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Posts posted by anonymous

  1. Entry 114.98
    It works! Like I said in the last entry, Die Glocke, the flightdevice, is transportated from the Der Riese facility to here, the airfield. Funny that they call this bunker “the airfield”, it doesn’t even has enough place for a plane to land. Every plane that would land here would crash, I am sure about that. But Die Glocke is no plane, its an antigravitydevice running by a Vrill element, or well, officer Hermann says so. Personally I think its only made by iron. But nothing of that matters: It works! I flies! To keep it hidden for the Allies, we tested it at night, when it was dark. My job is to control the red antennae on the roof of this building and at towers in the forrest. Very important, because otherwise the pilot wouldn’t see where he flies and he could crash our newest wunderweapon. Dr. Johnson, the American of whom I once wrote called today “A huge milestone in the history of science”. He said that Group 935 finally succeed in something.

    Entry 114.99
    This is a hell. Apparently it was true what officer Hermann said about the Vrill element. Yesterday, everything seemed fine with the tests, but Die Glocke left a bit of the element in the air when it flew around. This caused a resurrection of hunderds of dead soldiers. While they make the most awfull noises, they are attacking the bunker, right now. All soldiers were ordered to barricade the windows and doors, and let nothing inside until the Wehrmacht arrives here to clear this site of the undead. Fritz hid Die Glocke at the roof, to make sure it won’t be harmed by them. In case we won’t survive this, he has written messages on the walls in which he refers that the machine is hidden at the roof, for the Wehrmacht. Everybody is trying to keep the living dead outside, but our ammunition is running out. Dr. Johnson was sure we won’t survive this and he sent pictures of this bunker and an explanation of what we did here to his son in America, Marlton. How you may ask? A homing pigeon. Many times the old ways are the best. Everybody who tells family of what we do here will punished with death, even Dr. Johnson. But he didn’t care. He says we are dead anyway…

    Entry 115
    They are inside. We won’t make it. We won’t make it though this nacht der untoten.

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  2. In Avadacadavre we hear that Samantha, who is in the MPD, realizes she becomes more and more evil. Originally, she was just a normal kind girl. Richthofen was a normal guy before he touched the MPD too. We all agree there is something evil with that device, but that there has more then one faction to do with this, is something new, at least, I never heard someone say that. But there is a possibility that that is true. The blue eyed zombies in Origins come from the Crazy place, a gateway to the Agartha, Vrill Ya's home. Richthofen is in the MPD, a Vrill device, so there could be Vrill influence there too. But then I wonder, why is Samantha yellow. She is also in a Vrill device. And I actually think the eyes in all BO3 maps are more orange then yellow.

    The green eyes, its strange that almost no one talks about it. I don't think they did it just for the gameplay, I mean, Treyarch knows how much confusion it brings to codz communities. If they would do it just for gameplay, they could made a green cloud around the zombies. Perhaps this is the Apothican colour. The island is Cthulus home. If Apothican colour would be yellow, why would the overlords send zombies on the SoE4 if the shadowman needs their help? But if green is Apothican, what is yellow? Oh, so confuzing

  3. Uhmm, I did something stupid. In a post I couldn't see the images so I thought: "Perhaps it helps if I change the theme". I was on my phone and I saw the mobile theme, so I selected that one. But now I can't click on themes again to change it back. Will it change back automaticly once?

  4. @MysteryMachineX made a word document which you can open in his post "A zombie trilogy VII". It holds loads of information, and its his view on the story, but I think its mostly true and worth to take a look (its still WIP). Furthermore, like my friend @NaBrZHunter told me when I was new to this site: Experience it yourself. Find and activate the radios on maps like Der Riese, Moon and Shi No Numa and later on the other maps. Really interesting stuff there.

  5. I also play only BO1, WaW and BO2. If you ever need a teammate, just say it. Welcome to the site. I see you're interested in the story. If you have any questions about it or about this site or about anything else, feel free to ask, however the story is something no one exacly knows.

    • Like 1
  6. Hahaha, well country neightboor, I had exacly the same when a I played zombies in Kino for the first time. I didn't knew there were doors to open so I always bought an Olympia and so I always died when the hounds came. But its great to have you here, and I still recognize you as #1 code cracker on this site. And indeed, better late then never, I also never made my introductions. When I feel like I will once.

