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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Not quite. Just Jay being himself. Thanks Jay. I'm a sucker for recognition.
  2. Well, it depends what exactly are you setting up for? You can get to pretty damn good high rounds for most people just building the ice staff and forgetting all the other nonsense. If you truly want to go far, there is no reason to have to rush the staves either. Lightning is the only staff that I would think mid-round aquisition past round 8 or so would be reasonably difficult. All the riddles, and such are easy to do mid round, as is nabbing the parts for Ice, and Fire. Wind can be easy, if the robots cooperate. If you get the ice staff (especially if it is upgraded) before the panzer drops, the staff will kill him pretty quick. No need to rush boomhilda. But yeah, if you truly want to do everything and have it done in the first ten rounds, then yes. It is probably the most difficult set up in zombies, aside from a pre-game 300 in NML, or maybe setting MotD so that the only door to the cafeteria is the initial from start and the door that doesn't go upstairs. If you try to go the long way around to the laundry for whatever reason, it can be pretty rough as it delays that step until about round 4, instead of on round 1. However you rarely, if ever, need to actually do everything in Origins before that tenth round. Never if you're not playing solo or not aiming higher than 60-70 or so.
  3. There is a cipher in Thor's head that you can see with a sniper. After you upgrade all the staves, the rings blink out a coded message in morse code at 0.3x speed or so. I believe there are more, but Origins was one of the best maps for this type of thing in BO2. BO1 had a decent share of this type of stuff, but World at War and Der Riese in particular were the hotspot for this little hidden Easter Eggs. Although actually B01 had the terminal files, and GKNova site... I don't know. Both BO1 and World at War weregreat for those types of hidden info.
  4. DBZ, that's why it is usually the staff I go for in co-op. I have the dial positions memorized, and can regularly get the three parts all in one round trip by myself, and I can read (and play) the notes for the keyboard in my sleep (I am a pianist) so it's something I can do mid round, any round, and usually when the map is opened up I can assemble and upgrade the whole rig in one go. Even in solo sometimes I'll still build it, and use it during early rounds.
  5. Depends on what you're looking for. Ice staff is the 'strongest'. The ultimate form is always a kill, and the blizzard is actually quite useful. Fire is extremely good against panzers, and pretty useful in general for awhile. Lightning may not have longevity, but up until 40-50 it is the best for panic spaming. Just shoot the non-charged shots at your feet and you'll get out of any trouble. Ice can be the easiest, but it can also be annoyingly difficult. If you're lucky, you can have it by 4, or you can be stuck waiting until 10. Lightning is always constant. It's the only one without random elements. Same thing with the puzzle. That's why I think it is the easiest to build and upgrade.
  6. Got to my first day of classes, and found out my Astronomy Professor who had helped me submit research proposals to NASA for amateur use of the Hubble passed away about a week ago...

    1. GRILL


      sorry mega. it's always tragic to lose a mentor. at least he helped you with those research proposals...

    2. MegaAfroMan


      They didn't get accepted, but it was very nice of him to do so. Between that, him sharing with me some looks at his current research, and my work through Astronomy Club I got to know him pretty well.

    3. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      Sorry for your lost sir.

