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Mauer der Toten Season 4 Intel


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Requiem (21/21)

Audio Logs (5)

 (R) "Final Order" (Location: In the Secret Lab, across from the Essence Trap spawn. Found through the main quest.) - Kurtz speaks with Vogel regarding his last request.


Vogel: This is Ulrich Vogel, director of Projekt Endstation. 27th of January, 1945. 7:20 a.m.


Vogel: Task Force Baldr is in position, I am powering up the cyclotron, and we are about to embark on--


Kurtz: Dr. Vogel? I, ah -- sorry. I did not know you were recording.


Vogel: Why are you here, Dr. Kurtz? Did you not read my final orders?


Kurtz: Ja, herr doktor. That is what I wished to speak about. This last part, about your daughter...


Vogel: I know it is asking a lot, Kurtz. And I know you and I have not always seen eye to eye. But I trust no one more than you to look after Angelika when I am gone. If nothing else, you are... thorough.


Kurtz: I am... honored, sir. But this may not be necessary. I beg you, do not evacuate the facility before launching the operation. With the staff here, there is a chance we can stabilize the collider and safely--


Vogel: Kurtz. Stop. You showed me yourself how Operation Baldr will surely overload the power couplings. But calling it off would doom the Reich. This, my friend, is the only path forward.


Vogel: Take her. Teach her. Be there, both of you, when Operation Baldr bears fruit. Finish my work.


Vogel: Make sure the staff clears out. Get to safety. Live a long life and tell Angelika her father loved her. I will alert the task force when the breach is stable, and I will see them through alone. Understood?


Kurtz: *sigh* Jawohl, herr doktor. You... you will not be forgotten.


Vogel: If the Reich lives on, it will all be worth it.

 (R) "Who's Laughing Now?" (Location: On a table in the Safe House.) - CIA Agent Jack recounts the events that have transpired after the arrival of an unusual "guest" at a Berlin Safe House.


Agent Jack: Okay... This is a weird one. So weird, that for the benefit of the record I would like to make it 100% clear that my recent psychiatric evaluation cleared me for active duty in my current role -- AND any other duties the CIA deems necessary.


Agent Jack: So, with that said, let me lay it all out on the table.


Agent Jack: The robot -- the fucking robot -- the one we didn't even ask for is a stone cold lunatic. Wait, let me make it more clear... He's a psychotic murderer.


Agent Jack: Let me backtrack a little... We took delivery of the unit with little or not indication of its purpose. All we got was a note from some department called Requiem stating that he was being assigned to us.


Agent Jack: None of us knew what the fuck was going on, but we followed the directives, sat the thing down, and plugged the bastard into an outlet. Nothing. He didn't even start blinking or light up.


Agent Jack: Agent Bedard laughed the whole time, saying this was another bullshit waste of Government funding. He even drew a mustache on the Robot's face. We were all laughing about it when we went to bed.


Agent Jack: We weren't laughing the next morning.


Agent Jack: Bedard was dead. Strangled. No word from HQ on what to do, so we unplugged the damn thing and hoped that was the end of it. 


Agent Jack: It wasn't. Next morning Agent James was just as dead as Bedard.


Agent Jack: So I chained that bastard robot to his charging chair, and removed his damn hands. I just pray that's the end of it.

 (R) "A Handful" (Location: In Hotel Room 305 on the left.) - Agent Jack receives a hands-on demonstration of Klaus's abilities and temperament.


Klaus: Agent Jack... ?


Agent Jack: What the Fuck? Klaus...


Klaus: I was wondering if you could give me a hand... Well -- both hands. My hands.


Agent Jack: What the fuck are you doing Klaus? Agent Rico! The bastard's on the move again!


Klaus: Here they are. I won't ask why you took them away. I'm sure you had your reasons.


Klaus: Reattaching your hands -- when you have no hands -- is not exactly easy.


Agent Jack: RICO!!!


Agent Rico: Goddammit, Jack -- you pissed the bed again?


Agent Jack: That metal bastard's in my fucking room!


Klaus: Hello Agent Rico. Can I ask why you are carrying that baseball bat? Do you want to assist in the killing of Agent Jack?


Agent Jack: What the... fuck...?


Klaus: Honestly. I think I can do it myself.


Agent Rico: Son of a bitch!


Agent Rico: Get your hands off him!


Agent Rico: Let him go!


Agent Rico: Fuck...

 (R) "Bad Days" (Location: Across the room from Klaus in the Safe Room, must free Klaus first.) - CIA Agent Rico discusses his attempt to subdue Klaus and addresses the Safe House's growing bodycount.


Agent Rico: Damn... That was a night... And not a good one.


Agent Rico: Fuck. Three agents dead is as many days... Bedard... James... then Jack.


Agent Rico: FUCK.


Agent Rico: Jack was the worst. I saw it happen. I saw that soulless shiny bastard choke the life from him.


Agent Rico: I hit him with a baseball bat repeatedly, but he just wouldn't stop. He even kept going for a bit after the battery popped out of his stupid metal head.


Agent Rico: As I said -- FUCK.


Agent Rico: I dragged his metal ass back to the chair and chained him up again. Then I threw the battery as far into no man's land as I could. Which... was pretty far. Jack always said I was a better pitcher than a hitter.


