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DLC 3&4 Theory and DLC 4 Map Idea

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So first I will set the stage for my final map idea with my theory for what will happen. Side-note: This is based off of my Aetherial Multiverse Theory.


Theory: The multiverse that we know and love is in utter chaos and tearing itself apart. Richtofen and his allies are only accelerating this process. But they can fix this. They can set things right... or not. They will get Nikolai "1.0"'s soul inside the summoning key, but that isn't enough. "WE ALL MUST DIE " (SoE paper scrap), "EDWARD AS YOU KNOW IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU AND THE GROUP FIND THE EXACT VERSIONS OF YOURSELVES THAT I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED IN EACH UNIVERSE ONLY BY KILLING THAT VERSION OF YOURSELF IN THAT PARTICULAR UNIVERSE AT THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME WILL WE BE SUCCESSFUL ONCE EACH OF YOUR OTHER SELVES ARE KILLED ACROSS ALL UNIVERSES..." (ZnS cipher). After obtaining the soul of Nikolai "1.0", Richtofen turns to the others and traps them in stasis with the summoning key. He then tells them the truth. The truth he knew for a long time. The others have to die. Every single version of them needs to die... But what of the souls? What of this "Origins" Richtofen? He leaves and uses the souls to create a new version of them. A new version that won't fail like the last did. He will "create"/"resurrect"/"IDK what to call this without more information" Primis. The first, the last, the beginning, and the end. DLC 4 arrives and we are playing as this new incarnation of everyone's favorite four mentally unstable people. Whatever we do there will establish and explain all of these mythological concepts we have seen for years (i.e. Keepers/Vril-ya, Apothicons, Ancient Evil, Agartha/Argatha, Aether, etc.) and establish a steady "canon" for the zombies omniverse (omniverse is to multiverse as multiverse is to universe). This beloved multiverse that we know and love will end. The story we have followed for years will be concluded, and Treyarch could make new spin-off maps back in this multiverse, but the new main story will begin in a new multiverse, possibly before it becomes a multiverse, back when it is still a linear universe. We can watch this universe descend into chaos from square one. Although I would be sad to see what we know and love go, I would love to see what Treyarch could do from square one with the resources they have now. Everything that is a constant (i.e. Vril, 115, Aether, Agartha, etc.) would still be there, but we could see the formation of organizations like 935 and Division 9 from the beginning, and I find that concept REALLY exciting.


Now for the part that makes me absolutely PSYCHED for DLC 4: We start as this new iteration of Primis, and we are in ancient Mesopotamia.


There are many reasons I think Mesopotamia, but just to name a few:


Mesopotamia was one of the first if not the first civilization to use cuneiform (the ancient written language we see in Origins and the Keeper language is based off of this)


The original Primis picture we saw:primis.jpg

This shows Primis as described in this DE cipher:" AFTER THE GREAT BATTLE, THEY STOOD UPON THE MOUND. THEIR LIGHT SHONE DOWN AND CLEANSED ALL THE SICKNESS FOR AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE. THEY ARE THE FIRST; THEY ARE THE LAST... VISIONS OF FRACTURED WORLDS AND STRANGE ROOMS HAUNTED OUR DREAMS " The last Primis before this final iteration (the "Origins four" as they are called) fail in their mission. They were doomed from the start. They could never stop this evil from spreading, they could never save this broken multiverse, and they could never save the children. So, Richtofen did what he had to. He made a new version of them that cannot fail. And they will cleanse all the sickness for as far as the eye can see.

WOW... I just got REALLY sidetracked... I was talking about Mesopotamia right? ... Right.

Okay, so if we look at this picture, we see a clearly old event. Looks like Babylonian era IMO. I think this is Mesopotamia.


Also, just about 20 minutes ago at the time of writing this, I was playing ZnS as Richtofen and wall-bought the Pharo (I gained SO MUCH respect for that gun once it was a wall-buy) and he said "Chalk drawing... just like those on the first wall". Mesopotamia was one of the first agricultural and non-nomadic civilizations in human history. It was quite possibly the location of the first real wall ever made.


