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Posts posted by Zelkova

  1. Just now, urbanrooster said:

    still have no idea what you consider is insane about wanting to stop richtofen's master plan. 
    treyarc said it was re-imagined because in game mechanics it was. the group had revisited it but it's still canonically the same as old der-riese.

    and I did forget about the whole "reporting maxis" bit so you got me there, but regardless richtofen held a major foothold in the organization, especially considering how in origins he and maxis were the only leader types present at the time of the outbreak. leading me to believe they were the leads of that specific project involving the robots, same with der-riese as stated in radios, notes, and ciphers

    But according to radios also from other maps Richtofen was ACTUALLY under Maxis in term of leader aspects. What occured was Richtofen doing a bunch of things behind Maxis's back was all. Also we don't know if there were any other leaders present at the time of the outbreak. It was never stated that there wasn't. They could have fallen also to the zombies. Just because the robots were present doesn't mean they were part of Maxis and Richtofen. I will certainly say those robots would definitely messup a excavation site though.

    Also I'm not calling wanting to stop richtofens master plan insane. What I'm calling insane is the fact he is stated that half of a cutscene is applying to multiple timelines while the other half of that cutscene doesn't. If that cutscene was actually CUT in half and given to us as two seperate cutscenes sure I'd accept that but no it doesn't make sense in the way he is saying it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    @Zelkova True, but richtofen isn't an idiot either. He should know how to work technology that exists within 935, especially since maxis and richtofen are the people at the reigns of the group.

    and what does it being a cutscene have to do with it not being legit? what are you even trying to say? the group's plainly disgruntled that richtofen had just interfered with them trying to set things right, and same within the map itself so your point is invalid. of course the whole origins crew were trying to stop old richtofen, they are trying to set things right and keep him from gaining power over the zombies....

    My point is not invalid. The problem with stating that a timeline can be interrupted in the middle of a cutscene that shows anything beyond is insane and not only that but did you not realize that when Treyarch redid this map they didn't name it Der Reise like the original. They stated this was a reimagined Der Reise and named it The Giant. ALSO Richtofen and Maxis are not the reigns of group 935. They are not the leaders. If they were then who were these so called Leaders of 935 that Richtofen was going to report Maxis to???

  3. Just now, urbanrooster said:

    his timeline theory makes perfect sense. they came to stop richtofen from finishing his plan in this universe so why not tp to the point where he starts it and stop him? And all they needed to do was attach the head of the robot to the body. not like it requires a ton of skill considering the guy that made the robot and facility is there with them. and dude they just shot down a rocket in space and destroyed the moon all on their own, while being attacked by a plethora of enemies. what makes you think they couldn't hot-wire a robot and track down the same test subject they would have had to track down 4 other times??

    Because Richtofen didn't make the Der Reise facility, They themselves didn't triangulate coordinates and do a ton of calculations to get the rockets to fire at the moon. No they only overloaded a computer that was fired rockets which were already probably aimed at the moon as that seems like it was set up that way. There is also nothing proving Richtofen made the robots. If he made them then why the heck was there a chance of them killing him. Just because something is made by group 935 don't contribute it to Richtofen. There were other divisions within the group including Maxises own division. I also am saying this because this is the first time they have tracked down this test subject because in at least 1 timeline they didn't.

    3 minutes ago, ZombieOfTheDead said:

    @Zelkova How on earth is that silly? It makes perfect sense, and actually gets rid of a lot of unnecessary convolusion which is so prevalent in the storyline as is.

    I would agree with your statement if it was ANYTHING other than the fact this is a cutscene. The fact this is a cutscene though and how the situation within the cutscene plays out with them acting as if the other Richtofen that didn't die had been with them before and the fact that they were stopping another is what makes me sketchy on that idea. I understand the desire to simplify the storyline but please its not possible to do that honestly.

  4. 11 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    You're just repeating what zombieofthedead said, not correcting him.

    Of course they had to travel between origins and the giant, that's what I was trying to explain, I never said richtofen didn't leave them at some point. you were saying they hadn't traveled at all besides richtofen. The robot at the giant was nearly finished, not destroyed. it has no damage to it whatsoever and the crane was prepped to place the head on the body. I'm telling you they either repaired or FINISHED the robot that is visible. and crazier stuff has happened in this game than them tracking down a shipment that was ordered to be made, the same was as in every other timeline

    I wasn't repeating what he said I was just trying to make him see how silly it seems to state that the timeline was the same up until halfway through a cutscene. You yourself also stated how silly something similar to what your implying is "how could they have not time traveled to the giant? are you implying they waited through ww1 and parts of 2 with their thumbs up their asses as richtofen did his shit and then they all somehow met at the giant, with his old self there for no earthly reason, killing maxis and sam?". So your going to tell me these guys managed to basically sit there and managed to get a derelict factory to function again and managed to hold out long enough for nothing to go wrong and then to have the crane put on the head minding you how long attaching it and ensuring it is properly connected as well as the computers inside were function and everything (even in this day and age such a thing of that magnitude would take days if not weeks) and then all of them managing to get in during this whole time zombies are constantly coming (they aren't going to stop) then get it working and know where a moving Dempsey is located at that exact moment. Then chase him down and from there attack to the point where we see the opening of DE. You do realize how more crazy that is and time consuming compared to the simple explanation I gave?

  5. Just now, ZombieOfTheDead said:

    What about "it's the same up until Richtofen is killed" don't you understand? I never said it was the same. I'm just saying it was the same up to that point.

    Your saying that up until HALF WAY through The Giant's cutscene we are in the same timeline as BO2 and WaW and BO1?

  6. @ZombieOfTheDead We are not in the same bloody timeline as the one from BO2 and WaW we can't be as that one goes even further ahead than this one.


