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MOTD/SOE/OS Connection [Thesis]

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The MOTD/SOE/Main story Connection [ Thesis ]


The companion Video for the Thesis. Has all the pics in a downloadable form. Look for them in the description.


Welcome back. Today I have a very special theory I came up with at work last Friday. It involves Mob of the Dead. Shadows of evil and how it would answer many questions we have about the zombies storyline if it can be confirmed. However the clue that made me actually want to dive deeper into the rabbit hole is one fact about Shadows of Evil. 1940’s. I’ve been discussing it with an old forum buddy known as Syphon. We’ve been swapping info and then we both came up with this theory together. There is also a video companion to this post so check It out when it comes out. Before we begin I would like to present  brand new chart. Now, you might need to Zoom in because it’s a big chart




Let us begin with Mob of the Dead. Mob of the Dead was it’s own story with nothing to do with the storyline. A mere story meant to show us of the cycle. Until recently I thought so too. Until we learned Shadows of Evil will have a connection to Mob of the Dead and our main storyline. So what is this connection? Well, Mob of the Dead takes place in this deranged world where red eyed zombies hunt down the mobsters in order to devour them for their sins. However before all this it is revealed that the mobsters died. This is not their world, at least not the world they knew.



It is my belief that this world they entered is a pocket universe created as a purgatory by the entity that controls the zombies in Mob of the Dead. The story takes place in the 1930’s. Now, why is this important? Well, because we know for a fact that Samantha has not taken control of the zombies yet. The MPD remains on the moon, undiscovered by mankind. This is the way the world works. “Your Sins work as an invitation” to this purgatory. Now, I theorize that the Gangsters were part of the Main storyline universe and when they died, they were sent to a pocket universe for purgatory.



The same thing happens to the Criminals from Shadows of Evil. They wake up in a city called Morgue City…”Morgue City” ( Implying these characters are dead already ) They were all sinners beyond salvation ( Or so we believe but there might be a weasel among them) and thus they have been brought to their own purgatory. Now, there is something different this time around. The event occurs in the 1940’s. What other event do you recall occurred in the 1940’s? Samatha Maxis accessed the MPD and took control of the zombies. Which is why the zombies in Shadows of Evil have Yellow Eyes. From this point on the Entity that controlled the MPD is no longer in charge of his purgatory. The entity has been expelled and this afterlife is now in the hands of a young girl who’s only has one purpose. “ Kill them all”. From there the link between purgatory/Afterlife is severed and the entity can no longer control this.





So how do we explain Zombies appearing before Samantha took control? Well there is yet another explanation as to how that happened. Zombies never appeared until AFTER the teleportation device began functioning. It is possible that when Richtofen touched the MPD it corrupted the control the entity had on the Afterlife resulting in Zombies beginning to appear on Earth. Shangri-la was full of life and was inhabbited by native tribes. Richtofen was a leader there for some time and he was seen as a God. However once richtofen returns suddenly group 935 starts doing experiments on something new. Zombies. By this point the world is already slowly being tipped off balance. With the 115 mines finally being excavated in the Himalayas workers began to die from radiation. So where do gary and brock fit into this? Well, in the 90’s, a future which would later be rewritten there were 2 explorers Gary and brock. We know this because the radios from Shangri-la are from the 90’s which they obviously carried and brought back in time with them which is why we find them in the 60’s. When they arrive in Shangri-la it is empty with no signs of zombies. However once they go back in time they end up in what I now believe is 1945 the night of the eclipse. There they encounter yellow eyed zombies which might actually be after the MPD gets contaminated but before Samantha gains control. Afterwards our original 4 arrive at Shangri-la in the 60’s and discover the radios. They travel backwards to the night of the eclipse and help Gary and Brock but that only leaves them trapped in an infinite cycle. Doomed to repeat the same events over and over again.