So, we start as Primis in Mesopotamia, and it is a fairly large map with a lot to do. This is only half the map though. There is a hole other map just as large that takes place in Agartha. This is the transport system in the map, because there are portals EVERYWHERE. It will feel like a maze, but once we learned the portal system, we would be able to effectively move from any part of the map to pretty much any other part in a max of about 45 seconds. There would be utter chaos as the atmosphere, and it would go back to that good old feeling from WaW of being up against the wall with nowhere to run. It would have that intense and unforgiving atmosphere that has been absent since BO2. We would see the staves TRUE power. The Agartha part of the map would be much like the Crazy Place in Origins. It would be chaotic and confusing, but look AMAZING.


Let me know what you think of this Theory/Map Idea.

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Now even though that didn't happen in DLC3 I do like your thoughts towards primis but I don't think it will be new crew I think it's gonna be the 1.0s if you notice in the Dempsey memory trailer he is holding the blood vial and then sees 1.0 out of the pod this leads me to believe that along with the souls they may have also gotten the blood vials filled with blood of their past selves except Richthofen who we know has the blood of MOTD crew so what if the primis will fail does happen and everyone dies except Richthofen so as an "insurance policy" he uses the blood to make new version of the 1.0s who collected all the souls and complete their goal of saving the universe I know that isn't a solid theory but it's mine and it's a nice one at that also has anyone forgotten that some ciphers on ZNS literally talk about how the kids have been taken and HE TOOK SAMANTHA whoever he is I don't know why everyone hasn't also accounted for the fact that what if nothing goes wrong with the group itself but with the children

Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app

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42 minutes ago, PrideToGhosts said:

Now even though that didn't happen in DLC3 I do like your thoughts towards primis but I don't think it will be new crew I think it's gonna be the 1.0s if you notice in the Dempsey memory trailer he is holding the blood vial and then sees 1.0 out of the pod this leads me to believe that along with the souls they may have also gotten the blood vials filled with blood of their past selves except Richthofen who we know has the blood of MOTD crew so what if the primis will fail does happen and everyone dies except Richthofen so as an "insurance policy" he uses the blood to make new version of the 1.0s who collected all the souls and complete their goal of saving the universe I know that isn't a solid theory but it's mine and it's a nice one at that also has anyone forgotten that some ciphers on ZNS literally talk about how the kids have been taken and HE TOOK SAMANTHA whoever he is I don't know why everyone hasn't also accounted for the fact that what if nothing goes wrong with the group itself but with the children

I doubt we will ever play as the Original Original Crew again, sadly. They were beyond vulgar and the amount of censorship forced on Treyarch at this point is at a record high. Even if we did play as the Originals, it wouldn't be the same with that much censorship. But with how things are playing out currently, I think we will stick with the Origins crew for the entirety of DLC4. I still believe wholeheartedly that they will die, but I now think that it will happen during the Easter Egg. They have had to much character development to not have them in the final map. Also, I really don't buy into the whole idea of the blood vials being past versions of themselves. If that was it, I think the characters would mention that when talking about it.

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I doubt we will ever play as the Original Original Crew again, sadly. They were beyond vulgar and the amount of censorship forced on Treyarch at this point is at a record high. Even if we did play as the Originals, it wouldn't be the same with that much censorship. But with how things are playing out currently, I think we will stick with the Origins crew for the entirety of DLC4. I still believe wholeheartedly that they will die, but I now think that it will happen during the Easter Egg. They have had to much character development to not have them in the final map. Also, I really don't buy into the whole idea of the blood vials being past versions of themselves. If that was it, I think the characters would mention that when talking about it.

I think the worst part about the whole blood vial thing is how Richthofen knows exactly what it's used for but keeps it secret from the rest I think the blood vials will at least have to do with death resurrection and a restart for the characters possibly restarting the timeline entirely and involving them trying again but maybe they will have all these memories and know how to make primis win and collect the souls

Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
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