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Points needed for Bowie/Sickle

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see below for some details

Riese: 6750

Kino: 7250

FIVE: 8500

Ascension: 7500

COTD: 5750

Shangri: 7000

Moon: 7500

Der Riese


Door 1: 750

Door 2: 750

Door 3: 1000

Door 4: 1250

Bowie: 3000

Both ways equally expensive.

Jug + Power accessible after you opened to Bowie.

Kino der Toten


Door 1: 750

Door 2: 1000

Door 3: 1250

Door 4: 1250

Bowie: 3000

Both ways equally expensive.

Jug + Power accessible after you opened to Bowie.



Door 1: 750

Door 2: 1000

Lift 1: 250

Door 3: 1000

Door 4: 1000

Lift 2: 250

Door 5: 1250

Bowie: 3000

Jug + Power accessible after you opened to Bowie.



Door 1: 750

Door 2: 1250

Door 3: 1250

Door 4: 1250

Sickle: 3000

:arrow: Costs dependent of path

:arrow: Jug + Power not accessible after you opened cheapest path to Bowie.

You can first of all choose the path through Jug or not through Jug. This doesnt matter (750+1250), and you land at the same spot. However, if you go through Jugger, the doors to access Jug will be open already later on. But keep in mind, that you might wanna keep one Jug door closed, so you might anyway choose the other path. IF you choosed the nonjug path, keep in mind that the bottom Jug door is only 750, where the top Jug door is 1250.

But then, you can choose to go through Power or not through Power. You shall not go through Power for the cheapest Bowie. Because the path through Power will have an additional door, and making it cost you an additional 1000 points.

But later, you will anyway have to open that door for 1k that goes into the Power Room. Cause no Power no Jug ;)

Imagining a random game, where a random opens directly somehow to box, the path you choose to the Bowie will not matter anymore then.

Conclusion: Do whatever fits your monkey strategy.



Door 1: 750

Door 2: 1000

Door 3: 1000

Sickle: 3000

:arrow: Costs dependent of path

:arrow: Jug + Power not accessible after you opened cheapest path to Bowie.

To get the cheapest Bowie, you open to MP5k, pass by the Music Rock, open back of lighthouse.

There is no "win win" path you could do for power or Jug. So it's a long work to get all the points for Power and Jug.

Shangri La


Door 1: 750

Door 2: 1000

Door 3: 1000

Door 4: 1250

Bowie: 3000

Both ways equally expensive.

Jug + Power accessible after you opened to Bowie, in case you've chosen the path where Jug is. Otherwise another 750 for door to Jug.



Door 1: 750

Door 2: 750

Door 3: 1000

Door 4: 1250

Door 5: 750

Bowie: 3000

:arrow: Costs dependent of path: Tunnel 6 is cheaper than 11. When you go through 11, you pay 500 more.

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