Agent Rico: Aside from the agents the damn robot murdered, Agent Jones got himself wasted trying to deliver the nuke


Agent Rico: So... it's just me now. The rest of the Station staff are gone. For good.


Agent Rico: Guess it's all on me.


Agent Rico: Like I said already -- FUCK.

(R) "Lost in Transit" (Location: In Ghost Station against a pillar opposite Mule Kick.) - An injured soldier records a message discussing the missing Agent Rico.


Soldier: Look. I hope this gets to the right person, but I'm worried... In fact I'm scared as hell.


Soldier: I did not take possession of the package. Worse than that, I have no idea where it is.


Soldier: Rico was supposed to be in Car 5. Maybe he was. But he... it... never arrived.


Soldier: Right now, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know how we're going to seal the breach.


Soldier: Please advise.


Documents (10)

 (R) "CRBR-S Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Blueprint for the Conversion-Ready Binary Repeater - Standard. The schematic highlights the base weapon as well as the weapon's three mod kits.






Fully Automatic handgun fires lethal energy blast.

Copycat Companion Sphere provides synchronized support fire.

Supports three weapon modification kits, which provide alternate fire modes.


Approved by: [redacted]

Date: 01/11/85Call of Duty®_ Black Ops Cold War 2021-07-18 19-54-05.png

 (R) "Klaus Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Blueprint for Klaus, highlighting current performance improvements, as well as outstanding issues.






Version 1.853 Notes:

Latest version prototype has improved performance in several critical areas:

Dramatic improvement to marksmanship.

Hand-to-hand combat has seen some significant improvements.

Will now obey basic orders.

Durability and strength have seen improvements by 90%.

Core hardware less resistant to modifications and system updates.


Outstanding Issues

Highly irritable. Still lashes out violently if provoked - or when feeling self-conscious.

Prone to mood swings, resulting in increase of unsolicited opinions and complaints when bored.

Sometimes Klaus's train-of-thought verges on existential crisis. Advice: don't let Klaus be alone in his thoughts for too long!



Approved by: [redacted]

Date: 01/12/85


[Written across top: WHO SENT THIS TO US???]Call of Duty®_ Black Ops Cold War 2021-07-18 19-54-13.png

 (R) "Berlin Outbreak Report" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - A Requiem report to Weaver from Meyer, addressing the developing situation in Berlin.


February 1, 1985

MEMORANDUM FOR: Grigori Weaver

FROM: Heinrich Meyer

SUBJECT: Berlin Outbreak Zone


Sir, the situation here is rapidly deteriorating. Containment efforts are holding, mostly because the "Nazi nerve gas stockpile" cover story has kept the curious away. Given that we have unearthed many unexploded bombs over the years the story has a ring of truth to it. But the situation could easily spiral out of control if not resolved in the next few hours.


I assume you are aware of the orders I received from the Director, instructing me to facilitate the creation of what is referred to as an "inversion warhead." In fact, a Special Atomic Demolition Munition was brought to the CIA safehouse on the East German side of the Wall. I was in contact with the clandestine service officers posted there, but all communications were lost when the outbreak occurred.


I do not know what has become of those men or the experimental combat unit they had with them. And I am left with the cheerful thought that on top of an undead Nazi invasion, there may be an unsecured tactical nuclear device in play. In the only city on Earth where NATO and the USSR share joint custody.


In any case, the Inversion Warhead plan appears to have failed. Please advise on next steps. We are ready to help in any way we can.


Heinrich Meyer

 (R) "Rico's Note" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, inside the train.) - A final message from Agent Rico.


Whoever finds this - 


We were ambushed. One of the nuclear bastards. Killed my whole squad, took the damn uranium from our warhead.


You need to get it back. Also we need crystals from those creatures - you can't detonate a warhead without it. Need to stop this - whatever this is.


This fucking week. First the killer robot. Then the undead creatures. Now Central won't answer our comms. We're never getting out of here.


That damn message we intercepted.


I knew we never should have reported it.

 (R) "Subject: Strange Communique" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, at the Safe Room computer.) - Agent Rico sends an electronic message to Langley regarding an unusual communique his station received.


From: A. Rico

To: M. Tuesday

Date/Time: Jan 8 1985 10:43 PM

Subject: Strange Communique


M. Tuesday, 


We recovered a communique this evening at one of our dead drops. I don't believe it was meant for us. It's addressed to the "Office of Requiem" and details a Project Janus. One, I don't know what an "Office of Requiem" is. I checked the mainframe, but I don't have clearance. And this Project Janus? This can't be real, right? There's some pretty insane stuff in here.


You're our guy at HQ. Can you look into this? What should we do here?



 (R) "Subject: Urgent" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, at the Safe Room computer.) - Agent Rico sends a follow-up message, requesting immediate assistance.


From: A. Rico

To: M. Tuesday

Date/Time: Jan 28 1985 7:43 AM

Subject: URGENT


M. Tuesday,


Agent Bedard has been killed in - what I can only describe as - a horrific accident. Yesterday we received delivery of an oversized wooden crate. You know what was inside? A damn robot. I am not joking. It arrived with a note from the Office of Requiem, informing us that "Klaus" (yes, he has a name) had been assigned to us. We plugged it in, nothing happened. We just assumed it was some sort of prank.


