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Posts posted by ZombiesAteMyPizza!

  1. 2 hours ago, DaveLo07 said:


    Could be an element of chance involved. Good to know that's not how they work every time, will have to make sure not to imprint too early in the game if playing for a round.Do you know if they set you back rounds on co-op? Everyone would have to be set back to that round, so it would work pretty much like the time bomb.

    No idea about co-op tbh. So many unanswered questions regarding these plants atm. Guess 3ARC weren't going to make things simple or they'd be too OP. Apparently you don't actually need the blue water, just the KT shots? Not sure if I also misunderstood but just one shot when you plant the seed is all that is needed too... gonna have to test this myself though so don't quote me on that haha, just what I've read.


    EDIT: Just tested - you don't need water! Just plant a seed, and shoot it with a KT shot each round. Should save a lot of time and effort.

  2. 7 hours ago, DaveLo07 said:

    Not sure what the proper function should be, but that is not how they worked for me. I made 2 imprint plants. Imprinted to the first before round 27 and took down without quick revive at round 39. Respawned from plant at round 39 with perks and weapons from time of imprinting. Imprinted to the second at round 40 and went down without quick revive at round 66. Respawned from plant at round 66 with perks and weapons from time of imprinting. I never had to replay the rounds between imprinting and death.

    Maybe there's something about QR that influences it? Interesting... will have to test this.

    EDIT: I've done some testing with and without QR and it all seems a bit random tbh. This time I respawned on the round I was on, once with QR and once without. But before I respawned on the round I was on when I imprinted and I've also seen this happen to other people. Might be a chance thing?

  3. 3 hours ago, TimelordAlex said:

    Talking about the map itself, I definitely prefer it to DE, but having said that, like SoE it's not playable in pub lobbies.

    Yeah it's pretty much one of those look-after-yourself maps. If you're lucky enough to get some people who know what they're doing then you might be able to get some nice weapons, but you should be looking to settle for what you can get without any EEs or quests. With ZNS I establish where Jugg is and then see if I can get some temporary power on to go get it so my ass is covered to go do other stuff.

  4. 9 hours ago, DaveLo07 said:

    Are you sure this is how the imprint plants are supposed to work? Had my first attempt at a round yesterday and built a couple of imprint plants before the boss battle. When I went down initially it would do nothing, quick revive would just pick me up. Then next down it would respawn me through the imprint plant, even though on both occasions I went down with no quick revive as I had not yet picked it up. It felt buggy or inconsistent at the time, but essentially I would get a free quick revive from using the imprint plant and although my weapons/equipment would revert back to the round that I attached to the plant, the round would not revert back. 

    If you have a quick revive then it'll work as normal. In any case that you would have otherwise died, rather than the game simply ending you'll just stick in a downed state and you'll bleed out, like you would in co-op. Then you respawn from the imprint plant at whatever round you created it on.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Steelie said:

    I noticed later on that they change places, yeah :sweat_smile: I simply hadn't gotten any other perks yet on the map so I didn't notice until Revive had changed places.

    It's a bit annoying when things change places as I like to have a routine, but I guess with this map it's not much of a bother as I tend to buy perks all in one go anyway.

  6. I'm loving these imprint plants (though only because I'm a PC player as you'll see shortly). Sure, in solo if you make one on, say, round 20, and then you died at round 50+, you'd respawn on round 20, which sucks if you're going for 100 or something... BUT, I don't use them like that. My PC stays on all the time anyway, so at the moment I've done the easter egg and gotten everything, full ammo, alchemical Gobblegum etc, and imprinted on round 25. I can basically just minimise the game and leave it running - whenever I wanna play I just play from round 25 all set up, make another imprint plant and if I happen to die and respawn, then I'll either make another imprint and continue or just see that as end of game until next time... pause the game, leave it minimised, and next time I play all I've gotta do is make another imprint plant and I'm all set again. So I don't have to do all that messing about each time I start a game, just make the imprint plant and I'm off :smile:

    • Like 1
  7. On 26/05/2016 at 3:32 PM, Steelie said:

    Aaaah thanks for the info! I've played Tranzit years ago and don't remember much of it. And I heartily agree on ZnS being annoying. As for Jug, what bullshit that it's in the bunker and not in a better, more reachable place. I play solo 99% of the time (by lack of a crew) and from the 6 times or something I've played ZnS I've gotten the bunker opened once. It's got next to no replay value for me, the map is just so gigantic and there's paths everywhere. It's just not built for solo, which is a shame.

