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Loading Screen analysis


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Well for starters, proof that this is after Shangri La is if you look in the left bottom corner where it's torn you see part of the Shangri La loading screen.

I'm only going to point out the zombies/suspicious stuff, not the adds like learn to draw, and such.

So up in the top one from the left, it looks like a cartoon version of a hog, like the kind they had on the carts at Shangri La.

Then below, there's one that says, SURPRISE MONKEY, so could there be monkeys, again somewhere on here? Maybe as a surprise since it wasn't in the trailer.

Then at the bottom the little statue that says Idle Idol, reminds me of the statues that give you the Ray Gun on little resistance.

Then up at the top again, it says control panel. Not sure what it is but maybe related to the Blackbird blueprints of the control panel on Hangar 18,

Then below there is obviously the pack a punch machine, no legible text around it.

Gun Mule, the new perk is the next ad.

And at the bottom of that row there is a picture of the speed cola machine.

Then back at the top left, there is what appears to be some sort of disc aircraft, showing a little resemblance to the Avrocar.

The big yellow Speed Cola advertisement is next, and it says 'Speed Cola speed up your life!' at the bottom.

To the left of it's bottom there is a directors chair, Romero reference?

Then, SPACE ICE, not sure what it means but an image of a rocket is below it.

Then there's clearly a drawing of the Vril Generator/Golden Rod, and it is labeled, V Device.

To the right there's an add for the Thunder Gun, showing an image of one pointed NE.

And now this next one below it was really strange to me, GAMMA RAY SPECS, so glasses that shoot laser beams? Didn't see those in the trailer :(

And lastly an astronaut leaping away and what appears to be discs titled as USED DATA TAPES, perhaps these are the new radios?

And then the bottom in orange says ------ Fudgely Co.

the ----- is because Treyarch conveniantly put their symbol to block out the first word.

Then the image which has already been noted, contains a spacecraft with an overview of the base with a shadow showing Sam holding her Teddy.

Then below there is clearly an Aztec temple on the moon, HOW?! Maybe the Vril Ya teleporters are responsible. With 4 astronauts, 3 in a ditch on above moving along to the base.

Then the last image shows the crashed craft, likely a saucer, because it couldn't be a re-entry capsule, be it isn't re-entering derp.

Just a compilation of my observations.

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Honestly, Idle Idol reminds me of the monkey statue around Shangri-La to open the Pack-a-Punch.

Also: Right above Idle Idol is a image of waves of somesort (you can't see it clearly with your picture. It needs to be 720p. Luckily, earlier today, I was looking up Quantum Physics, Quantum Entanglement, etc. and I found this:

EDIT: Damn, the picture is transparent. I'll leave a link to the picture.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... on.svg.png

This comes up when looking up Quantum Chromodynamics and Quantum Electrodynamics. This is probably the only thing that shows anything about the QED.

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