When we woke up the next morning, we discovered Agent Bedard had been strangled in his sleep. Klaus was in his chair, acting as if nothing had happened, but CCTV cameras confirmed it was him.


He's unplugged now. I thought this Requiem thing was some sort of elaborate joke. What the hell is going on? Requesting immediate assisatance.



 (R) "J Cipher 2" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, at the Safe Room computer.) - Recovered electronic cipher. Decryption is required. (Solved by Richkiller)


Cipher text: 

79 77 49 96 35 47 26 53 36 69 106 36 69 63 58 56 53 38 58 76 67 55 36 54 23

62 50 97 86 59 68 24 47 52 56 47 68 106 35 57 25 34 36 75 66 70 76 77 89 45

47 52 56 47 68 79 47 58 36 46 24 43 78 69 67 48 75 34 46 22 43 66 70 88 56 67

37 34 35 62 37 56 99 68 66 25 34 24 72 50 67 77 36 69 44 55 34 42 50 68 65 36

85 43 48 55 43 70 56 98 36 97 23 36 24 42 37 67 99 36 55 37 67 45 42 69 59 99

68 58 26 47 24 43 48 70 95 36 97 36 34 55 43 49 68 85 48 76 24 47 25 62 50 97

106 46 88 23 38 33 55 37 98 78 68 56 23 47 33 63 70 80 89 59 69 37 36 35 55

69 59 67 45 68 43 68 55 75 50 57 99 59 79 37 44 23 84 36 58 108 48 56 37 45 23


Plain text: 

From Requiem to Klaus: Subject, complete your mission. You have your orders, the security of project Janus is your top priority. Contain this situation, find and destroy the intercepted communique, then tie up all loose ends. We cannot allow this get out.

 (R) "EE-1 Harvester Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Blueprint for Projekt Endstation's Exo-Element 1 Harvester Unit B, used in essence collection of a particular Dark Aether creature.


Marked: 15 November 1944




Exo-Element 1 Harvester Unit B absorbs essence energy from specimen [redacted].

Essence automatically absorbed upon specimen's death. Must be killed within range for absorption to occur.

Crystalline transformation begins once harvester essence collection is at maximum.

EE-1 Harvester B can only collect essence from specimen [redacted].

This particular essence is essential in creation of [redacted].


We've encountered difficulties in locating [redacted] for essence extraction. The Lure has been created to address this issue. When deployed, the device will summon [redacted] to your location.

Ensure you deploy in open area.


EE-1 Harvester B 723-1A

Dr. Lukas Kurtz

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 (R) "EE-1 Conversion Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Blueprint for Projekt Endstation's Exo-Element 1 Conversion Machine.



Deposit raw EE-1 essence crystals here.

Warning: only compatible essence is form specimen [redacted].

Raw Crystals will need to be refined to Flawless level.


Acquire specimen rich in Exo-Element 1. Their altered genetic structure contains an energy that can refine crystals.


EE-1 Conversion Machine 342-1D

Dr. Ulrich Vogel

16 November 1944

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 (R) "Vogel's Letter" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - A letter written by Vogel or a future Endstation agent, providing detailed instructions to complete Operation Baldr.


Loyalists of the New Reich:


If you are reading this, it means you have done as instructed and found the Projekt Endstation Berlin Lab.


The Day of our Victory is at hand. Our army, Task Force Baldr, awaits in the other dimension. It is up to you to free them from the darkness.


You must complete assembly of the atomic device. Collect and fuse the necessary Exo-Element 1 crystals. They will require refinement before the process is complete. For this, you will need a specimen rich in Exo-Element 1 - their altered genetic structure contains the necessary energy to refine the crystals. If you do not have a specimen, you must go to the Morasko facility and reactivate the portal.


Once the conversion process has been completed, Transport the device to the end of the tunnel, and detonate - the tunnel's structure will stabilize the breach, though it may still require monitoring.


There is the possibility that, when the gateway is opened, you will be pulled inside. If this happens, know that your sacrifice was not in vain. Our return to power is all but assured - we will ascend to the throne betrothed to us.


The dawn of the New Reich begins now.


--Dr. Ulrich Vogel

26 January 1945



Artifacts (6)

 (R) "Klaus's Hands" (Location: Acquired in Hotel Room 305 on the bed.) - The hands for the Requiem robot Klaus, recovered from a questionable situation.


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 (R) "CRBR-S" (Location: Acquired from the safe in Hotel Room 305.) - The base model for the Conversion-Ready Binary Repeater - Standard, including aerial "Copy-Cat" companion capable of matching weapon output with additional blast. Supports three weapon mod-kits, and customized with an artificial intelligence that supports three unique voices.


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 (R) "Warhead" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, inside the train.) - In the wrong hands, it could mean Berlin's ruin. In the right hands, it could be its salvation. Provided the missing uranium is recovered.


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 (R) "Rico's Keycard" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, inside the train.) - Agent Rico's ID Badge. Grants access to the CIA mainframe, though lacks certain clearances.


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 (R) "Hacking Helm" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, after acquiring three parts and applying them to Klaus.) - A device of Klaus's creation, capable of bypassing the CIA's access protocols.


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 (R) "Improvised Collider" (Location: Acquired in the main quest during the Uranium step.) - In the middle of an Outbreak Zone, it's the best and only hope at decontaminating the Megaton-corrupted uranium.


