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Samantha's Curse returns.


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So I get into a game of gorod Krovi with some people off from LFG last night, after being booted from NoahJ456's YouTube stream of revelations over 3 times due to someone making false claims on the stream. Anyway we were getting all set up, about to start the challenges, or already done some of them when a teammate goes down. He got picked up with the shadow claws and he couldn't use is explosives or switch guns. He downs himself again to "fix it" and gets picked up normally, and everything is all good for him. Then someone else goes down and the same thing happened to him after being picked up by shadows claws. He has to then down himself again to get his equipment usable again. Then eventually, I go down. No big deal I thought, yes I had used a bunch of one the houses for people so we would all have all the perks so I'd just figured I'd just re get perks and deal with my loss gun from mule kick. Wrong. I got picked up with shadow claws and Sam's laugh then roars through my screen as she takes my third weapon, my packed dingo, and my packed ppsh, takes my monkeys, and then my points. So I get heated, buy a wall gun and try to get points back. The downs keep adding up. And every time I got picked up with the shadow claws, Sam would just curse me again even without having mule kick. Happened to me about 4 times before everyone got rid of their shadow claws out of fear of it happening to them. Thing is I thought I was done with this in the giant when they fixed it, and the shadows claws weren't doing this until that Xbox live patch that went live yesterday. So please, if anyone else experienced this problem with the shadow claws, reply. Or replay with other Sam's curse horror stories.

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I had this happen twice to me yesterday both during the boss fight. I lost my weapons randomly the first time even though I didn't have mule kick or shadow claws. The second time it happened just before the boss when I went down while taking out my shield, my entire group the experienced the shadow claws glitch during the boss whenever someone would get picked up. ( On ps4)

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So the shadow claws being glitchy isn't happening just on Xbox? That sucks. And your telling me that even if I don't have mule kick, if I go down and get picked up with the shadow claws I may still loose every gun and all my points? That is ridiculous. Samantha's curse was a good idea, in Theory. Problem is they haven't re written the program so the game understands how mule kick works, or how specialist weapons aren't a third weapon, or that having more then one perk is fine if they used unquenchable on the house or parkaholic.

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Same thing happened to me and my team today during the boss fight although I don't remember if I was revived normally or with the shadow claws.  It's happened to at least once to each of my teammates since Tuesays dlc release.  Never had any issues before that.  Is there anything we can do?

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Wait for a patch basically. One game it happened to me like 3 times so each time I basically just started over from scratch regardless the round we were on. If it happened during the boss fight though your pretty much screwed. That's why I wish at the boss fight parts of the map would have a second jug machine and a wall buy, like a kuda or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/21/2016 at 11:54 PM, homelessboii said:

Me and my friend did gorod krovi EE for the first time and we went flawless but after the cutscene and Monty talking to us we close application and we check to see if we got gate worm and we didn't what do we have to do now?

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I always suggest to people doing EE's to NOT disconnect out to save gobblegum. Sure most people get it but on the occasion you don't its incredibly annoying. Personally I always play 1 more round after the EE has finished and if the host doesn't quit normally, I do.


In regards to the original post - I know the most common form is using the shadowclaws, however last week I was downed by the finger when I had 2 average guns possibly one perk and got the curse, no idea why at all. It all dissappeared as soon as I was revived in a normal way.

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