Now, I believe that Zombies are results from a combination of souls and 115. When a person dies they are normally supposed to go to this purgatory or another to another form of Afterlife. However in this case Purgatory and the Afterlife are cut off because of Samantha. From this point onwards when a person is killed they reanimate as zombies like the old saying goes. “When there is no room left in Hell, The dead will walk the Earth”. Zombies begin appearing around the world causing outbreaks before our characters even make it to the moon. This would actually explain why 115 reanimates the Dead. It doesn’t. 115 is known to be very radioactive in real life. However, in real life the element is too unstable to stay sustained. In the game though it CAN be sustained and the radiation could poison humans. When 115 Kills you your “soul” ( due to lack of better words) is trapped in the body with nowhere to go. We know for a fact that Zombies actually have their old selves trapped within their bodies. Their human selves. We can hear them in Die Rise begging for help and complaining about the pain they feel.




The fact that zombies started appearing much earlier actually answers another question that has long puzzled zombie theorists. If the explosion destroyed the earth in a matter seconds then why were the zombie attacks in the die rise T.V reports referred to as outbreak? Also how would the Military have enough time to set up an evac station? Or another question, where would they evacuate to if the world is completely destroyed? Well if the Zombies started earlier due to the afterlife being cut off then the governments would indeed have enough time to react and set up evacuation posts. Once the 115 rockets hit the earth the 115 is spread across the globe causing millions to die. When they die they are reanimated as zombies.



So what exactly happens when a Zombie dies? Well, perhaps the zombie doesn’t die but rather returns once more. In all maps we constantly fight similar looking zombies. Now, one can say that this is because zombie models are not very important and just there for gameplay purposes. However the Mystery Box cycles weapons from different eras. We once believed this was only due to gameplay purposes but in origins it is revealed that the box drags weapons from other time periods into the map. So an explanation as to why we always fight the same zombies over and over again could be because WE ARE fighting the same zombies over and over again. Once they die they can’t pass on yet so they just come back as zombies again. However there is also another explanation. Every single time we kill a zombie the life energy rises up to the Moon and gives more power tho whomever is currently in the MPD. Which would explain why zombies get stronger each round







So now, how do we explain Origins? Well, this part comes from Syphon. He thinks that the origins ending we see is what Samantha, Richtofen and all the MPD users see when they enter it. It is how their mind perceived the Power of the MPD. The MPD is so powerful that it cannot be fully comprehended by a human mind so their minds form the room which is their way of coping with where they are. It is a safe place and their view of the world is through toys. So what about the actual Origins Universe? Well, in my opinion the Origins Universe is a Temporary Dimensional pocket created just like the Alcatraz Pocket, and the Morgue City pocket. Samantha or Maxis create this pocket because the world needs heroes in order to stop the Purgatory/Afterlife realm from being jammed. She takes the 4 Characters which she based on the 4 original characters since they are what she perceived to be. Strong men capable of handling any situation. Thus she uses her power to insert her new heroes back before the MPD became occupied.



How does Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried fit into this? Aside from Richtofen and Maxis there is another entity that talks to Stuhlinger. At first it seems like the voice is just richtofen talking to stuhlinger and the distorted voice is just an effect. However there is something this voice tells Stuhlinger which does not seem to fit. He tells stuhlinger that if he does not mend the rift then he will tell the other 3 about the flesh he ate. Now, we know Richtofen can’t talk to just anyone. He can only talk to certain people. So how could he reveal Samuel’s secret? Because it was not Richtofen. This entity is the one that used to have control of his Purgatory/Afterlife. The Rift is the connection between the universe and his domain. The Rift was broken when humans interfered with it and because of the interference everything on Earth was caused. The time distortions are a result of the Ethereal energy from the MPD being misused. The entity wanted us to mend the rift because he wants control once more. He knows this is not the way it’s supposed to be. Once the Rift is mended everything can go back to the way it was before.



