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Posts posted by Boom115

  1. Thank you very much (The first ones the awards) was the one I was looking for :) P.s. How do I close a thread :D


    You mean delete a thread or..? You don't close threads, you simply stop responding. :mrgreen:

  2. Can you guys stop that? I know it's tongue in cheek, but I was actually hoping for a serious discussion.

    Removed claptrap...Not issuing warnings, but please try and avoid leaving unnecessary troll posts in topics that are clearly targeted for serious discussion. We're better than that.

  3. Assuming you mean these little pieces of flare right here.


    They can be requested right here: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178356-medal-request-thread/

    In game achievements require photo proof.


    If you arew referring to the "zombication" badge on the side- That is just earned by posting.

      261gnqo_th.jpg  (0 - 25) 

    1z1a1wl_th.jpg (25 - 75)   


     z003.jpg (75 - 150) 

    28mcth3_th.jpg(150 - 300)   

    4hz8tt.jpg(300 - 500)  


      z005.jpg(500 - 750)  

    5b82e_th.jpg(750 - 1000)  

    313k2h3_th.jpg(1000 - 1500)  


      z007.jpg(1500 - 2000)  

    5zqusk_th.jpg(2000 - 2500)  

    maawjs_th.jpg(2500 - 3000)  

    1551dog_th.jpg(3000 - 3500)  

    1em1bl_th.jpg(3500 - 4000)  

      forum_ranks-8.png (4000 - 4500)

    voaiyh_th.jpg(4500 - 5000(+))

  4. Can I have the blue color like Google and Bing plzplzplz I'll kill myself if I can't have it jk but I'll probably cry and bite my pillow it just means that much to me I'm not crazy trust me

    ^That's pretty solid reasoning if you ask me

    You earn blue by donating to the site. Donation can be found in the right hook on the main page.

  5. @Boom Sorry babe, but this game is pretty boring overall. At least that's my first impressions of it.


    Been playing for 3-4 hours. Missions are uninspired; it's your typical 'here's my chores list' stuff, and the world feels dull and empty. Night mode is freaking awesome though.


    Ah I was hoping to get away from the Dead Island dynamic of "I left my pearl necklace at the other hut. Please get it for me!". How long is the storyline playthrough supposed to run?

  6. But isnt zombie labs as a name a reference to the Moon trailers, which I thought was cool?

    Yeah they are for adding zombie labs as an idea forum. They are suggesting research facility as a name change for future zombies.

  7. This might sound silly but why can't activation buy out the 3 developers OR contract them all into one big outfit working together. Contract 1 huge team to produce a game say every second year with constant DLC to fill the void?

    Be gentle, had a few beers and not much thought in my post. Lol. I'm gathering there is a reason.

    My reasoning is by an old saying, " many hands make light work".

    Ah I'm jealous ran out of beer and it's too late to get more. Got about a half bottle of bourbon left, I think it'll get me through.


    Reason One: Flexibility- Have two and now three developers allows them to produce new games every year. While one dev is putting the final touches on the new release, the other is at the drawing board getting things started again.

    Reason Two: Money- Since the hire a third party they only need to pay them when they are on Activision's clock and are not liable for any sort of benefit packages. Once the development season ends they drop them like a bad habit. This leaves 3A/SH/IW to handle the excess of testers/programmers/and other sorts and pay out unemployment or simply layoff. This is a typical practice for large companies.They do of course need to honor their contracts.

  8. @PortlyLlama80 Source?

    Thank you!


    I'm curious about the gun leveling achievement. Perhaps we'll see some stuff from the standard Exo Survival mode as well? I'm sure it's more that simply purchasing stats but still.

    We've already seen guns with mark 2,3,4 ect in the trailers. I'm assuming it will continue all the way to 20, and for 40G I'm sure it's quite a feat.



    Wow the last achievement, I was hoping there would be a reference somewhere.

    I think it was inevitable. :mrgreen:




    We currently have five places solely for general story discussion, and with this model you suggest, it brings it to three. I think we should bring it to two. First, you said you wanted Future Zombies to be a place to theorize, but by that I assume you mean to hope, wish, and predict? Your usage of "theorize" is throwing me off a bit.

    Future Zombies- For the casual theorists. Basically threads that do no make it into Asylum.

    Asylum- for the hardcore theorists.

    Zombie Labs- Essentially feature/map/storyline without any factual basis.