    The perks change position each time you play ;) Either way, it's not uncommon for jugg to be in the centre of the map in some risky place, we've had this since the earlier days really.

  8. On 25/05/2016 at 11:47 PM, mmm chocolate said:

    i was referring to when you're trapped in and have to kill a bunch to get the power on, without having juggernog.


    but whatever, i agree the shield is a must, its more a balance of not going too high in rounds before going for the power swim.

    Gotcha. Still easy though tbh, just sit by the entrance and the zombies all come from the front. Use B/Circle and A/X to pop up and down every so-often to catch your breath and you're golden. As you said though, obviously the earlier you do it the better, though I tend to camp the first room and make enough points to get everything open and get perks before I set off doing anything and it's still easy.

  9. I think it'd be a damn good map if it wasn't for the fact that you have to do endless quests just to get everything. We shouldn't be forced to do the majority of the easter egg just to get an upgraded wonder weapon and access to another area of the map.


    It's a bit basic, but I still think Der Riese is as close to the perfect map as we've gotten so far.

    • Like 1
  10. On 23/05/2016 at 5:57 PM, mmm chocolate said:

    its just kinda unforgiving on solo. I've only played it 15 times maybe and here's what I noticed:


    opening the bunker and facing a thrasher with no juggernog is tough sometimes, and having to swim and hold your breath while dodging a few zombies is also hard without juggernog yet.


    the only thing that they helped out with is giving you a chance to get doubletap before all this.


    I just need more practice.

    Only played this map once solo since it only got released for us last week, and I think it's easy tbh, just gotta play it smart.


    The zombie only transforms into a thrasher just as the bunker opens. If you shoot the zombies just as the bunker door is opening, and hit the thrasher just as he's transforming from a zombie, he'll still have zombie health and be easy to kill. He's usually on the far left of the pack so I always shoot him first, no thrasher :smile:


    Also make sure you get the shield nice and early, then if you're brushing past zombies just face away from them a bit and let the shield protect you. Also, always do the swimming parts at the end of a round and keep a single zombie.


    I like to do everything in the following order:


    Make 15-20000 pts in the first room
    Go up - left first for gas mask part
    Fill bucket, collect shield part on wall, lower cage, buy HVK, place bucket
    Go past bunker area and go left
    Get gas mask part, fill bucket, place bucket
    Get shield part from trees
    Open bunker, right door for shield part
    Next right door to build shield - open cocoons for pap part
    Come out and door across, turn on power/get pap part
    Come out and open door on right for gas mask part, then go build it

    Get perks
    Kill zombies for KT part
    Catch spider for next KT part
    Open end door, drop and open, swim for pap and last kt part (the plant at the end) - build kt
    Drain water from pap
    Get skull of nan sapwe
    Get set up and build imprint plants


    So my setup is usually HVK and Kuda with Dead Wire and Blast Furnace, and the KT (mule kick obviously required). Then I run in the cocoon room where I built the shield, nice open area, HVK ammo and shield at hand, pretty fast, perfect. Usually only use the KT to make the clone plants and to kill the thrasher, so I don't bother wasting my time with all the upgrade steps, easter egg or anything further beyond what I've written above.

  11. On 23/05/2016 at 10:48 PM, Kalinine said:

    I bring some news. Glitching Queen managed to get the dragon drawings in the highest def as of now (I assume she used noclip command so maybe there's a higher definition).


    And @certainpersoniomaybe she has the scrap papers, I'm waiting for an answer. :p

    Good stuff :D Don't think that was noclip though, haven't been able to use console commands since Black Ops 1!

  12. Had my first solo game in this today and got to round 50 before quitting. Far too easy to get to high rounds on this what with the cloning plants, just spend a lot of the early rounds planting them all over the place and you can go down so many times and still keep going, and eliminates the chance of those moments when you get up and then get downed again trying to get your perks. Running in the cocoons room in the bunker is so easy as well. Might go for a 100 on this but it just doesn't seem like a challenge tbh.

