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pentagon theift debate


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note:this is in a very earliy stage and i hope i can update it often

also i am not one sided of the identity of the thieft as i have swayed from to and against this theory but am currently, against

i know there is already a forum on this subject made by anti earth (witch as far as i know has the most views and posts in the "five" section of the forums) but i want to make my own topic posting both sides of the theroy as i think what i plan to do would in my mind be to large to be a comment in the topic already made

(i will be taking alot of info from anti earths topic but i am refining alot of it into a smaller cleaner forum if anti has any problems i will happliy delete anything from his forum)

first the things that created to first connections to clarck

1. the identical face writing


theift (below)

and as well as that the is some similarity in facial features

- CLARKE has GREY hair | THIEF has GREY hair (intel - "Hair:Grey")

- THIEF is a SCIENTIST | CLARKE is a scientist (intel - "[Clarke] was outset from various SCIENTIFIC communities")

- CLARKE has hair on the TOP and SIDES of his head | THIEF has hair on TOP and SIDES of his head

- CLARKE has a moustahce and short beard | THIEF has prominent stuble around the mouth!

(below from intel on numbers)

Subject: Clarke, Daniel

Place of Birth: Oxford, England, UK

Nationality: English

D.O.B: 07/10/1923

Age: 44 (which makes the year 1967)

Height: 6'1''

Build: Thin

Weight: 175lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Grey


"Once upon a time, Clarke was an idealist and a staunch member of the British Communist Party in the 1940s.

As tensions rose and the Cold War escalated, he was ousted from various scientific spcoetoes due to his open

and regularly vocalised political opinions. As McCarthyism took hold in the US, similiar sentiments spread to the

United Kingdom, and Clarke was even further demonized by his peers.

He soon found himself without support for his research on the curing of livestock and farm workers from various

biological and chemical maladies such as Anthrax and Foot & Mouth disease. A pariah, Clarke was forced to

leave the country in order to find new supporters.

In 1964, Clarke travelled to Moscow to meet a party representative for a new top secret Soviet initiative

known as PROJECT NOVA. That representative was General Dragovich.

but along with these connections of clarck being the theift came doubt

(below is the doubt of the community and the solution to these problems provided by anti earth)

"Clarke is dead"

Zombification. The game is full of it

"Thief is in the wrong time"

Time travel. Also present in the game

"If he time traveled, why is he older?"

Because your age doesn't reset when you travel back in time.

He could have time travelled way BEFORE the time of FIVE, and thus grown older through time

until reaching the time of FIVE. Alternatively, he could have grown old after being revived, than time traveled.

"There is no bullet hole on the Thief"

The bullet hit him where there IS HAIR covering it on the Thief.

The Thief's hair covers his wound.

"The Thief is not wearing CLarkes clothes. He's in a lab coat"

Clarke was a scientist. I am sure he once wore a lab coat.

"Clarke was shot in the brain. Zombies need brains"

An entirely unsupported claim. No where in Nazi Zombies does it say Zombies need a brain.

They are UNDEAD. Their brains have long rotted away.

why is the Thief is in the wrong time?

Zombies are dumb.how can the theif take guns if he is a brainless zombie?

but i also have my personal dounbt witch has not been proven false yet(below)

the only teleporter we know of that can time travlle is the one created in der riese notice when a zombie gose near one being activated it is killed? a zombie can not travle throuhg a teleporter capable of time travle (note that the ones in five cant time travle)

there is no way for zombie to time travle

so that brings back up a old qustion

why is the Thief is in the wrong time?

update 1:(cridit to chris mathers for the following ideas)

The Pentagon Thief had a thing for going around and stealing weapons. Doctor Clarke had a thing for hoarding whole caches of weapons. Really he only needed half of one of his caches and could collect more off the bodies, but he just kept on collecting weapons.

And also think about it - Clarke's whole story was one of revenge through indirect means.

-First he gets treated like shit for his Communist ideals so he decides to work for the Soviets by stabilizing Steiner's gas weapon for them.

-Then the Soviets try to kill him so he wires his lab to explode and kill them remotely.

-Then a pair of CIA agents torture him and get him killed in the extraction attempt. So, pissed off at both the Communists and Capitalists, he comes back to life somehow, goes back in time, and literally steals their leaders' weapons, leaving them at the mercy of a horde of zombies.

Okay, that last one was me saying what I THINK happened. And I know I'm just guessing here. But if that is what happened, let me try to get inside Clarke's head a moment here, figure out his thought processes, his endgame. Okay, so, whatever happens to President Kennedy, if Castro were to get killed on US soil, the Communists would more than likely take it as an act of war. Maybe Clarke WANTS World War Three to happen. Think about it - who, more than him, would want to see a full-scale nuclear war with neither side having an unfair advantage? Who else has good enough reason to hate the whole world?

now aswell as chris's info i will now add some of my own (also found in antis forum but posted by me)

Facial features

On this picture I would be 90% sure the thefts eyes are blue but if I could get a better picture so I could be 100% sure it would help put this to rest and I would be very grateful.

The thefts eyes seem to be blue but clarks eyes are brown. There is little to no sound reason he could have changed his eye coulor as a zombie.


On the thieves face there are freckles that are missing from clarks although you can develop freckles as you get older I doubt you can as a zombie but as you said 3arc aren't Nazi super sinentisets so they can't be sure so why put them in if they can't be sure it's posable?


Also The 935 on his bag

Clark was a part of the ascension group but how could he be part of 935 as well he spent his life working on nova6 and I doubt he had time to work for 935, ascension and

The illuminate

I say the illuminate because he has illuminate triangle on his lad coat and illuminate writing on his bags strap.

i will be updating as people post more proof, doubt and "believe"

i also have a poll to see what the comunity think of this theroy and am leaving it open so people can change there mind as more ideas are brought up

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i have heard plenty of theories about the pentagon thief and i am interested in who he really is. your theory is good and makes a lot of sense but another one i liked was where people believe he was scientist working in the pentagon on the wonder weapons you see like the winters howl and the raygun on tables in five and the teleporters but he went mad from exposure to 115 though that theory does not explain why he steals weapons

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i have heard plenty of theories about the pentagon thief and i am interested in who he really is. your theory is good and makes a lot of sense but another one i liked was where people believe he was scientist working in the pentagon on the wonder weapons you see like the winters howl and the raygun on tables in five and the teleporters but he went mad from exposure to 115 though that theory does not explain why he steals weapons

yea but a pentagon "theift" wouldnt exacly be working in the pentagon would he

also when he enter the pentagon it says breach detected in lvl3 ie. he should'nt normaly be there

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