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Omega (16/16)

Audio Logs (3)

 (R) "A Decent Proposal" (Location: In Sewer Access, near the stairs leading to the Secret Lab.) - Captured by the Soviets, Kurtz makes a deal to save his life -- and that of Vogel's infant daughter.


Lazarev: This is Colonel Pavel Lazarev, interrogating prisoner Lukas Kurtz on second of February, 1945.


Lazarev: Dr. Kurtz, you worked at "Projekt Endstation." Why did you and so many others desert the facility?


Kurtz: We were ordered to evacuate. We did our duty to the Fatherland. And that is all you will get out of me.


Lazarev: I lost 14 men shutting down the mess you left behind, so I have very little patience for bravado or delays of any sort. You will talk.


Kurtz: Do what you want to me. I don't care any more.


Lazarev: Perhaps not, Dr. Kurtz. But if you do not immediately tell me where the rest of the Endstation staff went, I will have that little girl we found hiding with you shot.


Kurtz: No, wait! Angelika has done nothing! She only sought shelter from the fighting!


Lazarev: She matters to you, and for that she will die.


Kurtz: Kill her and you lose any leverage you have over me. But.... I am willing to strike a bargain if it will save her life.


Lazarev: Go on...


Kurtz: I will tell you where the rest of the Endstation staff are hiding only if you agree to spare Angelika and allow me to look after her.


Lazarev: An interesting proposal. But even I would not consign a child to be raised as a Nazi. So here is my counter-proposal...


Lazarev: You come back to Mother Russia and continue your work -- for me. She will receive a proper Bolshevik education and become a productive member of society. But only if you give up your comrades.


Kurtz: How do I know you will keep your end of the bargain?


Lazarev: Because you are going to make yourself too valuable to execute. Starting right fucking now. Understood?


Kurtz: *sigh* Bring a map. I will give you names and locations...

 (R) "The Letter" (Location: In Blasted Suite under a bed frame.) - Kurtz confronts a young Valentina.


Kurtz: Ah. Is that my tea?


Valentina: Yes, Uncle Lukas.


Kurtz: Aleksandra? Would you join me for a moment? There is a matter we should discuss.


Valentina: Of course. What is it?


Kurtz: I was hoping you could enlighten me to the meaning of this envelope I received today.


Kurtz: "Dear Miss Valentina. On behalf of the Committee on Admissions, your application to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has been formally accepted."


Kurtz: We had an agreement. Anything you wanted in life, I would support, except one thing.


Valentina: Uncle, please I can explain--


Kurtz: --You promised me you gave up this foolish pursuit! Do you know where this road leads? I have seen it. Lived it. Horrors you could not possibly imagine!


Valentina: But, but I am good at it. The world out there, the factory, I do not understand. But this, physics and microbiology--


Kurtz: I saw what it did to your father! It took years before I understood the pain we caused, the atrocities we committed. I will not allow you to follow his path.


Valentina: You do not understand. I must! He told you I must complete his work. "Take her. Teach her. Be there, both of you, when Operation Baldr bears fruit."


Kurtz: What did you say?


Kurtz: How could you possibly know that?


Kurtz: This acceptance letter is going in the trash -- better yet, the fire.


Valentina: NO.


Kurtz: We shall not speak of this again.

 (R) "The Turn" (Location: On top of the North watch tower in no man's land, must be shot down.) - Valentina makes a choice.


Kurtz: Aleksandra. Is it time for tea already?


Valentina: Yes, Uncle. Be careful -- it is quite hot.


Kurtz: Tea can never be too hot.


Kurtz: Aleksandra, can I have a moment please?


Kurtz: About our discussion yesterday. I know you may not appreciate it now, but please understand my only concern is for your well being.


Kurtz: Your father was a... complicated man. It was a different time. What we did was... wrong. I only wish to protect you from the mistakes we made.


Valentina: I understand, Uncle Lukas...


Valentina: But I do not agree.


Kurtz: I am sorry, what did you say?


Valentina: My father was a brilliant man. And you were a pathetic worm lurking in his shadow.


Kurtz: How dare you--


Valentina: How dare I? How dare you denounce his work! How dare you sit there and feed me lies!


Kurtz: Careful, Aleksandra, your father...


Valentina: I will go to University, Uncle. You will not stop me. Father is disappointed you lost your way. You abandoned Operation Baldr.


Kurtz: The tea... what have... done... Aleksandra...


Valentina: My name is Angelika Hannabelle Vogel. My father has a plan -- and I will help him complete it.


Valentina: It is finished, Father. I did as you instructed. Do you approve?


Valentina: Father...?


Documents (6)

(R) "LT53 Kazimir Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Blueprint for the LT53 Kazimir portal grenade. Co-developed with the assistance of Sergeant Kazimir Zykov.


LT53 Kazimir Prototype

Exoscientific Phenomena Omega


The LT53 Kazimir temporarily opens a portal to the Dark Aether. Using technology developed from the Reactor Collectors at Outpost 25, the LT53 absorbs objects in a small radius and teleports them. Co-developed with Sergeant Kazimir Zykov.


Dr. WIlliam Peck

29 December 1984


[handwritten across the top:

Colonel - 

Found this in Peck's lab. Did you know about this?

We could repurpose as weapon.

I will keep sharper eye on Peck. He is up to something.

