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Origins Achievement / Trophy Guide


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Origins Achievement / Trophy Guide

Thought it would be handy to have a single port of call for all the achievements associated with Origins. I have compiled below a list of each of the achievements with their corresponding Gamerscore / Trophy and details of how to achieve the same.

If anyone has any little hints or tips to make any of these easier please post them below and I will update the OP with any additions.

Not a Gold Digger - In Origins, share a weapon you dug up. (5 (G)) (Bronze)

This is by far one of the easiest achievements to date. Grab a shovel and dig, if the dig reveals a weapon then let a team mate pick it up instead of taking it for yourself. If your team-mates are like most of those I find myself playing with they are more than likely to run past you and snatch the weapon you dig up anyways, so job done.

I’m on a Tank! - In Origins, ride the tank around the map without getting off. (10 (G)) (Bronze)

Pretty self-explanatory, you just stay on the tank. Around half way through its trip the tank will stop and cool down, in order to stay on it you could attempt to hold off the inevitable Zombie onslaught for what seems like an eternity until the tank is ready to roll, or if you have a nice team-mate he could run a Zombie in the middle somewhere whilst you go for a ride hassle free. Just remember to return the favour for them once you get off.

All Your Base - In Origins, activate all generators without allowing one to stop. (15 (G)) (Bronze)

Another straight forward achievement, in order to activate the generators you need to spend points. The number of points required is 200 for each person in the game, but is only paid by one person not all (e.g. If 3 people are playing the generators are 600 points each to power up).

The generators are the same as domination flags in multiplayer (well almost the same, the generators don’t have a camping dick-face sat in a bush watching for you to come with a target-finder LMG trained directly on the flag); you just hang around until the counter fills up.

The points you spend activating generators are returned to you once you complete the activation, but only if you are still on the platform when the generator is complete. Therefore it isn’t very wise to set one off then run away whilst the others capture it, you will lose the points invested. In addition to these points being returned an additional 100 points are awarded to anyone stood on the platform when it completes so help out when the generators are being captured.

The Templar style Zombies re-appear at the start of round 10 and start kicking the shit out of the generators to shut them down so your best bet is to power up all 6 early on to save having to chase after them to get this achievement. This is pretty easy to do though, round 6 normally for me.

Kung Fu Grip - In Origins, free yourself and another from the Panzer Soldat’s claw in one game. (15 (G)) (Bronze)

This achievement requires you to allow the Panzer Soldat (Scorpion to you and me) to grab you and pull you towards him. Once he does this just shoot the glowing red spot of his arm which the claw came from and he will drop you.

That is the easy bit, the more difficult part of this achievement is to convince a team-mate to allow Scorpion to grab him and then not shoot the spot and have faith that you will do it for him. As with the tank, if you purposely go for this achievement and you don’t get it just at random, please return the favour for the man who took a bullet (or claw in this instance) for you.

Master of Disguise - In Origins, use Zombie Blood to revive three players and activate a generator in one game. (15 (G)) (Bronze)

This again is easy with a little help from your friends. Once you have Zombie Blood get your friends to down themselves so you can get three revives, and as for the generator take the Zombie Blood you get for activating generator 1 and leg it to generator 2 or 3 and activate it.

Not sure if you need to complete the activation sequence of the generator whilst still in Zombie Blood or if it can run out mid activation and it still count. If anyone could advise I will update accordingly.

Saving the Day...All Day - In Origins, revive another player four different ways in one game. (20 (G)) (Bronze)

Whilst I haven’t completed this one yet, I think I have the four ways:

1) Standard Revive

2) Standard Revive with Quick Revive

3) Revive with an Ultimate Staff

4) Revive with the Maxis Drone

Overachiever - In Origins, complete all 4 Challenges in one game. (25 (G)) (Bronze)

Challenges are listed in the starting room on a plaque above the box which gives you Zombie Blood for capturing generator 1, and also at another box located at generator 6. Three of the four challenges are player specific and the fourth is a team effort (although on solo it can still be done). In addition to gaining this achievement each challenge awards you a prize which you can claim at any time by returning to either of the plaques. The rewards are listed below with the challenges

Challenge 1

Get 115 Normal Zombie Headshots

This challenge is pretty easy really as it will be completed naturally during the progression of your game. Please note however that headshots to Templar Zombies do not count, so there is no boosting your headshots on early rounds by activating and stepping off the generators.

