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I think I know who "Yuri" is.

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But In-game Yuris Second name is Kravcheski so it cant be him/

no it sounds more like savoyski/Zavoisky in the ascension radios, his last name doesnt sound anything like kravcheski to me when i hear it, mine u i am running on full surround sound n full base so could be hearing it wrong

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Yup it's either Savoyski/Zavoisky.


Transmission 1:

"I convey my sincere gradtitude to you for that, but on to bussiness. I am pleased to report that all projects are running smoothly again after recent personnel changes, as I have previously mention Yuri Zavoyski is a brilliant scientist, but he has so far proven incapable of handling project Mercury, or as you call it "The Gersch device" (Laughs). Due to numerous delays and setback I have sadly been forced to transfer Yuri to the ei..(Interference)64/A experiments, I have decided that your nephew should take his place. I look forward to working withhim directly. The recent incident with the Cashmir mechanism leaves no doubt in my mind that this is the right decision, the explosion caused the mechanism significate damage, it will take time to re-manufacture all of the part, unless some of them can be salvaged." (Transmission Ends)

Dr. Gersch... Ascension Launch Facility, Baikonur cosmodrome.

MOD EDIT Removed all of the other transmissions... not relevant to this thread

Dr. Zavoyski & Dr. Gersch... Ascension Launch Facility, Baikonur cosmodrome.

Hope you enjoy these...

All this is from the Media thread.

Regards Alpha. ;)

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sorry to go slightly off topic but wanted to know if anyone else (or specifically Alpha as he has the audio files) has noticed that on the last transmission, before Samantha/possessed Yuri sends gersh into the Aether, did anyone else noticed the Mystery box opening sounds? its very distinct. just need to know im not the only 1 who heard this for a theory, thanks in advance

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YES, further more I have an idea that Sam & this Devil are hiding in the Box...

Where ever it goes so does all the madness... Think Nacht, what else is there for them to haunt.

Yuri found the box along with the diary of Maxis's or maybe Richtofen's...?

The toys, the teddies, the voices in the box, the giggles when it moves, & Richtofen says he taught her a lesson about moving the Box once before...

THE BOX IS THE KEY... how did it come to be?

Regards Snake.

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YES, further more I have an idea that Sam & this Devil are hiding in the Box...

Where ever it goes so does all the madness... Think Nacht, what else is there for them to haunt.

Yuri found the box along with the diary of Maxis's or maybe Richtofen's...?

The toys, the teddies, the voices in the box, the giggles when it moves, & Richtofen says he taught her a lesson about moving the Box once before...

THE BOX IS THE KEY... how did it come to be?

Regards Snake.

well in the transmission in Ascension Yuri found the box first then in the following transmission he mentions he found a dirty teddy that a rebenka (child) left lying around, so your right the box is the key, everything precedes the box imo

the dairy is very interesting, nothing else is said about it in ascension, but Yuri seems to value the dairy more than anything, ive looked all over Ascension and cant find it or any code about a dairy either, so the idea of it being Richtofens or Maxis dairy is a good one, didnt think about that. [brains] for u when i can use them again

the quote about Richtofen teaching sam a lesson "Could" also be what the whole "Never again sam" on the Der Riese Boards mean? might make sense

As for the box, i dont know if you noticed, but there are several open boxes with teddies in on Kino in and around the stage area, this is a key turning point theories wise imo,

1. could be that Maxis was trying to free Samantha in kino, Difference Engine is used to project through the Aether (the reason why Aether Projectionist is written behind the difference engine) to different places in the world (kinda like portable projected wormhole

2. It could be because of the teddys in boxes around the stage in Kino that Maxis himself is sending Things through the Aether to different places, I.e sending things he knows Samantha/demonic voice can possess like the Mystery box and the teddys (it might also be the reason why there is a evil sams room as it could be where samantha is trapped in the aether and how he gets hold of more evil teddys to send

ok bit far fetched but it can semi be proved, it all depends how far treyarch are willing to go into the story i guess

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