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The Unmarked Man & Only the Cursed Survive


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Virtually confirmed: the unmarked man is not related to Black Ops 3 Zombies or the 'only the cursed survive' death card promo.

This may be obvious, or already concluded, but I just wanted to provide that in the form of a concrete post. He appears to be a 'freethinker,' 'conspiracy theorist,' and/or 'whistleblower.' I'm thinking we've already seen his face. 


The tone and attitude is very familiar.

Apologies for the format. I'm on mobile and I can't access the gallery to add images to the post.


From Black Ops 3 "Ember" trailer.


Edited by NaBrZHunter
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In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

"Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

Revelation 13, verse...

"16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.

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In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

"Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

Revelation 13, verse...

"16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.


No, um if you didn't know "Only the Cursed Survive." Relates to Shadows of Evil. That card, with the symbol on it. That symbol is on the characters hands in Shadows of Evil. Although Only the Cursed Survive can relate to all characters really. The lucky ones die and become zombies but the cursed survive. Thats why we never really have any characters in zombies who are good people and they always have done something bad or have had a shady history. Thats kinda why I think the unmarked man, as a name, could relate to zombies since the O3 need a 4th and have a truly good character leading them would be interesting. But thats just conjecture idk if they are even coming back.

Edited by Nightmare Voyager
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In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

"Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

Revelation 13, verse...

"16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.


No, um if you didn't know "Only the Cursed Survive." Relates to Shadows of Evil. That card, with the symbol on it. That symbol is on the characters hands in Shadows of Evil. Although Only the Cursed Survive can relate to all characters really. The lucky ones die and become zombies but the cursed survive. Thats why we never really have any characters in zombies who are good people and they always have done something bad or have had a shady history. Thats kinda why I think the unmarked man, as a name, could relate to zombies since the O3 need a 4th and have a truly good character leading them would be interesting. But thats just conjecture idk if they are even coming back.

Oh! I'd forgotten about that. True, they do have a mark. Still don't think it'll be the Unmarked Man, though. And yes, I recall it does. I just went on a rant because people are really kinda silly about 666-treating it like an evil and powerful unlucky 13 or something.

Hm. I can't say the zombies are lucky. They're miserable, and just want to be dead. Which inevitably comes, but in the meantime, they are in a virtual hell. 

I wouldn't say that Dempsey is shady or "bad," though. Just a soldier. His backstory involves him managing to escape POW status using a bobby pin and a metal of honor. Same with Misty and Marleton. I'm thinking the "only the cursed survive" is, like you said, but exclusively for SoE and maybe Alcatraz. 

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In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

"Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

Revelation 13, verse...

"16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.


No, um if you didn't know "Only the Cursed Survive." Relates to Shadows of Evil. That card, with the symbol on it. That symbol is on the characters hands in Shadows of Evil. Although Only the Cursed Survive can relate to all characters really. The lucky ones die and become zombies but the cursed survive. Thats why we never really have any characters in zombies who are good people and they always have done something bad or have had a shady history. Thats kinda why I think the unmarked man, as a name, could relate to zombies since the O3 need a 4th and have a truly good character leading them would be interesting. But thats just conjecture idk if they are even coming back.

Oh! I'd forgotten about that. True, they do have a mark. Still don't think it'll be the Unmarked Man, though. And yes, I recall it does. I just went on a rant because people are really kinda silly about 666-treating it like an evil and powerful unlucky 13 or something.

Hm. I can't say the zombies are lucky. They're miserable, and just want to be dead. Which inevitably comes, but in the meantime, they are in a virtual hell. 

I wouldn't say that Dempsey is shady or "bad," though. Just a soldier. His backstory involves him managing to escape POW status using a bobby pin and a metal of honor. Same with Misty and Marleton. I'm thinking the "only the cursed survive" is, like you said, but exclusively for SoE and maybe Alcatraz. 

We know the zombies want to die of course, but maybe they are better of in the state they are in but they don't realize it. Only the Cursed Survive has to be reversible in that way or it doesn't make sense. Also Dempsey is still technically a bad person, just not as much comapred to the others I guess. Misty doesn't have much backstory but Marlton was a scientist, he could have worked for 935 for all we know which automatically could make him a bad person. Still wouldn't make sense how the Weasel is cursed compared to Richtofen.

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Well, Dempsey was one of the people involved in the destruction on the Earth and didn't seem to care, instead complaining about the amount of work they went through for nothing. Of course, this could be just a result of the experiments that he had undergone, and his reaction could have been completely different, but it's something to think about.

I agree that the Zombies are the lucky ones though. The humans need to go day-by-day moving from place to place, scavenging everywhere for food and ammo, and constantly fighting the undead masses. To me that sounds like living Hell. Sure, the Zombies probably got a horrible death when they were alive, but at least that was (presumabley) quick. They lucky ones are them.

And I have no idea who is in the "Only the cursed survive" poster, but I too doubt it is The Unmarked Man. 

Just my two cents on all this.

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