Call of Duty®_ Black Ops Cold War 2021-07-19 09-00-51.png

(R) "Angelika Vogel Summary" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Omega Document compiling a timeline of Angelika Vogel's life - and how she became Aleksandra Valentina and infiltrated the KGB.


27 January of the year 1985

RE: Angelika Hannabelle Vogel




As it has become apparent these recent weeks, Doctor Aleksandra Valentina has been operating with a hidden agenda. All available information points to her being a double agent. We can now conclude that Valentina is the daughter of Doctor Ulrich Vogel, and a secret operator for the goals of Projekt Endstation.


Valentina's forgery of her personal records and history was impeccable. While there is still much information missing, we have been able to assemble enough pieces to make sense of how this deception occurred. 6 January 1944: Angelika Hannabelle is born to Ulrich and Maria Vogel. Her Mother died shortly thereafter, complications from childbirth.


December 1944: Operation Baldr is formally approved.


27 January 1945: Operation Baldr proceeds. Using the Projekt Endstation portal, the Reichstag sends an army into the Dark Aether. The particle accelerator overloads and the facility is abandoned. Dr. Vogel is missing, presumed dead.


21 February 1945: Dr. Lukas Kurtz is captured by Soviet forces. He provides the names and locations of all Endstation personnel. In exchange, he is given a new identity and relocated to Moscow with the aforementioned Angelika (believed at the time to be his daughter). Lukas Kurtz became Ivan Valentin. Angelika Vogel became Aleksandra Valentina. This information remained sealed in our archives until several weeks ago.


24 April 1960: Valentina is accepted to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Two days later, Dr. Kurtz has a heart attack and dies. She would go on to graduate top of her class.


19 June 1970: Valentina is recruited by the KGB. She is transferred to Special Operations Group Omega in April 1978, and would be appointed head of Psychotronics Research in March 1983. In July of that year she presented the Projekt Endstation film reels to Colonel Kravchenko.



Spetsgruppa Omega

(R) "Operation Baldr Approval" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - A letter from Uranverein Director Kurt Diebner, announcing that Operation Baldr has been formally approved by High Command.


Dr. Vogel,


it is my responsibility to inform you that the Reichstag has officially approved your proposal. You may begin preparations to send a military task force through the dimensional aperture at Endstation. Should the war continue on its present course, the survival of the Reich must be ensured.


This undertaking was christened "Opeartion Baldr" by the High Command. The reference to the Norse god who rose after death is not lost on me.


For obvious reasons the entire operation is strictly classified. I only received clearance because Projekt Endstation remains officially under the command of Uranverein. There are certain technical matters only we can oversee. I am to facilitate the effort in any way I can, but the actual logistics and manpower fall to the newly created Task Force Baldr -- under the command of Gruppenführer Müller.


Make ready, Vogel. Requisition whatever you need as soon as you can. I estimate Task Force Baldr will be fully assembled and on your doorstep roughly one month from now. Ensure you have a stable, persistent gateway established by then, because the Red Army is marching your way and we are running out of time.


This may be the last you hear from me. If so, I wish you the best of luck. We have come a long way from your original request to build a new type of cyclotron. We were established to harness the power of the atom for the Reich, but you may have tapped a power that outstrips atomic energy.


Frau Diebner and I send our best regards to you and young Angelika. Look after each other, old friend, for these are dangerous times.


For the Fatherland,

Kurt Diebner, Ph.D.

Director, Uranverein

(R) "Valentina Diary 15-07-83" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Excerpt from Valentina's personal diary, July 15, 1983.


15 July 83


Today marks the beginning of the end.


I met with Colonel Kravchenko to discuss the Projekt Endstation film reels. I told him I recently found them gathering dust in a restricted portion of sub-basement records storage.


There is some truth to that statement. It is indeed where I found the recordings - a decade ago. When I first came to the KGB, my Father told me that was where I could find them. I just need the right opportunity to present them.


There is a rumor that Special Operations Group Omega is to be dismantled. Kravchenko has been given a difficult task: finding an appropriate response to the United States' Strategic Defense Initiative. He believes he is being made a scapegoat.


It was in this context I suggested that Omega Group pursue Projekt Endstation. It was a gamble - the Colonel could easily have dismissed it. But I saw the look in his eyes. He saw opportunity. A chance to demonstrate he was nobody's puppet.


I have been given authorization to begin the operation. Our time is finally coming, Father.

(R) "Statement of Intent" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - A document written by Valentina moments before she entered the Dark Aether.


2 February 85


If you are reading this, it means my ascension has begun.


I have opened the portal. I have travelled to the Dark Aether to retrieve the Reich's army and to save my Father.


On 27 of January 1945, German High Command ordered Task Force Baldr into the Dark Aether. A contingency plan if Germany lost the war. The army was to wait in darkness, to be summoned when the time was right for the Reich's revenge.


My Father was taken from me that day. The particle accelerator redlined. He ordered the Endstation staff to abandon their posts. As the soldiers passed over, he remained behind to ensure their journey was complete. After the explosion he was declared missing.  Then he was declared dead.


But neither were true - and his loyalty to the Reich never wavered. He, along with Task Force Baldr, remained in darkness, waiting to return and reclaim Germania.


He gave me a responsibility. I was to re-open the connection between our worlds, and then find a way to bring them home.


