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Moon on Tranzit!


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What makes you go straight to 'it's a moon'? There are a ton of in-game light objects that appear the same. And if there was going to be a 'night time' in the game, they wouldn't store a light down there like that. They'd replace the skybox.

I have experience in game development, so i'm telling you what i know to be fact. The only conceivable reason for a dev to put that alleged 'moon' there, would be if the game had that animated upward, into the sky. But even then, it wouldn't be there, visible at all times -it would be triggered.

And following my own advocacy, if they were going to animate it up, it would firstly be much higher res and if i was a dev and i wanted a moon rise, i'd atleast have a moon texture, as opposed to a light object.

Don't take me wrong though, i do hope i'm totally wrong and i don't like to be the idea killer but what i'm telling you is based on knowledge of how games are built. It's the same reason i know that the only way for 'alternate routes' to exist is if the game loads in more of the map, something i've never seen happen before on any map -so unless you're teleporting into an instance, i doubt 3arch would pop in a quick load and let you go on your merry way into the horizon of a new map area.

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What makes you go straight to 'it's a moon'? There are a ton of in-game light objects that appear the same. And if there was going to be a 'night time' in the game, they wouldn't store a light down there like that. They'd replace the skybox.

I have experience in game development, so i'm telling you what i know to be fact. The only conceivable reason for a dev to put that alleged 'moon' there, would be if the game had that animated upward, into the sky. But even then, it wouldn't be there, visible at all times -it would be triggered.

And following my own advocacy, if they were going to animate it up, it would firstly be much higher res and if i was a dev and i wanted a moon rise, i'd atleast have a moon texture, as opposed to a light object.

Don't take me wrong though, i do hope i'm totally wrong and i don't like to be the idea killer but what i'm telling you is based on knowledge of how games are built. It's the same reason i know that the only way for 'alternate routes' to exist is if the game loads in more of the map, something i've never seen happen before on any map -so unless you're teleporting into an instance, i doubt 3arch would pop in a quick load and let you go on your merry way into the horizon of a new map area.

You have a point. But remember, Tranzit is all covered in fog. If you see some no clip videos, you can clearly see that some objects have a very shit*y texture. Why? Because fog hides it. Maybe the night sky and the moon have a pretty bad texture, but if they would be covered in fog, why make a better texture for them?

Just a thought. Sorry for bad english..

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You're saying that if something is not going to be seen clearly, there's no reason to give it a higher resolution. This is totally true, but the fact is that if you're going to have a skybox and you need a real light object (so an actual source of light (like the sun) instead of just light being emitted from the skybox itself) then it doesn't have a texture. Light objects are not textures, they can't be high or low quality, they are engine-rendered sources of light.

I don't even know what that is, it looks like a low-res texture but it's difficult to tell because you're in split screen. My initial guess is that it's an environment source. The whole map is not dynamically lit, some parts are lit by lights that don't actual exist in the rendered -visible- game. The power room is a good example, it has a couple of these lights that are outside the map but emit a radius of light that gets you the super bright effect. It's called an environment object, which is possibly what that light is -it's inefficient to place lights everywhere in order to have the map generally lit. Since the Sun isn't doing that, it could possibly be this light. Another thing to note is that more often than not, the light object is the color of the light it emits, so a global lighting solution such as the one i'm talking about would be a neutral color -white. If you don't quite understand that, let me know and i'll give a better explanation of what global illumination is.

I don't have all the answers, but i can sure as hell help to point you away from the wrong direction. I know it's not very helpful to shoot down ideas, but if i were in your position, i'd rather be proven wrong than hoping to be right indefinitely.

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