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Undead Escort

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By now I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors of a new game mode: Escort. The supposed premise of this mode is: one team must defend the escort to 3 different flags to win (don't know if it's meant to be round-based or not). If the escort dies, other team wins.

Judging by the fact that Mark Lamia has already hinted at some team-based zombie game-modes in addition to the new zombie modes presented in Black Ops II, I think it would be awesome if they made a zombie variant of Escort.

Imagine how fun it would be, an 8-man team escorting a Player-VIP to three drop points whilst simultaneously holding off hordes of the undead and scoring a crap-ton of points along the way. Perhaps we would see power-ups and weapon drops along the way to help players deal with the zombie antagonists.

I for one would LOVE to see this incorporated into the game, it would also be interesting to see how Treyarch deals with the XP system for such game-types.


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Would there be maps made just for the zombie escort, or would it run on any of the zombie maps? Because i think the game mode would work the best on maps that are more "rectangular shaped" (if you know what I mean lol) so it would be kinda like rush in battlefield

I'd quite like them to do what Infinity Ward have done with spec ops survival and give players the option to use multiplayer maps in the zombies playlist. You have a point though, "rectangular" maps would suit it better as a map similar to Derail of MW2 would be absolute chaos! :mrgreen:

I'd assume it to be like a cross-over between drop-zone of MW3 and Rush from BF. Would be awesome.

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I think using the multi-player maps would be good as long as they were dulled down and more gloomy. It wouldn't take much disc space to change small aspects of a map to make it more like zombies.

In all aspects, I like the idea of this game mode and I think it is closest to what will actually be on the game. I know some people want to run around as a zombie slapping people, but I wonder if any of those people ever played a game like that. It sucks, believe me. The humans always win, and the upgrades are never enough.

I like the idea of all the game modes being different variants of a survival game. Not two teams of four trying to kill each other. Good idea man.

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This would be amazing, though I wouldn't want it to be a rectangular path. I want to travel through mazelike maps with numerous and random traps, just to make it more complex, possibly even with multiple paths to take, so your're not doing the same path for every map each time. Also no respawn, just to raise the stakes.

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I think using the multi-player maps would be good as long as they were dulled down and more gloomy. It wouldn't take much disc space to change small aspects of a map to make it more like zombies.

In all aspects, I like the idea of this game mode and I think it is closest to what will actually be on the game. I know some people want to run around as a zombie slapping people, but I wonder if any of those people ever played a game like that. It sucks, believe me. The humans always win, and the upgrades are never enough.

I like the idea of all the game modes being different variants of a survival game. Not two teams of four trying to kill each other. Good idea man.

Yeah, I hear you. Adding effects similar to that of the post-moab/nuke state of MW3 but with a more zombie-ish feel would definitely enhance the atmosphere of the modes. Yeah, I remember playing versus on Left 4 Dead and despising being a zombie due to the unbalance between zombies and survivors.

Thank you ^^.

This would be amazing, though I wouldn't want it to be a rectangular path. I want to travel through mazelike maps with numerous and random traps, just to make it more complex, possibly even with multiple paths to take, so your're not doing the same path for every map each time. Also no respawn, just to raise the stakes.

Well Treyarch have always been good at innovation so I expect they could definitely pull that off. In fact, that's the most likely outcome, as they probably wouldn't only allow the rectangular maps in the playlist but rather the entire catalogue of maps so we would probably see many big maps being played. Oh yes, that would be brilliant; the multiple paths would be expected of course but the no respawn, like in SnD, would be beast. ^^

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