So now how do we explain the anomalies we find such as nova crawlers, screamers, fire zombies etc Well this next part might just blow your minds. The mutations are caused by Ethereal Contamination. Ethereal energy which I’ve told you can change the surface of the Earth also changes the appearance of other creatures to resemble the natural inhabitants of the Aether. We have evidence that this is occurring. Hellhounds resemble the Wall Dogs from Hellcatraz. Nova crawlers resemble the Demon from Shadows of Evil. Zombies themselves resemble Purgatory/ Afterlife Zombies. Which means we have another possibility as to what Zombies REALLY are. Either the are caused by the soul’s inability to leave the body or perhaps this Ethereal contamination is creating Zombies the same wat it created the other creatures


Now let’s consider that Purgatory is running on the same power as the Aether. We know that when the 4 characters die they are taken to a Purgatory world. In this world entire locations are manifested within. Hellcatraz and Morgue City are both products of the Aether however they also have some basis on reality. So if Etheral Contamination can manipulate life forms on earth then it is also possible that Etheral contamination could cause locations to manifest within our world. So my thesis provides another explanation for “Time pockets”.



Now let’s talk about purgatory and how the souls in purgatory share a similar trait with people in the normal world. In Die Rise we get a radio. All survivors being exposed by “Contaminants” Short term memory Loss, Psychosis and Paranoia. Traits also found in the Mob of the Dead characters who not only lost their memories, but sometimes become detached from reality and start reminiscing about the past suddenly and last but not least, Paranoia as they begin to distrust one another.



Beware the 6 Finally has meaning. With all this talk about an entity and something in the Afterlife connected to the MPD we must ask ourselves. What is the 6? The number of the Beast. However in our game the 6 looks a lot more cryptic. In fact it almost looks like another symbol and you won’t notice it until you actually take the time to look.







Whew. So what have we experimented on? The possibility that the events before purgatory all took place in the real world. The possibility that the MPD has the power to create locations as well as new locations. The possibility that the ethereal contamination is causing monstrosities to form in the normal timeline which are based on creatures that exist in the Aether. How Zombies might possibly work. How Origins fits in to everything as a Purgatory/ Aftelife Pocket universe and how the MPD has been formin locations on earth by accident which shouldn’t exist yet And much much more. With that I conclude my thesis.




Edited by Black Hand Smith
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This is really good, I knew I would understand you better if I read the post and I do. There are a few mistakes in the first few paragraphs like full stops where there should be a comma and pictures not working. Then in later ones, the one about Ethereal Contamination, there are a lot of spelling errors. 

Also one thing I wanted to point out was the rockets on Moon don't have 115 in them, it is never stated anywhere that they do and if the outbreaks already began then there is no need for them to have 115 either. You also established how 115 wasn't technically needed to create zombies. I remember talking to someone years ago and we settled on the fact that 115 was not the cause of the infection but it did help spread it, a conclusion I think you are close too as well. There are a lot of conclusions in it that I have came up with before but I thought were not worth discussing with other people for one reason or another, if you ever want to create another one of these for something do tell me because I think we are starting to see zombies in a similar way now.

The only thing I don't agree with is the Origins bit, I just think it is simply the start of the story and while I do agree with the ending part I do not agree with the map itself being not real or purgatory and the characters not existing because we know they do exist from their letters from the field and we know the characters have to get older and become their future selves unless time changes like in the Giant. So I would urge you to go over that because what you have the starting of in this thesis is a large detailed explanation to the zombies storyline.

I imagine that the Rift is a wound in time as well, maybe that wound effects why the entity cannot gain power on its own accord.

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This is really good, I knew I would understand you better if I read the post and I do. There are a few mistakes in the first few paragraphs like full stops where there should be a comma and pictures not working. Then in later ones, the one about Ethereal Contamination, there are a lot of spelling errors. 

Also one thing I wanted to point out was the rockets on Moon don't have 115 in them, it is never stated anywhere that they do and if the outbreaks already began then there is no need for them to have 115 either. You also established how 115 wasn't technically needed to create zombies. I remember talking to someone years ago and we settled on the fact that 115 was not the cause of the infection but it did help spread it, a conclusion I think you are close too as well. There are a lot of conclusions in it that I have came up with before but I thought were not worth discussing with other people for one reason or another, if you ever want to create another one of these for something do tell me because I think we are starting to see zombies in a similar way now.