That mission nears completion. Soon I will be reunited with my Father. And our army will be unleashed upon the world.


Father, you have all my love. I did it all for you. I will see you soon.


Angelika Vogel

(R) "F Cipher" (Location: Dropped from Tempests or Krasny Soldats.) - Recovered Omega cipher. Decryption is required. (Solved by Origin Wormy)


Cipher text:



Plain text:

Colonel We're going about this the wrong way. We shouldn't be trying to kill the forsaken. We should be trying to capture it. Think about it, this could be the most powerful creature from their reality. It is an elder god it has power beyond anything we can comprehend. Who knows what could be gained from harvesting it. Zykov says he can help. All he wants from us is to break him free. We should act fast before requiem takes him upon his offer -P


Radio Transmissions (5)

(R) "Your Problem Now" (Location: In a tent on the East Berlin Streets, one transmission per game.) - Peck gleefully delights in his newfound control over Requiem's strike team.


Peck: Well, well. How the tables have turned. Last time we got to chat in private was Outpost 25. Remember? When you came into my house, broke all my toys, and shit on my floor? You were like a feral street dog. With a bad case of worms.


Peck: But now look at you. All trained and neutered. On my leash.


Peck: I should thank you, really. All the trouble you've caused me these last seven, long months. If you hadn't destroyed my Inversion warheads, I wouldn't have the chance now to make you my... bitch. Well worth it.


Peck: And now you're going to stop Valentina. Maybe even kill her. And to think, Omega thought I was the traitor. You can almost taste the irony.


Peck: You see - She played them for fools. When she activated that particle accelerator at Endstation, I knew something was wrong. I could smell it. She was too eager. Despite the dangers, despite the risks, she was hellbent on turning that thing back on. Almost like she had a hidden agenda. Which of course she did. 


Peck: But she's your problem now. You're going to clean this mess up. For me. Get it? Got it. Good.

(R) "Secrets Harbored" (Location: In a tent on the East Berlin Streets, one transmission per game.) - Gorev formally introduces himself to the strike team, and discusses his thoughts on Valentina's agenda.


Gorev: Ah, the infamous Requiem strike team. After a year of being Omega's itchy skin rash, it is almost a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.


Gorev: I do not believe we have had formal introduction. I am Gorev. No first or last name. Just Gorev. Want to know secret? Gorev is code name. Family name is, well, I do not want the attention. Grandfather's brother, he was famous soldier in Stalingrad.


Gorev: You see? Some secrets are okay. Not like our Doctor Valentina. She has been quite the busy bee, da? Buzzing around, using Omega's resources to pursue her own agenda. Harboring the biggest secret of all...


Gorev: Her father being Doctor Ulrich Vogel, of Projekt Endstation? How that managed to elude us all is a question I am very interested in answering.


Gorev: But, as Colonel has said, the voice she hears is not really her father. It is this other entity. The Forsaken. I have heard Kravchenko call it "the wolf." Like from child's story. Red-hooded girl. This wolf changes itself, so it is familiar to us. So we trust it.


Gorev: Then it eats us.

(R) "5-Star Treatment" (Location: In a tent on the East Berlin Streets, one transmission per game.) - Jager checks in on the strike team to see how they're holding up after their last encounter.


Jager: Hallo, Requiem. Are we enjoying beautiful, sunny, East Berlin? Perhaps not as luxurious as the amenities of the West you are so accustomed to, but still -- an improvement over your most recent residency, ja?


Jager: I've seen the bodies carried out of our Potsdam facility... Brutalized. Though as I understand it, you were given the "5-Star Treatment." No breaking of bones, no poking or prodding. The Colonel needed you in "tip-top" shape, he said.


Jager: The Forsaken. It weasels its way into the minds of its victims, preying on their memories, hiding behind familiar faces. It found the perfect weakness for our sweet Valentina: her dearly departed... Daddy.


Jager: The Colonel is very interested in this creature. It is a shame, really. I had hoped the Colonel was smarter than that.


Jager: The Dark Aether is a vast ocean. The Forsaken, just one white whale. There are other realms, other worlds. It is a universe, after all. Not a singular place.


Jager: The first natural resource we discovered yielded energy beyond our wildest dreams. Do we dare imagine what else lurks in the darkness?

(R) "Not For Me" (Location: In a tent on the East Berlin Streets, one transmission per game.) - Kravchenko shares his own personal thoughts on Valentina's betrayal.


Kravchenko: When I was chosen to lead Omega, it was clear the unit would be shut down in months, if not weeks. I was to be Chebrikov's scapegoat.


Kravchenko: After everything I had done for my country, for the KGB, for Dragovich: Nova 6, the Numbers Program, the mole -- this was my reward. I was to take the fall and quietly disappear to a place I would be forgotten.


Kravchenko: I gave the order to scour our archives for a new operation, a new purpose. I had little hope anything would come of it.


Kravchenko: Then Doctor Valentina brought me the film reels. A recording documenting the discovery of a Nazi operation called "Projekt Endstation." It was a gateway to another world. You know what happened next.


Kravchenko: I took Aleksandra under my wing. I supported her projects, gave her unparalleled access to resources.


Kravchenko: I came to think of her as the daughter I never had.


Kravchenko: But it was all a lie. She used me. She used us all. Find her. Not for me and my career, but to prevent the creature that infected her brain from entering our world.


