.... i really cant wait till november but guess theres nothing to do but wait... great pics and hope they are close to actual gameplay
  12. got the link for this site from my mate Robash420, just wanted to say thanks for the advice on the nuke booster hunting. ive viewed the forums for a while as a guest and thought it would be time to participate..... makin the most of the NBH clan tag and they were running scared so thanks for the insight to the most under-rated third perk that is sitrep. it worked incredibly well against sum boosters last night :twisted: and they soon left the game as 2 NBH were online and on the hunt.....
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