    I like that set up, as long as the name Future Zombies is changed. To me, that doesn't imply theory, that implies concepts, but apparently that's what Zombie Labs is for. Perhaps we could rename it to be the Research Facility or something like that?


    Research Station/Research Facility- I think something along those lines would work fine. We will of course have the short description on the main index. We could additionally pin a forum guide at the top of each, to further refine the forum use.

  10. Call me crazy, but I see two of the same section with different headings - Treyarch and Campaign/Multiplayer (which ended up having two of the same names for another category). Am I missing some super secret detail about this?



    Ah, that's just two images merged together. Not watching the small details at four in the morning. :P


    What if a concept is also a theory of some sort but not actually stated within the map concept. Would that be future zombies or Zombie Labs?

    Have any current examples I could reference?

  11. I believe that Tournaments should not be under the Teammate Finder. It's an event that you aren't quite looking for people to play with, but more an organized community event. Therefore, put it under the Apps header with Live Streams, the Calendar, and the Arcade. Not to mention, there's a total of three threads that should be in there. Furthermore, the Teammate Finder and Teams sections need to be more heavily regulated and their roles need to be defined further. I think that the General Teammate Finder section would be if they just need one or two more people to fill in, whereas the teams section should be for Side Quests or just actually getting a team together to play. Right now, there's a hodgepodge of threads everywhere and that needs cleaned up.

    I agree, we could possibly expand upon this http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177605-welcome-to-teammate-finder/. We could also utilize the calendar function side hook and remove the tournaments section all together.


    We currently have five places solely for general story discussion, and with this model you suggest, it brings it to three. I think we should bring it to two. First, you said you wanted Future Zombies to be a place to theorize, but by that I assume you mean to hope, wish, and predict? Your usage of "theorize" is throwing me off a bit.

    Future Zombies- For the casual theorists. Basically threads that do no make it into Asylum.

    Asylum- for the hardcore theorists.

    Zombie Labs- Essentially feature/map/storyline without any factual basis.


    The "Story Discussion" subsection of the General Zombies Discussion section should be removed, with all threads moved to their appropriate spots. Ideally, in my opinion, there will be no theorizing in the General Zombies Discussion section.

    I am for this.

    I think the threads from the General World at War Discussion and General Black Ops Discussion sections should be moved to their appropriate spots first and then decide what to do. There's a lot that don't belong in General Zombies Discussion, and plenty that do belong right where they are. But once the appropriate ones are moved, decide from there if there's enough to keep the sections and put them as subsections of the Treyarch section, like it's done with Infinity Ward.

    So basically leave all three for the undefinable threads or merge all three after we move the other threads?

    As more general comments, I like that you combined Questions and Suggestions. I like that moved Games Lounge and Media Center, that's smart. Just as a heads up, you have "WaW Custom Zombies Discussion" listed twice in your image. Great stuff! These are just my suggestions, I would love to discuss them.

    Ah, that's just two images merged together. Not watching the small details at four in the morning. :P


    Thanks for all the feedback so far folks!


  12. CoDz February User of the Month!

    Nominations open until December 27th, 2014 [Midnight GMT]

    Love isn't the only thing in the air this February! A new Admin, and new forum, and of course a new UOTM! Submit nominations for the member you think best represented greatness in the last thirty days. And who knows, maybe you have a few secret admirers yourself...


    How it works

    Step 1. Browse the forum. Look around, if you really weren't here during the month, please don't put up a random nomination or vote. Just look around. Spend 15 minutes, or even 7 hours scanning around the entire forum! There are lots of great things to read!

    Step 2. Decide on your nominations. Pick a few people who you think could be worthy to be added into the poll. You aren't limited to one, but please don't nominate more than a few users. If they're worthy of nominations, they'll be mentioned by someone else. Trust your fellow users, and don't go on a nomination streak, you don't get a care package for 5 nominations.

    Also, please read this thread by Ehjookayted on the qualities that are looked for in User of the Month candidates. - Please click here! - There will be cake.

    Step 3. Post your nominations, and explanations or example links. When you've decided who you would like to nominate, please post it below in a reply to this topic. I will also be looking for a brief explanation, and/or a link or two showing examples of why they should be User of the Month.

    Step 4. Wait. I will leave nominations open for about 2-3 days after posting this thread if time permits. This is simply to ensure that most of our regular users have the opportunity to chip in. Just be patient, and thank you for your time. :)

    Step 5. Vote! Out of the nominations, I will add those that meet the required criteria to a poll, which will run for about 3 days. I hope to end the poll on the last day of each month, but time can be a cruel mistress sometimes, so bare with me if things are a day or so off.