  7. I don't quite know if that can be called a double standard in that sense. I mean, just because there is cussing in the game, doesn't mean you need to cuss to enjoy the gameplay. Again, I cannot speak for MMX, so I cannot fully explain how his value system works.
  8. MMX has a very strict and somewhat unorthodox value system. I mean he never uses words that could be classified as swear words, even in the context of names or quoting. That's why he refers to HellsWarrior as H-Warrior. His value system basically condemns anything that couldn't be given a PG rating. I think the first image was probably reacted to somewhat poorly. However the reactions to those reactions also could have used a tad bit more compassion. From there it seems to have just spiraled into a mess. I personally am old fashioned, in the sense that this forum had operated perfectly fine for a long time without allowing for cussing, or NSFW photos, and I don't really think that needs to change. I mean, NSFW photos could be just linked to, rather than shown in post (even though that is still against the 'old' rules) and I really don't think we need to remove the discouragments on cussing. There are so many other words to use, I just don't see the point to remove the discouragement. I think that IF, as it seems to be, the decision to throw out the more PG rules of this site is taken, then a simple indicator as Samara illustrated, would be much nicer than an entire section with limitations and age requirements. The game is a Mature game, but that's just in principle. We cannot ignore the fact that the mature rating isn't law (at least in US), it's a warning. As such, a significant bracket of call of duty players falls under the age of 17 (which is the age at which M rated games are allowed for purchase without parental consent).
  9. I like the colors, but that was a fundamental difference that ultimately comes down purely to opinion. Last time it was decided to cut back. This time, I don't know what will or should be done.
  10. The site Code of Conduct will need some changes then, as it explicitly forbids the use of cursing or swearing. I should know, I wrote it. If you're going to allow such things, please update the rules. Otherwise there is no point to them if the staff just get to go with whatever they want. I didn't share my thoughts in detail earlier on the UOTM upgrades either, so i'll do that. I have notes: On giving UOTM additional powers, UOTM could be made more significant with added incentives, which could have the potential to increase activity in the contest, and potentially make a sligt nudge in the quality of posts as a result. The incentives for UOTM must be tangible and impressive, yet they must not cause damage or chaos to the forum. Full on Moderator powers for a month, would be way too chaotic. Presence at staff meetings could potentially work, if staff meetings are indeed held once a month. Ability to sticky posts, or perhaps attach some form of priority to posts made by the Uotm could potentially work. Giving the Uotm the ability to see the fun little things like graveyard, mod lounge, and so on shouldn't be too harmful. Perhaps ability to lock topics might be acceptable All of these however would require that the UOTM be a trustworthy member, likewise a short briefing would need to be given to the winner on how to properly use their power for the time being. EDIT: The notifications tab is very handy!
  11. I stand by what I say. I only edit to fix spelling or grammar errors. I never click 'post' until I'm sure I know what I'm saying. However, forgiveness has to start somewhere.
  12. Excuse me Chopper, but when that thread inspires a decision that changes some facet of the site as a whole, then I DO deserve to get involved and get my opinion out there. You're rather predictable you know. Everytime, EVERY single time, I comment with my opinion anywhere that it may even slightly disagree with a staff members, you show up and tell me that I need to shut up. Quite frankly it's oppressive, and exhausting and I wish you'd just leave me alone. I've practically existed in a self-imposed exile to a few select threads because of you. No longer. Do with that what you will. You know I can say something equally as useless as what you said, watch: If you cannot define what an adult section would contain, then I'm afraid it's not for you. EDIT: Furthermore, if all the discussions were so 'polite' and you are so certain that the majority was in 'the right', then why is the thread gone exactly? If there are just a handful of disagreers what constituted the removal?
  13. I think I'd like to read this topic. If it's going to be used as reasons why a portion of a site is mature, and another portion is not, then I think it is unfair to myself, and anyone else who hasn't read it to be unable to make any statements on said thread. I have no idea what transpired. None at all. Who knows, maybe I'd agree with you all. But I cannot know without seeing it, and since it has so much staff support on being a good example of what shouldn't happen, why isn't it just locked and left as an example? I'm pretty sure the purpose of the locked function is for threads that get out of hand, but still have some importance. Also, HellsWarrior, it's 17+ in the US. Minor things, but still true.
  14. When I was UOTM manager, I had always wanted to include features like these. There just was a lot of turbulence within the staff chat at the time so I never got to get it further than the drawing board.
  15. "lazy and restrictive" was referring to the lack of attempts at communicating what an 'adult section' would be composed of. Whether or not I participated in the thread mentioned has no bearing on the fact that your comment right there was the first time any examples were given. I'm pretty sure as staff you're supposed to be a lot more polite in dealing with members Slade. If you cannot handle the task, please inform someone. Lead by example, rather than sniping at anyone who doesn't quite know what you're getting at.