    • Like 1
  7. On ‎28‎-‎6‎-‎2016 at 6:58 AM, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

    I just...  SEE this amazing idea and I think it would put a MUCH nicer bow around the N4 and their story.  Maybe even we could discover why the N4 ended upnwhere they were, how Maxis's diary got into Samuel's hands,  how Marelton survived the world-shattering nuke,  any sort of backstory on Misty,  and one of the MANY Russman questions

    Not this time. I think the nO4 will be at DLC4 too, but perhaps we'll see something of the N4 once(on a monitor or something, or in a quote). I hope so anyway

  8. The Zetsubou No Shima ciphers that are found are here:

    There are a few very interesting which probably are about Stalingrad. Gersch from Ascension is involved again and there is something said about the brothers in the city (stalingrad?). Something completely different but IMO even more interesting is that Brock and Gary from Shangri la are being spoken of. Take a look

  9. 16 hours ago, Castun50 said:

    i have been trying to watch dice summit 2015 for the same reason amigo. These loading screens are starting to make sense little by little. I wonder what happened on this apollo mission. I think it would give more insight on what the device is used for. maybe their is a bigger connection.

    The most confuzing loading screen I think is still the NDU one. Perhaps the boxes represent universes. It wouldnt make sense why the country flags are on it, though. And that portal the guy goes though is the same as the Keeper goes though on the drawing in Samanthas room in DE.

    2 hours ago, Schrödinger said:



    Thank you for that, a very interesting post. Unfortunately, MixmasterNut says he cannot read the text I talked about. So I dont think it holds any significance on the old loading screen


  10. The excavator has indeed simularities of that Nasa sattelite thing. One big difference, the excavation drill is on a planet, possibly Earth, while the satelite is in space. The last two panels of the Nuketown loading screen always annoy me: Someone with a mask on, like he is in space or in a jet, and the wings of a plane or spaceshuttle. Talking about loadingscreens, yesterday I discovered the word "Samantha" on that new moon loading screen in the Treyarch zombie history clip. Its above the Shangri La Idol picture. On the old moon loading screen, there is something else there, but all pictures on internet failed in quality to see what. I though, perhaps you see it more clear when you play moon on a big screen, like a TV. Unfortunately, Im unable to use my xbox these days. Perhaps someone can take a look.

  11. The posts disappeared to the aether? Cant mean anything good, I dont hope they will return as Hellposts or something. But great work admins, for recovering the site

  12. The multiverse is hard to explain. Some use bells or boxes each filled with a universe. But within the zombie story, we get stuff like Agartha and Aether. That makes the multiverse harder to understand. But here is a try: The Wheel Spoke Theory, NabrZhunter once told me about this. I am not sure if this is like Treyarch meant it, but its a concept. Perhaps its true and perhaps not. Enjoy reading!

    The word “dimension” itself has actually two meanings:
    1. The way like you use it in 2Dimensional and 3Dimensional.
    2. A universe in a multiverse, like the Original (Nacht-Buried) dimension and the Origins dimension.
    With dimensions I mean the second meaning. So we know a multiverse holds many dimensions, realms,  universes, or whatever you call them. In the Wheel Spoke Theory the multiverse is some sort of ball, or wheel. All the dimensions lay at the border of the big round multiverse, like the surface of a planet, lets say Earth. The number of these are infinite, like the number of trees on earths surface.

    In ancient stories, Agartha is located in the centre of Earth. In the Wheel Spoke theory, Agatha is in the centre of the multiverse. Just like the fourth dimension (first meaning) it is Impossible for our human brains to imagine this: Within a crust of 3 dimensional universes, a core: Agartha. But we can use an easy metaphore: Earths core. You can see this as a special universe, or dimension.

    The aether is the interdimensional space. The space that is between the normal universes, but also between Agartha and the other universes. If normal universes are trees on the earthcrust, and Agartha is the Earthcore, Aether is the dirt and ground that separates the trees with each other and the core. One note, when Richthofen just discovered the Aether, he gives a speech about it (I believe in Eagles nest). He says the Aether is another dimension. Off course, he just discovered it, but if that is true, it is in opposite of in this theory, in which it is interdimensional space.

    Gateways to Agartha
    In the story, we have seen various gateways to Agartha: Shangri La, the Rift and the Crazy Place. They connect normal universes with Agartha. You can see these as tunnels, from the Earth surface to earth’s core.



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  13. 9 minutes ago, Doctor Richtofen said:

    A gaming website we used to be staff on, It used to be big in the Xbox 360 game modding scene.

    Does it still exists?

  14. Welcome to the site. Are you interested in the story? You are on the right place here. Check out the Asylum and story discussion pages, or ask others if you wanna know about it. I would like to help you understand the story if you want. See you in the forums

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  15. Welcome to the site. Doctor Richthofen is a nice guy, and a friend of a friend is my friend, or something like that. If you have any questions how the site works or about something else, feel free to ask. Enjoy your stay

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  16. Good to have you on the forum. Are you already a bit familar with the story? You can always ask stuff if you dont know it. And hey, Im not that good in english either. Still make lots of grammar issues, but as long as others understand you, its alright. And what maps do you have?

  17. 24 minutes ago, Doctor Richtofen said:

    If You and NaBrZ need a third player for Trazit EE I'm up for that :23:

    Off course you can play with us. Or well, Hunter has to reply first off course but I dont think that will a problem. I even already got your gametag on xbox.

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