Kravchenko: She must be stopped.

(R) "Leverage" (Location: In a tent on the East Berlin Streets, one transmission per game.) - Kravchenko provides a reminder of what is at stake should the strike team fail.


Kravchenko: To whomever needs to hear this - There is someone who would like to speak to you.


Raptor One: Hey Y'all. You know me right?


Kravchenko: Continue.


Raptor One: I just wanted y'all to know that I'm in good health. Safe and well. Maybe a little prostate trouble, but I'll deal with that another day.


Raptor One: Point is, I'm being well looked after -- and at no point has anyone shoved a knife in my face in a threatening manner.


Kravchenko: Do not test my patience.


Raptor One: Plan is: you do exactly as instructed, and we all get to go home.


Kravchenko: Hrmmmmm.


Raptor One: Basically... you're gonna be getting the runaround as usual -- but just go along with it... and I might just make it out of here with my binocular vision intact.


Kravchenko: See? I keep my word -- your friend is safe. And he will stay that way so long as you follow orders.


Raptor One: Fuck that shit! Fuck Omega! Fuck this fucking asshole! You get a chance to get out - YOU FUCKING TAKE IT!


Raptor One: That the best you got?


Kravchenko: No.


Kravchenko: Please ignore your friend's bad advice. For his sake.


Kravchenko: It is better for all of us...


Kravchenko: If you do exactly what you are told.


Artifacts (2)

(R) "Battery" (Location: Acquired from a Krasny Soldat on round 10.) - The battery Agent Rico removed from Klaus and threw into No Man's Land.


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(R) "Endstation Lure" (Location: Acquired in the main quest, found in the Secret Lab.) - An old Endstation lure device, used to locate a particular creature.


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Dark Aether (11/11)

Audio Logs (3)

 (R) "Lost Souls: Valentina 1" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Father, I did it. I told you we would be together again. Here I am.


Valentina: Father, I did it! I told you we would be together again -- really together. And here I am.


Vogel: My child. I knew you would come. I never lost faith in you -- as you never lost faith in me.


Vogel: Tell me, my clever Angelika, did you have any trouble crossing into the Dark Aether?


Valentina: None. The portal you hid in Berlin worked perfectly. And Omega is none the wiser. Their trust in "Aleksandra Valentina" was as blind as it was complete.


Valentina: I suppose a lifetime of living a lie has finally paid off.


Vogel: Indeed, but your work is far from finished. We have reached the moment of truth for Operation Baldr.


Valentina: I know, father. And I am ready. I did not spend all those years playing a Soviet lackey just to fall short of the prize now.


Valentina: Marching jackboots will once again echo down the streets of Berlin like thunder. The glory of the Fatherland will be restored. This I swear to you: Task Force Baldr is coming home.

 (R) "Lost Souls: Valentina 2" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Father, I have always wondered about the day you crossed into the Dark Aether.


Valentina: Father, I have always wondered about the day you crossed into the Dark Aether. What happened, exactly? I understand you were doing your duty, but I have always wondered... why did you leave me?


Vogel: That... was a difficult day, Angelika. One I try not to think about. What mattered then was getting Task Force Baldr in place. What matters now is completing the mission.


Valentina: Of course, father. I meant only that abandoning me must have been almost as difficult for you as it was for me.


Vogel: But I never abandoned you. The fact that you are here is testament to that. Now, are you prepared for what comes next? If you are to lead our army, you must... ascend.


Valentina: My body means no more to me than the name I left behind. I will proudly remold it for the honor of leading the charge to reclaim Germania. My entire life has built toward this moment.


Vogel: As has mine, child. As has mine.

 (R) "Lost Souls: Valentina 3" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Father? Are you? ... Are you my Father?


Valentina: Father! It... it worked!


Vogel: You look every bit as glorious as I envisioned. How do you feel, my child?


Valentina: How do I feel? I feel incredible! I thought I knew what it was to wield power before. Now power sings in every fiber of my being! Nothing will stand against us!


Vogel: Then go to the head of our army and lead them to glory! Unleash the judgement of the Reich on the soft, weak ingrates who sullied the Fatherland.


Forsaken: Tell them their day is done! The sun sets forever upon their divided world!


Valentina: Father--?! Are you...?


Valentina: Are you my father?


Vogel: Of course, child. My time here has... left its mark on me, but I am the one who guided you to this moment. I am still me.


Vogel: Now, go. Make me proud one final time. The Reich must rise from the ashes.



Documents (3)

(R) "Day 4,527" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Zykov records rumors he has heard about a strange creature hunting the Dark Aether's Elder Gods.


Day 4,527: I have heard more rumors about a creature hunting the "elder god" entities who battle for supremacy here. They say it is fairly new - not of the Old Ones who have fought to a stalemate since this realm was young.


There is a particularly disturbing detail I keep hearing. They say it actually consumes those it defeats in combat, devouring them whole. And, somehow, it absorbs all the dark power from its victim and adds it to its own. Some claim that it gains new abilities this way, such as the power to change its appearance, allowing it to stalk its prey disguised as someone they trust.


I dismissed it as idle fantasy the first few times I heard it, but repetition has a way of giving credence to such claims. I have not seen it, but I now believe it is out there.

 (R) "Day 4,771" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Zykov recounts witnessing the Forsaken in person for the first time.