  16. If that isn't elitism I don't know what is. "If you don't know what she meant, then it isn't for you." Come on now. Don't be so lazy and restrictive. If you want to further narrow down the community, go somewhere else please. I decided to stay out of that thread entirely. After it was created I just knew if I got involved I'd end up with some stern messages from someone and I decided to spare us all that problem. You and the other four to six members (rough guess, probably accurate) who you deem as 'mature' do NOT deserve an entire forum section just for yourself. So although I might not know what exactly transpired within that thread, I don't think it's very 'mature' to be pointing at other members and saying that they are less mature. Maturity is like humility, those who think they have it, don't.
  17. My goodness Slade, he's only trying to figure out what she meant. I see no one else offering up any actual definitions. You don't need to be condescending about it.
  18. Marshall Meier HASTE Facility, New York Year 2025 Sometimes, life is funny. You're trying to sell designs for a laser weapon to a security company one minute, and then you're hit by a car the next. "His vitals are holding well. The sedative should wear off sometime soon." Sometimes, life is funny. You're sensing electricity in the walls one minute, and then causing a power failure in an entire hospital the next. "Further tests need to be done, the examination of his cells has revealed some very strange things. He has many times more Iron in his blood cells than he should, along with noticeable amounts of Cobalt, Copper, and Neodymium." Sometimes, life is funny. You're causing a scene in a hospital lobby to try and covertly recruit help from a complete stranger one minute, and then sedated after entering a helicopter the next. "Wake up." A new voice sounded. This wasn't either of his early doctors. "Wake up? When did I go to sleep?" Marshall struggled with that thought. "Did they drug me? Really? I was cooperating!" As his memory began to color in, Marshall started regaining consciousness. "Wake up." The voice cut through again. He was very insistent. Marshall found himself in a bed. Again. Another hospital bed. The humming here was even more persistent, however after a few moments of adjustment he was able to tune it down. "What?" Marshall groaned. This was the second time he woke up without knowingly going to sleep. It was exhausting. "Good. We needed to make sure you would still have full control of all your bodily functions. Speech and other mental functions appear to be intact." The new doctor droned on. "We need to go through some quick tests, then we will take you to the Recreational Center, to let you recover a little from all these periods of unconsciousness." He continued. The room was definitely different from a standard hospital room. Everything was sleeker, cleaner, newer. It was inexplicably off-putting. "And do I have a choice there? Or am I a prisoner?" Marshall asked bluntly. "Well, you're not a prisoner, but I suggest you cooperate. This place, we are authorized to do anything necessary to ensure our patients do not endanger the general public. You are different, whether you know it or not, and we need to make sure you aren't going to be a danger to anyone." The doctor replied. After several basic reflex, vision, and nerve tests Marshall was deemed functional as the doctor scribbled results onto a clipboard. "Alright. I need to run these results to Doctor Vahlmer. You should dress and head on down to the Recreation Center. You'll find clothing in the closet. The computer here will guide you via LED signs to the Recreational Center when you leave the room." The doctor concluded, nodded, and promptly left the room. Marshall walked over to the closet and browsed the great selection of identical gray pants and shirts. After dressing fully, he walked out the door. "Follow the arrows on the floor to the Recreation Center." Chimed a corporate standard female voice. A trail of bright green arrows lit a path through the halls. Marshall followed them, seeing no good alternative. Besides, recreation didn't sound too bad at this moment. He was sure to keep his eyes open for any intel on his journey. Winding through identical hallways, only led by the arrows Marshall wove through the building. The arrows ended at a set of doors. "Recreation Center is ahead." The voice chimed again. "I never really cared for exercise. However it certainly beats more needles and sedatives." Marshall thought as he pushed open the doors and entered into a gym full of various sleek and fancy looking pieces of exercise equipment.
  19. The graveyard was never meant to be public. It was an accidental after-effect from a crash that happened a long time ago. The staff just didn't notice for a long time because we were supposed to be able to see it, so nothing was out of the ordinary. I think more clarification would be needed to define what the 'adult section' should contain. Just saying 'adult content' isn't actually saying anything as that could range from discussions on propane, to pornography. I cannot think of anything particularly urgent that needs to be added to the current list.
  20. The Bus overall isn't too bad. Keep a Pack-a-punched B23R on you as a secondary in case your primary runs out, and 4 players can hold off for a long time on a fully upgraded bus. For fun build the turrets and place them all on top and power them with turbines from underneath. It's weird, but something to try at least once in your zombie travels.
  21. I don't know those glitches, but if they elevate the player in anyway, you can crawl under them and cause both of you two to down. I use that on Kino to kill people who glitch out the Hellhounds on the boards in then stage section. Otherwise grenades you can always hope. Try to horde up zombies and run them close to the glitcher. Sometimes enough zombies in a close enough proximity will bust through the glitch, as the glitch just makes them lose track of the player, it doesn't make them invincible.
  22. It's nothing to do with you, it's just how logic works. The burden is on proof not disproof.
  23. He doesn't have to. You can't 'prove' that something doesn't happen ever. At least not without looking at coding files. Because the argument always can be 'it's extremely rare'. So the burden of proof is on saying that it happens. Someone has to post a picture or video showing a RGM2 emerging from a dig spot. That's Boom's 'proof' the fact that no instances of this have been shown.
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