Reward: Free PaP’d Assault Rifle (different ones each time)

Challenge 2

Activate all 6 Generators

In the same way as detailed earlier in the thread, please be aware though that you only get this challenge complete if you are on each generator platform as it completes, I have had games where me and a friend have had all 6 running but neither of us got the challenge as we went our separate ways and neither one of us did all 6. Please also note that once complete you do not need to have all 6 running to go and claim your prize.

Reward: 1 Max Ammo (Very useful if not collected until desperate :D)

Challenge 3

Spend 30,000 Points

When I first read this I thought it said 300,000 points and I Was like WTF :o but upon closer inspection it is only 30,000. The doors, debris, weapons, perks, and generators in this game are all very expensive so spending these points really isn’t a challenge at all.

Reward: Double Tap 2.0 (Other than Der Wunderfizz this is the only way to get DT2, don’t collect until you have 4 perks :D)

Challenge 4

Fill 4 Chests to Capacity

This is the most awkward of all the Challenges, but also the most rewarding. Scattered around the excavation site there are four chests, on route to Generator 4 from the site, one behind generator 4, one next to generator 5, and one just before the church on route to generator 6. Each of these chests is to be filled with an undetermined number of Zombie ‘Souls’ (as if Zombies have Souls :mrgreen: ) I found that by rounds 7/8 it is 1 round per chest (roughly). Please be aware that each chest is located within a Giant’s footprint any only Zombies killed in the shape of the footprint will donate their ‘souls’ to the chest. Also watch out for the Giants because each time they step in the footprint the chest lid closes and you have to start filling it again. You will know a chest is complete when it disappears into the ground. The best way to fill these chests from my experience is as early as possible, and pick a chest where a Giant has just been to maximise your time before it gets reset. Watch out for Nukes and avoid using the Maxis Drone, as kills from these will not count. Another odd thing I noticed is that if you dig up a Zombie and kill it near a chest that doesn’t count either, dug up Zombies have no souls!!! :mrgreen: Once all four chests are complete claim your prize in the usual way.

Reward: The Punch with no Name

(Technically it has many names, everyone refers to it as something but I haven’t seen anything official. This punch is a one hit kill at least to round 19 :D Good Times)

I’m not going to write up a step-by-step for these last three as there are already loads around this and other sites, follow this link to a topic by Ehjookayted, it is very thorough and easy to follow. I will however give a brief what’s what for each.

Please be advised that this link does contain spoilers for the main Easter Egg and ending cutscene


Thanks Ehjookayted BTW this guide made fathoming Origins soooo much easier

Playing with Power - In Origins, build all elemental staffs in one game. (30 (G)) (Bronze)

The staffs are pretty easy to build, you can quite easily have all these done before the end of round 8 if you take your time.

Master Wizard - In Origins, wield all of the ultimate staffs in one game. (40 (G)) (Bronze)

How to upgrade each staff to its ultimate form is in the topic linked above, the hardest part of this achievement is getting randoms to swap staffs with you, especially if they have Fire / Lightening. They think you are just after stealing their staff, people are so untrusting. Play with friends when you do this one.

Little Lost Girl - In Origins, release Samantha. (75 (G)) (Silver)

The Über Achievement of Origins, the full guide is in the topic linked above. Once you have done with this let me know what you think of the ending on the topic below. If you haven’t completed this yet or seen the ending this link has spoilers so proceed with caution.


So that’s it a list of all the achievements / trophies and how to achieve them. I hope I didn’t waffle on for too long and thank you for taking the time out to read my post.

Any suggestions, amendments clarifications or additions to are welcome just let me know below and I will amend this post.

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I believe you have it correct from what I read on some other threads. Having Zombie blood wouldn't technically be a different method; it's still with standard or quick. Also there is a separate achievement for getting revives(also starting the generator) in zombie blood. It seems like that would just be over kill.

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