Day 4,771: I saw it. The Great Devourer. The Stealer of Souls. Or, as more and more of us have started calling it: the Forsaken.


I was searching for machine parts further from my fort than I usually dare to travel. This was in territory once ruled by an Old One who valued science and technology, so I hoped to find a trove of good components. Instead, I realized I was being stalked by some nameless horror too big for even my crucible-empowered weapon.


Just as it cornered me, it seemed to sense something amiss, started to turn, and was suddenly in the clutches of the Forsaken. It was different than I had anticipated. In fact, it seemed to change appearance as it tore into the flesh of the thing that was hunting me.


I ran. I do not think the Forsaken even noticed me. But it is very real.

 (R) "Day 5,169" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Zykov notes that the Forsaken has amassed an army of loyal followers.


Day 5,169: The Old Ones are encountered less and less these days as the Forsaken continues its steady rise. The creature has grown to a size only rivaled by the crowds of followers that are drawn to it. I watch them from a distance, through an old telescope I restored. What I see has left me shaken.


The Forsaken appears to be organizing them into an army. I have encountered some of them while foraging and they always ask me to join them. Actually, it is less "ask" than "threaten." Those who refuse -- and are less capable of defending themselves -- have been dragged to the Forsaken as sacrifices.


Join, or be consumed. That is the offer. That is what the Forsaken expects from us all.


I may need to move my fort -- or abandon it altogether. I am still beneath its notice, but continued resistance to the call of the Forsaken will surely make me a target.



Radio Transmissions (2)

 (R) "The Forsaken" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Zykov reveals the true nature of the Dark Aether threat.


Zykov: Hello again, my friend. It is your old comrade Zykov. And, yes, we are still comrades, even if you now serve Omega Group.


Zykov: This secret war we fight -- and the ultimate enemy we both face -- transcend the politics of East and West. And now, thanks to Dr. Valentina, we have entered a dangerous new phase.


Zykov: She thinks she is carrying out her father's wishes. She is wrong. The being that has visited her since childhood is not her father.


Zykov: The Forsaken is not simply powerful. He is a master of deceit. I have seen him do this before -- alter his appearance, play upon emotions -- all to make others do his bidding.


Zykov: I have seen others here become drawn to him, follow him, worship him. And now the Forsaken commands a vast army, hungrily eyeing our world.


Zykov: This is the nature of the great evil I have been warning you about. This dark universe is no longer enough for him. He lives to consume -- and when you reopened the gateway at Endstation, he looked upon our world and saw a banquet to be devoured.


Zykov: I can still help you stop him, but only if you free me from this place. Only if you bring me home.

 (R) "Consumed" (Location: Acquired from the trials computer.) - Zykov explains how the Forsaken came to power.


Zykov: Things were not always like this, my friend. I remember a time here in the Dark Aether when the Forsaken did not even exist.


Zykov: When I first crossed over, things were very different. Back then, there were many powerful entities at war here, forming alliances, betraying each other...


Zykov: Not that I realized it at first, any more than an insect would know the names of leaders in the Great Patriotic War.


Zykov: But eventually I cam to recognize the Lords of the Dark Aether. They had been locked in an ever-changing stalemate since the dawn of time.


Zykov: And then, one by one, the Forsaken hunted them down, consumed them, and made their power his own.


Zykov: The Forsaken imposed order upon the Dark Aether. Those who remained rallied to him, seeking his favor and pledging loyalty.


Zykov: This is a different place than when I arrived. It is infinitely more dangerous.



Artifacts (3)

 (R) "Electrical Fuse" (Location: Collected from a Tempest when turning on the power.) - An electrical fuse collected off a Tempest corpse.


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 (R) "Tempest Essence" (Location: Acquired in the main quest after collecting the essence of Tempests.) - Raw crystal essence siphoned from a Tempest. A critical component in the construction of an Inversion warhead.


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 (R) "Corrupted Uranium" (Location: Acquired in the main quest after killing the megatons.) - Uranium from a warhead, corrupted by a Megaton. Warning: highly unstable. Decontaminate immediately.


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Have people overlooked the ending of the Quest? I don’t see anyone talking about this. 
Or am I interpreting this different?


Valentina didn’t enact “Operation Baldr”, Klaus did. Which means the Director of Requiem did. 

In the Intel “Vogel’s Letter”, he lists the specific steps to do this. 

Valentina didn’t send a Warhead into the tunnels portal. Klaus did. 


On 7/15/2021 at 12:09 AM, RadZakpak said:

You must complete assembly of the atomic device. Collect and fuse the necessary Exo-Element 1 crystals. They will require refinement before the process is complete. For this, you will need a specimen rich in Exo-Element 1 - their altered genetic structure contains the necessary energy to refine the crystals. If you do not have a specimen, you must go to the Morasko facility and reactivate the portal.


Once the conversion process has been completed, Transport the device to the end of the tunnel, and detonate - the tunnel's structure will stabilize the breach, though it may still require monitoring.

So either The Director found the Berlin Lab previously & this letter from Vogel, as he knew exactly what Vogel had planned


(or he was the Endstation scientist who snuck back in during the Soviets advance & stole Vogel’s Diary??? stretch theory)



It would be funny if the Director & Krevchenko are actually working together to “Trap” the Forsaken. 

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