  13. Too much messing about just to get what you need, never a good thing IMO. The layout and feel of the map is awesome, but it should never take over an hour just to get set up for a high round game. They struck a great balance with Eisendrache after the mess that was Shadows, but it seems like they've gone backwards again and overcomplicated things.


    I'm still all for the idea of, per DLC, one big, complex map and one simpler survival map, be it a remake of an old zombies map or a rehash of a multiplayer map like they did in the earlier days, then everyone's happy. Surely, with the popularity of The Giant from both seasoned and new players, this was a sign that a lot of people enjoy the simpler maps? Great for just jumping right into a game without having to spend the majority of your time running around doing searching, quests and EEs. With a lack of features (just perks, box, traps and PaP really) it shouldn't take them very long. Alas, I don't see this happening, but it's a nice idea...

    • Like 1
  14. On 02/05/2016 at 9:40 AM, Poyuma said:

    This was BEFORE some of the major patches that nerfed the Skull of Nan Sapwe so be aware of that. Also there might have been some other patches that could of affected this strategy.


    Yup, like the fact that zombies can now spawn behind the spider's webs and break through them :(

  15. 1 hour ago, anonymous said:

    Then play it! Buy an old console for 50€ and play WaW, BO1 and BO2. I dont have a next gen console or BO3. I still play the shit out of the good old games (not that BO3 isnt good, dont understand me wrong).

    Good thing about playing on PC, you don't need to keep switching around consoles to play all your old games, it's all one one system :)

  16. 10 hours ago, Koslans said:

    Are you playing on Playstation? 
    I'm on xbox and at least 10 zombies spawn on me before the big dude drops down. 
    If I try to camp the clock tower and want to use my gravity spikes at the jump pad there, zombies already storm the room and I can barely get outside. 

    I've played on all 3 systems mate (I own a PC and also play split-screen with mates of mine, one who has an Xbox and one who has a PS), works regardless. Sounds like you're in completely at the wrong spot by the sounds of that last sentence, you should be nowhere near the clock tower at the start of the round. You should be up in the power switch room inside the doorway, as the round transitions. Then when the round starts the Panzer will drop down almost instantly before any zombies have made their way into the map.

  17. 14 hours ago, Koslans said:

    Thanks folks. I didn't know about the health nerf. 

    But how do you wait for him in that small doorway? 
    If I try that, the zombies will surround me way before he lands. 

    He spawns at the start of the round mate. If you get there as the round changes (easy if you're running at the Death Ray or camping in the power or HVK room) then he'll spawn and land way before the zombies start coming at you. That's what makes it work ;)

  18. 9 hours ago, Lenne said:

    I tried this at around 44 or 45 or so, but it caused me to run around with the goofer two more times.

    Two factors played into this (probably): He was on the edge of the trap so he was pretty far away and I shot the head.

    I shot the head because I did read various people who wrote that you should shoot the head instead of the core and other people telling me the opposite.

    I don't know who to believe. ;_;

    Definitely the core mate, I've tried both on similar rounds and he dies so much quicker. Was this very recently as well or a while ago? He had much higher health for a while to begin with but one of the patches lowered his health drastically, since then I never ever fail to kill him before the trap runs out regardless of round. Also makes it ridiculously easy if you wait in the power-switch room just inside the doorway at the start of the round, then every time without fail he'll come down right next to the trap so you can run past is as he's landing and switch it on before the zombies start spawning in, always gets you nice and close as well :)

    • Like 1
  19. PaP'd KRM off the wall. Even at round 100, if you get up pretty close and shoot the core (use the Death Ray to hold him) then you'll typically only need a maximum of about one and a half clips of ammo totaling less than 10 seconds of shooting. This assuming you have Double Tap II of course.

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  20. There's a lot to be said for those spiders webbing up doors, in some areas it stops zombies spawning completely it seems. If you have the top debris closed in the spawn and the bottom debris open but webbed up then the zombies can only spawn in two windows if you don't go down near the water. Obviously it can be a bit of a problem if you go down and need to get out then you'll either have to open up the webbing or rely on the GG machine for Perkaholic, Aftertaste or On The House to get your perks back.

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