The only thing I don't agree with is the Origins bit, I just think it is simply the start of the story and while I do agree with the ending part I do not agree with the map itself being not real or purgatory and the characters not existing because we know they do exist from their letters from the field and we know the characters have to get older and become their future selves unless time changes like in the Giant. So I would urge you to go over that because what you have the starting of in this thesis is a large detailed explanation to the zombies storyline.

I imagine that the Rift is a wound in time as well, maybe that wound effects why the entity cannot gain power on its own accord.

Gyazo the pictures not working? they deem to work for me but idk about everyone else want to make sure i can fix it

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Cant you just gyazo the images and then paste them onto the post? Also to add fuel to the Die Rise zombies, the One, Beauty of Annihilation and Carrion are from a zombies perspective and also show that their is a soul still there. I made a theory on the wisp a few months back about it being the souls of the N4 who died in a previous loop and have carried over to the next, both Maxis and Richtofen heavily hint at this.

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Cant you just gyazo the images and then paste them onto the post? Also to add fuel to the Die Rise zombies, the One, Beauty of Annihilation and Carrion are from a zombies perspective and also show that their is a soul still there. I made a theory on the wisp a few months back about it being the souls of the N4 who died in a previous loop and have carried over to the next, both Maxis and Richtofen heavily hint at this.

The images are too large to Gyazo and If I do manage to gyazo them when you zoom in the text is too blurred. Sorry :(

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As always, an in-depth theory is appreciated. Well done, and thank y'all for sharing.

I must differ on the Moon rockets idea, and therefore, the concept that 115 does not create zombies.

For one, it is expressly stated in the Der Riese Datenbediensteter server that 115 is the catalyst for the reanimation of dead cells and therefore, animation of zombies. 

Secondly, the Die Rise radios confirm that the contaminant is airborne, and since there is little to no 115 on the surface of Earth, this would lead one to conclude that either the rockets contained 115 or that it was released with the opening of the rift (which would make more sense than 3 rockets containing enough concentrated 115 to cause a global pandemic.)

This would explain the equipment we've seen for mining 115 and how, with the exception of the meteors, 115 is primarily obtained via mining, yet still only in minimal quantity.


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I believe some things about the story are misconstrued because of the poor storytelling. However, it doesn't make your thesis wrong or right. It just means we paid a lot of money for a poor rendition of Zombies. Anyways, one thing that has bothered me is the voice in Die Rise. Although it's possible to say that there is an extra unexplained entity that is now caught in the actions of lower lifeforms and is communicating with Samuel, it could be the slow lucid state brought on by the Flesh that Samuel has eaten. It's clear that eating the flesh allows one to hear the voices of the "Otherworld" but it also causes many things to happen. Such as the slow inevitable change into a Deadite. A soldier of the dead. It's possible to say that the extra voice is Stuh's slow Decent into madness and transformation. 

However, I love the idea of the Otherworld and our so-called reality mixing. So, if this voice WAS an extra unexplained entity, it can't possibly be the ruler of Otherworld and it can't possibly want things to go back. If this voice is from Otherworld and if it is in fact the ruler than that would paint the image of the Demi-urge. Meaning it wants more low vibrational events to happen, more bloodshed, more misery and unhappiness, more suffering. According to Mr. Icke's painting of what the Demi-urge is, this entity craves the misery and sorrow of the human race. It is the energy source that helps it to be powerful and strong. Manipulating reality based on the overall fear and sadness of said reality. An example of this is explained nicely in Monsters Inc. Monsters scare kids for energy and the kids live in fear. So long as fear is in the kids, the door remains open. Once the kid is old enough to understand fear, the door is destroyed. Is it possible that Richtofen, like attracting a Vampire, invited the Demi-urge through our Dimensional Door? I mean, the Origins doorways were literally doors. It's possible to say that the Demi-urge came from Otherworld to bring with it the misery and sorrow of Otherworld. However, this explanation does not include variables such as the theoretical beginning of our story nor does it include anything to back up the claim. This is more of an observation and a connection to Real Life. Y'know. That thing that also has a lot of unanswered questions? :3

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