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Any Dark Souls fans here?

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Was just wondering...I have went through Dark Souls 2 so many times now I only really like to do Multiplayer, or help people out on their games. So if you want to do some DS runs Co Op then shoot me an invite. PunchOut85 is my PSN.



I also play Tekken Tag 2 and if you have a twitch account or a PS4, follow me for P.T. Speed runs and theory talks.

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Sure thing ZotD.


There is Demon Souls and Dark Souls, to my knowledge they are not related in story, but the engine and mechanics are the same. You do not need to play Dark Souls 1 to understand DS2 because they happen centuries after another, any ties to the first one are small and for the fans of the first series to enjoy.


It has 9 classes, but you can change what you want to be later in the game, soul vessels allow you to "restat" your points (the whole usual strength, intelligence, Dexerity ect ect) Each point spent in a stat increases your level by 1, so putting 10 points into Strength makes you 10 levels higher. 


The difference in this game is you can stop leveling and increase what is called Soul Level, it's a separate level system for match making. If you are lvl 50 and I am lvl 100, I can still invade the game if you and I are still close to soul level. There are some really easy to understand videos on youtube that describe leveling vs soul levels.


It's basically an adventure game so you get bows, swords, axes, whips, clubs, lots of other weapons, there is even Clouds and Sephiroths weapons lol (Not by name, but a super large buster sword and a katana that is 3x longer than all the others in game). Of course there is magic, four sets of magic- Dark Magic, Pyromancy( it's magic fire spells for people that don't build magic users, the spells require no intelligence) and regular magic as well as Miracles. Regualr magic has the most options and range from debuffs to projectiles, Miracles are lightining based attacks as well as healing and buffing players, miracle users are kind of the Clerics of the game, very good at supporting.


Without ruining story, you are marked with a curse that lets you die over and over, but the more you die the more of yourself you lose, eventually you go what is called "Hallow" leaving your body behind, while losing your sanity for eternity. You are one of many that try to break the curse by taking the Throne of the Flame Keeper. If you liked digging for the story in the Zombies series, you'll appreciate Dark Souls in that sense.


The only cutscenes are when you start the game, and before a boss battle. So all story is left up for you to find yourself, hidden in character dialog and in descriptions of items.


I highly suggest even renting it, it's really difficult to beat the first time but it's hard in the way that makes you feel responcible, rarely did I feel I was getting cheated by enemies or that the game was unbalanced, usually when I kept dying it was my fault alone lol.



Hope I sold you lol, let me know if you pick it up and I'll help you out if you want.

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I prefer me some dark souls haha! I still need to get the second one. The first one is quite long if you do everything. To me it's one of those games that you will eventually have to look up in order to go farther. It's a game that does not tell you where to go or what to do so it's pretty much free roam haha! But don't get me wrong it's fun and entertaining.

Let me give a quick tip.

YOU WILL DIE A LOT. So don't get to mad or what not it's normal in that game haha.

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