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Undad's Zombies Christmas List - Future Zombies want/ideas

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Saw Jay do it, now it's my turn:


1. The Story So Far - Just where do we go from here?:


As I've mentioned many times before, I liked Zombies better when the developing storyline was a lot more cryptic and full of mystery and the only objective seemed to be to find what was truly going on. Between WaW and the first Black Ops, Zombies was more about dark experiments based off real Nazi history and myths, and all the locations had purpose or meaning, they were all connected in some way or another. To me, the storyline should have ended with Samantha, as to me, that always felt like the biggest goal. In Blops, every map kept pointing more and more towards Samantha. I remember the chills I got from the dialog the first time I played Ascension, and seeing her shadow over Moon. Now, everything seemed to take a 180 degree, and everything got even more complicated. 


I can't say I have even the slightest grasp on the most up-to-date "accurate" storyline since Blops 2, but frankly I don't really care to anymore. To me, it's like the devs are just pulling anything out of their ass to prolong this whole thing. I just like everything to come together this next season, bring back some of those elements that originally brought us closer to zombies in regards to story and hopefully, resurrect my interest in the story itself again.


2. Scare Factor:


Most folks would probably name off Der Riese or some more recent maps as their favorite, and while I'm right there on board with Der Riese, I've always had a soft spot for Verruckt. Why? Scare factor. That place gave me the creeps. Still does, playing alone with my headset, I find myself jumping more often when caught off guard and those distant shrieks and cries sound just eerie with those badboys on, even more so. And that jump scare on Mob of the Dead? Classic. While I wouldn't exactly go for jump scares as much, it was a nice little EE. I'd like to have occasions where the map plays tricks in my head, perhaps have figures that catch the corner of your eye, only to disappear once you make eye contact, Zombies that burst out of literally no where at you, more screams, etc. I like the feeling of actually being in peril sometimes, rather than just "alright let's slaughter zombies, bitches!" ya know? Zombies a whole different ball game when you're riding solo. Perhaps they could even have these factors more so, when playing solo in the very least.


3. Interactive Environments:


When I first realzed you could ride a bus around town in TranZit, I was stoked and hoped for more interactive things like such, honestly. But I started thinking about ways to take that even further. While it may be EA/Battlefield territory, I'd like to see some maps where things can be done randomly to the environment to change up the gameplay a bit. People always have these stratigies for reaching really high rounds, (which, I definitely salute those who make the time to do so) but ultimately, once you've got the proper set up and the right perks, it's basically just a bunch of looping the zombies around of sorts until you get bored. I'd personally like to take my chances even more so by having maps where depending on what the zombies do, and what YOU do to the map, can alter some of these favorite spots around the map. Whether that be for your benefit, or a disadvantage will depend on just what that occasion may be. I can't really explain this in practice, but you can do the imagining on that behalf.


On the other half of the coin, I'd like them to play more with the situational hazards regarding things like Weather and lighting. I like how in Call of the Dead, foggy blizzards would come and go, making it difficult to really see what's coming in front of you very far or navigating box and PaP locations at times. Perhaps take it a step further, have some maps that start off dry, then it eventually rains, flooding some areas over time, making them either unavailable or slowing down your ability to reach various areas for example (Hard Rain on L4D 2, anyone?). Then with lighting, I was thought it would be cool to have map(s) that require flashlights. I just imagine being able to go through some tunnel or building, and the only light available is your flashlight, sporadic flickering lights and any windows. Other than that, all you're gonna see is the glow of the zombies eyes, making combat interesting till you get that power on or something.


I'll update this with more ideas as they come to me. Thanks for reading!





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The idea of a dynamically-changing Zombies experience does sounds cool. Maybe a map that changes every two rounds or so, like the place gets flooded so you have to move to another are but dries in a few rounds? I know people will complain a bit about any changes Treyarch makes to Zombies as they know it but honestly I wouldn't mind some mix-ups. Heck, I would love to see a power-up like the Death Machine that would let you control a Dragonfire or some other vehicle that could kill zombies like it was Insta-kill.

People hate change but there have been some fun additions to Zombies when things get mixed up a bit, like No Man's Land.

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In Extinction the team could all put money in to have a helicopter overhead. That would be a good way to add some sort of vehicle without drastically changing the gameplay. Sort of like a more powerful trap.

I like the idea of zombies bursting out at you, or areas where you can't see without a flashlight, but I think the health system makes that tough. I can imagine how annoyed I'd be getting double slapped by a zombie I can't even see.

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