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Where's Our Story Going?

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So, I know alotta people have been making posts about why our Favorite Zombie Slayers are heading to the mythical city/town/mountain area of Shangri-La.

After piecing some things together that didn't have anything to do with the Cosmic Silverback, I think I may have a theory on where things are going from here.

Richtofan, from the beginning, has obviously known more about what's going on than anyone else. Whilst fooling around with the CotD Easter Egg, I recall Richtofan saying something along the lines of:

"It's times like this I wish I hadn't erased their...I mean....force field, force field, I'm stuck behind the force field"

Richtofan's obviously goofed up with the erasing of their memories, but why would he be so concerned about it?

That question bugged me for days, but it finally started coming together after the announcement of Shangri-La.

The people of Shangri-La have obviously been fantasized to be Immortal. So, if the crew is headed to Shangri-La, what importance did CotD have in their journey?

The "Long, stiff, hard Golden Rod", that'd be what.

So, let's piece a little something together.

Richtofan sends Maxis and Samantha, who seems to be a big force behind the zombies, into some sort of Limbo-like state or place.

Everywhere Richtofan goes, the zombies seem to follow.

Richtofan's been doing research on all this zombie nonsense and Element 115, so here's part one of our equation:

What if Richtofan's actually figured out a way to either put a stop to or free Samantha?

This would explain why he needs so many different things from all the places he's going.

Part two goes like this:

Why does Richtofan need this "Long, stiff, hard golden rod" exactly?

Well, this is what came to mind after I saw the announcement of Shangri-La;

what if the Golden Rod was a key to something at Shangri-La itself?

Something that Richtofan had some kind of knowledge on that he already did some research on? Perhaps some kind of Key to Immortality, as a sort of insurance plan should something go wrong in his grand scheme to either free or put a stop to Samantha? Maybe even something more...sinister....hmm....i'll work more on this part >_>

So basically, my equation leads me to the following theory on where the story's heading with Shangri-La:

Richtofan's taking this Golden Rod to the city of Shangri-La to search for something to help him with his showdown with Sam, which is pretty much inevitable....

.......at least in our eyes, right?

Like I mentioned before, this is all just a theory, i'm interested in hearing other people's thoughts on all this.

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Good theory, i was thinking of the same thing, but I don't believe Richtofen is doing it to simply to deal with Samantha. Working off an idea i have about the songs i concluded this. I noticed that the songs have a strange correlation with the events that have happened and possibly events that we haven't seen. The CoTD song sticks out,not sung by a woman, and it loses a lot of the vague word play. It's not a message, like I believe the others are, I believe it to be a recounting of Richtofen's "work" and the part at the end is troubling

"And I'll control the world, one person at a time."

I think Richtofen doesn't want to destroy or stop Sam, but to either control Sam herself, or take her powers from her. The golden rod is definitely a piece of the puzzle, why would he wait until the others were distracted. This couldn't have been a part to fix the teleporter, because we've seen it nowhere else, and we raised it from god knows how many feet of pure ice. This can't be some normal tool, or replacement part to fix the teleporter. It must serve some purpose that the wonderwaffe DG-2 did, otherwise why keep a DG-2 for as long as they did, never use it, then leave it when they went to Shangra-La? Perhaps it has some sort of property to control or contain energy? One can't be sure until Annihilation i suppose.

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I do like that theory even more Pyro. Like I said, Richtofan's definitely looking for something in particular.

We could both be right, perhaps his way of "dealing" with Samantha is either getting rid of Samantha's powers for himself or controlling Samantha herself, but in order to do that he needs some sort of Immortality Power so Samantha doesn't straight up crush him.

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I do like that theory even more Pyro. Like I said, Richtofan's definitely looking for something in particular.

We could both be right, perhaps his way of "dealing" with Samantha is either getting rid of Samantha's powers for himself or controlling Samantha herself, but in order to do that he needs some sort of Immortality Power so Samantha doesn't straight up crush him.

I don't think Samantha has that strength anymore. I see signs of wear-and-tear on our director from the dark. I think Richtofen plan from the get go is to keep moving, let her tire herself out, and then hit her when she's weak. The song in Ascension had a lot less energy, compared to Der riese's song and Kino's, and she's been chasing them for 5-4 maps, you must have to wonder if 115 has a shelf-life, maybe that's what we'll see.

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