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The Beacon is Lit!


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So, if you haven't done Hide and Seek yet on the Giant, the dialogue has changed from the original Sam lines (obviously). Now, instead we get Maxis lamenting the loss of his daughter and then being confused about the purpose of seeking out the items. Once you find them all, however, it's as if Maxis comes to his senses after being half-asleep. He exclaims "The beacon is lit! I now know where and when you are! Sooner or later, they will find you... We must work together to ensure the future of the children".

So, some might assume this to be Maxis from the origins universe, but I don't think it is. When you start the EE, he says "Let's play hide and seek... Those were her exact words". If I'm not mistaken (and feel free to correct me if I am) that would be referring to a game of hide and seek with a certain puppy dog that went very wrong at the giant, correct? So this is a version of Maxis who went through the teleporter with Sam and Fluffy and eventually made it to Agartha. We only know of one other Maxis who did this, right? So does that mean that the Maxis from one of the Blops II universes is still relevant? Helping right his wrongs across the multiverse since his initial goal of saving Sam was already achieved by the Origins 4? Maybe he's doing it because he owes them one for freeing his daughter's soul.

For clarification, all of this is operating on my head-canon/theory that the various universes are all spokes on a wheel, and that the hub is Agartha (in mythology Agartha is a city at the center of the world, so maybe in Zombies it's a dimension at the center of the multiverse).

Edited by MikeCirka
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You'll have to forgive me for going canon lawyer on you here, but the original lines refer to finding Sam's various stuffed animals across the map, as we did in Der Riese, but not to a game with Fluffy. Based on the dialogue, Sam's old game was intended to light an interdimensional beacon, making it a cosmic game of hide and seek. Maxis says 'there must be a purpose to this.' And in finishing the game, you realize that the purpose all along was to light the beacon so that you could be 'found'.  

The Spoked Universe Theory is, perhaps the best Multiversal theory I have ever heard suggested, however. 

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43 minutes ago, NaBrZHunter said:

Welcome to the site!

You'll have to forgive me for going canon lawyer on you here, but the original lines refer to finding Sam's various stuffed animals across the map, as we did in Der Riese, but not to a game with Fluffy. Based on the dialogue, Sam's old game was intended to light an interdimensional beacon, making it a cosmic game of hide and seek. Maxis says 'there must be a purpose to this.' And in finishing the game, you realize that the purpose all along was to light the beacon so that you could be 'found'.  

The Spoked Universe Theory is, perhaps the best Multiversal theory I have ever heard suggested, however. 

Yeah, I was aware of Sam's original lines in Der Riese, but I thought those were also in reference to her playing with fluffy in the lab. It's been a while since I listened to all the audio logs though, which is where I thought I remembered that from.

EDIT: Yeah, after a quick refresher, you're right. Maxis and Richtofen were experimenting on Fluffy when Sam walked in... There's a line from Maxis in that radio that I remembered wrong (He yells at Sam that he told her to never go in there, which I thought was him telling her not to play in the lab in a different radio =P). Still the fact that he says that hints that it isn't origins Maxis in the Giant.

Edited by MikeCirka
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