    Step 6. Celebrate! Congrats, you helped a great member be recognized for his/her greatness. You should be feeling warm and tingly now. Be sure to congratulate them! After the voting is closed, I will remove the old User of the Month from the title, and the new winner will don the Cyan robe and become our new User of the Month!

    Rules and requirements

    A user may not nominate themselves or anyone sharing the same IP address. This is to avoid cheating.

    In order to nominate a user for UOTM, you must have at least 50 posts, and have been a registered member for at least a month.

    A user will not be added to the poll unless they have been nominated at least twice by two separate users.

    A user may not nominate more than three other users per competition.

    If there is an abundance of votes for two-three users where upon the total number of users is more than six, a second round of voting may occur if requested by the community. The second round will only consist of the top voted users.

    A user may not win User of the Month if they have won the title in the last 3 months. A staff member may not win the title if they have won in the last 6 months.

    Users will only be part of the User of the Month group for the month after they won. They will however keep a medal to recognize their victory.

    Any nomination, will require a brief explanation, and example links of posts that show the qualities necessary for a User of the Month.

    A nomination regarding a staff member is subject to the decision of myself and the other staff as to whether or not it should be accepted based on the linked material and/or written reasons provided by the nominator.


    Previous winners.

    January 2015: Black Hand Smith

    December 2014: Stop mocking me0

    November 2014: Undad

    October 2014: The boring guy

    September 2014: the_clay_bird

    August 2014: GRILL

    July 2014: InfestLithium + ETEl2NAL407

    June 2014: Jolteon

    May 2014: Naitrax

    February 2014-March 2014: DeathBringerZen

    January 2014: Hells Warrrior

    December 2013: ----------

    November 2013: 83457

    October 2013: Boom

    September 2013: Samara + Slade

    August 2013: TheBSZombie

    July 2013: ----------

    June 2013: RequixEclipse

    May 2013: FatedTitan

    April 2013: Flammenwerfer

    March 2013: l GRILL l

    February 2013: InfestLithium

    January 2013: MurderMachineX

    December 2012: PINNAZ + Lenne

    November 2012: Electric Jesus

    October 2012: Punkrockzombie

    September 2012: Jake-Duck

    August 2012: MyLittleHellhound

    July 2012: Rissole25

    June 2012: perfectlemonade

    May 2012: MixMasterNut

    April 2012: BlindBusDrvr

    March 2012: way2g00

    February 2012: SuperHands

    January 2012: Ehjookayted

    December 2011: Tom852

    November 2011: OstonedshooterO

    October 2011: LiamFTWinter

    September 2011: Phillips455

    August 2011: Faust

    July 2011: TacticalInsertion

    June 2011: MrRoflWaffles

    May 2011: XAvengedLullabyX

    April 2011: cjdog23

    March 2011: xXDaRkLeGeNdSXx

    February 2011: DigitalShadowZZ

    January 2011: ----------

    December 2010: Graffiti Skys

    November 2010: Mikeh12

    October 2010: Undeadwolfy

    September 2010: RedDeadRiot

    August 2010: Alpha Snake

  13. Hey Team,

    I wanted to talk briefly about the organization of the main page and some areas I personally think are an opportunity. If you are familiar with any of my larger threads you will notice that I am a firm believer of organization and simplification (i.e. A place for everything and everything in its place). Although I never completed this one, it is a prime example http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/158528-black-ops-2-users-guide-work-in-progress/. I think the current layout of our main page has so many sections that the overall navigation has become difficult if not using New Content or Search buttons. If you take a look at overall utilization of the forums over the last three months, it is clear that we have many forums that don’t require a one click redirect.



    Based on the data presented above, here is my suggested reorganization:




    I’d like to reestablish Future Zombies as a place to theorize, and add a new forum Zombie Labs as an area to concoct and develop idea threads.

    Merge all grief and turned topics to one forum. Some of the current forums contain zero posts.

    Move topics currently located in General Black Ops and World at War Discussion to General Zombies.

    Move Game Lounge and Media Center to Member Lounge.

    Merge Gaming Discussion & News and Console Discussion with Off Topic.


    No massive changes, but I think this would serve as some much needed maintenance. Again, there is not current action plan in place to make these modifications. Just an idea.




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