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Der atzi

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Everything posted by Der atzi

  1. What's gona happen to Sam? Will she get her old body back? Or will she be stuck in richtofen's body for all eternity.... It's likely she will either destroy the mpd and break the control on all zombies, or switch back with richtofen and attempt to kill him..... Or ( my favorite theory) perhaps a new player will take controle of the mpd and richtofen will have to team up with sammantha to bring him/her down.... Thated make a fantastic trailer....
  2. What's gona happen to Sam? Will she get her old body back? Or will she be stuck in richtofen's body for all eternity.... It's likely she will either destroy the mpd and break the control on all zombies, or switch back with richtofen and attempt to kill him..... Or ( my favorite theory) perhaps a new player will take controle of the mpd and richtofen will have to team up with sammantha to bring him/her down.... Thated make a fantastic trailer....
  3. thank you my good man i know this kind of stuff is not the kind of things people here look into,but i think its neat to bad ppl think i'm a nerd for watching ancient aliens (my uncle especially) My good man, it's all we ever do.. well did... Ever since Black Ops the IQ of this site has, well, dropped. But we also got some amazing new guys among the masses, and what can I say, the stupid ones left, all the great serchers are still here! Oh and you're not alone with the ancient aliens... [brains] (sorry just wanted to try it...) And some find the site long after black ops released it's final map pack.... 8-)
  4. Well just he never said anything until that radio, remember I'm probably wrong with that one....
  5. Yes I know about Jeff dunham..... but yeah richtofen wasn't week minded... So the possessor rejected him....
  6. I would start by having to pap a weapon, then putting the pap weapon into the aretu-o-matic would upgrade THAT! But the areture cost 10000 and there should also be a machine called perk-a-punch, that allows you to improve your perks, you'd buy the perk a punch after buying a perk then you would receive a mechanism that when used in front of the perk machine you just bought would increase the perks power, I suggest starting with jug. Because if you go down you lose it all.... Perk a punch cost 5000 and the upgraded perk will cost 1000 more than what you bought it for...
  7. thank you my good man i know this kind of stuff is not the kind of things people here look into,but i think its neat to bad ppl think i'm a nerd for watching ancient aliens (my uncle especially) Watching anchient aliens doesn't make you a nerd, I'm in the top 10 people on my campus, and I watch warehouse 13! But yes 3arc LOVES it's mysterious unknown haze it creates with radios and hanging people, and teleporters, and eastereggs, the list goes on and on....
  8. I could see the second map that comes with the game being that.... The first map HAS to explain the aftermath of moon though.... Not always.... A five-esque map totally random... to reintroduce the fact that they're back... then, the second map begins, first thing you hear is Dempsy. Look the way I see it, codzombie fans would have been waiting so long for an answer to their destruction of the earth cliffhanger, they'd have to put out at least one map that came with the game,(no map packs yet) that had an easteregg that would help the crew continue to the next chapter of the madness, mabie your map will replace "5", but the ee one will replace kino as most likely....
  9. You wouldn't consider the undead, hellhounds, and crawlers to be demons. I do, in a sense. Sigh fine! Believe what you want!
  10. Perhaps you can use it to create a mystery box from any mb spawn point, like the hacker on moon...
  11. I could see the second map that comes with the game being that.... The first map HAS to explain the aftermath of moon though....
  12. I believe in angels and satin and god, but the fact is if satin wanted this to happen he didn't have to do this, his own army of demons could have risen easy peasy....
  13. Zombie souls power the devise, it shoots plasma, ( should have mentioned that, sorry...)
  14. Ik but he doesn't start using it until the soi....
  15. When richtofen meets the pyramid device for the first time, he approaches and touches the mechanism, and receives a electric shock. He might have overlooked this as static electricity. But if you notice, he has odd behavior traits after the spark, he starts using wunderbar, he becomes somewhat gay, starts hearing voices, and becomes more acquainted with destroying the human race than improving it.... I think that spark was not caused by regular electrons.... :shock: I believe that the soi (I'm gona call it the soi for spark of insanity) was actually meant for someone, or something else. And it took over richtofen's mind, and fully festered while he was in shangri-la for the first time... However this was no benevolent creature, it used richtofen as a puppet for it's own purposes. Richtofen, trying to call for help, began doing things no Nazi would ever do: becoming gay, and acting crazy. Wunderbar must be some kind of code or name or password or mabie nothing. But back to being meant for something else, the voices are angry, and I feel as if the soi was meant for someone else to become the "sleeper" agent. Richtofen was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, perhaps the soi was meant for the creature richtofen assumed was schuster in the cave, or another alien race entirely! Tell me what you think...
  16. When richtofen meets the pyramid device for the first time, he approaches and touches the mechanism, and receives a electric shock. He might have overlooked this as static electricity. But if you notice, he has odd behavior traits after the spark, he starts using wunderbar, he becomes somewhat gay, starts hearing voices, and becomes more acquainted with destroying the human race than improving it.... I think that spark was not caused by regular electrons.... :shock: I believe that the soi (I'm gona call it the soi for spark of insanity) was actually meant for someone, or something else. And it took over richtofen's mind, and fully festered while he was in shangri-la for the first time... However this was no benevolent creature, it used richtofen as a puppet for it's own purposes. Richtofen, trying to call for help, began doing things no Nazi would ever do: becoming gay, and acting crazy. Wunderbar must be some kind of code or name or password or mabie nothing. But back to being meant for something else, the voices are angry, and I feel as if the soi was meant for someone else to become the "sleeper" agent. Richtofen was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, perhaps the soi was meant for the creature richtofen assumed was schuster in the cave, or another alien race entirely! Tell me what you think...
  17. No it's aliens, or something else, not satin, there's too much science involved to just switch to religious beliefs, mabie later on, but now, no....
  18. Also I would love to see a weapon that runs off zombie souls: sam sickle 1.290- simi automatic, killing a zombie gets you one bullet, strong as a ray gun. Upgraded- richtompson Simi automatic, killing a zombie gives you two bullets, strong as a upgraded ray gun. Developed by dr. Groph when working on the mpd.
  19. That wasn't an ancient teleporter, in shangri la. shangri la is where the crew went after being teleported to "paradise", they walked to shangri la and got the focusing stone, then left by foot to another teleporter to a51. The time mechanism was built by dr richtofen and the natives that worshiped him after he ended up there through his first mtd teleportation, dr. Maxis ended up there as well with the shrink Gun. Or at least that's what what's-his-face said in his complete zombie storyline.
  20. No the mpd is the pyramid, the mtd is the teleporters, and the pyramid is the cause of the madness the teleporters are simply transportation.
  21. If you notice richtofen doesn't here "voices" until he gets shocked...oooohhhh
  22. Perhaps...... Sam isn't controlling George..... But..... The voices.... The voices that built the pyramid and the die glocke.... Are..... Perhaps....
  23. Mabie first they fix the earth using some other mechanism like the harrp or the flashback paradox from shangri-la.
  24. No because the zombies would be harder, like ..... You know what new idea a Nazi zombie map that once you compleat the Easter egg you get access to a room that contains all the wonder weapons and you can also get some from the box, but the really powerful ones like the wunderwaffe dg2 and the qed devise must be obtain from the room.
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