    @urbanrooster The reason that we cannot state they time traveled after Origins is because they explicity stated that they traveled from the Origins area for a while and then were left by Richtofen who is the only one among them who can time travel or rather travel between dimensions. From then the first time they see him is at the beginning of Origins when he shot the other Richtofen that they were all trying to stop which they stated it had been months (or it had been years I forget which) since he had left them. I still want to know where did this Giant they traveled in at the beginning of DE come from as we only see 1 giant in The Giant and its not functional and looks pretty destroyed. That means its another giant. So your telling me they managed in that time span to stumble upon another Giant started operating it. Figured out EXACTLY where the test subject would be located (mind you this test subject a.k.a. Dempsey was also on the move in a truck) and then attacked.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Tac said:

    First, I edited my post above and mentioned you.

    What? No they weren't. They step out of the giant that was shot by the Germans in the truck.

    I mistyped you'll have to forgive me but my thing still stands that it can't be the same Giant from The Giant.

    7 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    by same timeline I meant waw and bo1 wasn't in the same timeline as the giant and der eisendrache. The origins cutscene as of now is only confirmed to be a way off alternate universe that we have yet to set foot in. maybe for the distress of fans or just to bring an end to bo2's timeline at the time. otherwise, ye


    Nah the O4 2.0 were riding in the robot in the cutscene. if they can time travel in between maps I have no doubt that richtofen can place the head on the body, since it is mostly his and maxis' work in the first place.

    WaW, BO1, and most of BO2 were in the same timeline (there are of course maps that are not such as Origins, Mob, and Call (that's in its own timeline apparently). I already said I mistyped about the robot thing. My point is there is nothing proving we didn't travel to another dimension inbetween this map and The Giant. We certainly didn't do it during Origins and The Giant as only Richtofen did since they even mention that he left them. Richtofen obviously has a method of traveling through dimensions.

    1 minute ago, ZombieOfTheDead said:

    I'm not saying it's the same timeline, it changed as soon as Richtofen 1.0 (The Giant Richtofen mind you) was killed.

    This is their 4th or 5th attempt. Perhaps Richtofen realized he needed the summoning key to do whatever, and went back to that point in time again.

    Version of him in the radio? There ARE 3 Richtofens that we know of that were in this timeline, but there is not one on a radio. It's Origins Richtofen, original Richtofen, and Eddie. Eddie is long gone by this point, most likely has been sent to the past to grow into Origins Richtofen, or other shenanigans as I said.

    There is one on a radio we hear talking to Groph during the EE. He is discussing about group 935 and their plans. There is a radio also that plays Richtofen's speech in regards to the Griffin station on this map and it being underway. There is a cipher stating that Richtofen fears Maxis obsession with the girl is making him go crazy and he need to report it to 935 (both these last 2 things were also on other maps but they are also on this one). The Richtofen in all of those is the one we killed too. We have a darker Groph in this map too seperate from the original. We have 2 Dempseys in the same timeline as well. That alone has to mean time travel has to have occured as the Origins crew didn't Time Travel inbetween Origin and The Giant.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Tac said:


    If they rode the robot from Giant to DE, I think it's safe to say they're in the same timeline. There is no reason to think it isn't. And yes, there's proof of there being a young Richtofen. We have the Origins cutscene. And yeah, not entirely the same but certainly very close.

    There is also nothing saying its the same Robot from Origins too. The Giant's robot isn't working.

  9. 2 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    I think you're blowing what I'm trying to say way out of proportion. They rode the robot to DE as we saw in the initial cutscene so it can be assumed that they came there straight from the giant. These characters have never killed any richtofens until the giant, as their selves from other universes are contacting them about the actions they will commit. I NEVER said we were in the same timeline, but that both timelines matched up almost perfectly until the ORIGINS crew intervened. there is no child version of richtofen that we can CONFIRM, only that the richtofen 1.0 was killed by 2.0, and his actions were entirely the same as the other timeline until he died.

    Okay first off this isn't Richtofen 1.0 or 2.0 its Richtofen 4.0 or 5.0 according to the radio's from The Giant. Richtofen 1.0 is either dead or something as he is all the way back from Buried. Second we didn't see us leave The Giant in the truck. We saw in the Cutscene we were being chased by a Giant on a rode while having a Dempsey version in a tank with us. We have no idea how they got the subject from The Giant as there isn't anything within The Giant showing the test subject. Also the only giant on that map was broken down and not really working. It can't be the same giant. We see us in a truck getting away from a giant and winding up here at the castle. We also see on this map that Groph is more evil compared to his version from the original timelines during Black Ops 1 when we had 1.0 of all characters on Five. You also still haven't explained how 2 Dempseys are in the same timeline of which the first one didn't time travel to get to that timeline (the one who we play as) and the other was apparently always there.

  10. 6 minutes ago, ZombieOfTheDead said:

    That isn't really the case, though. Up until Richtofen 1.0 was killed, the timeline was pretty much the exact same. I'm guessing there's some shenanigans at work. Perhaps a younger Richtofen was sent to the future, or the past as an experiment.

    How do we know that is the case. Richtofen 1.0 was killed way way way back. This is apparently like the 4th or 5th Richtofen if you remember correctly. Your also stating to me that instead of us traveling through time which we KNOW we have done, on many occasions off screen inbetween maps, that we are in the same timeline and that someone else who is consistent in our maps time traveled and now has 3 selves on the same timeline? The version of themself we hear in the radio, the one we play as, and a child version? Not only that but we have 2 Dempseys within the same timeline niether of which timetraveled (according to you we didn't timetravel inbetween maps).

  11. 2 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    I understand that. It's still proof that he's not a child though. everything in this timeline was happening on par with the original characters, minus the fact that the origins crew intervened. can you link me to the alleged ciphers that say they're the same age? I just really doubt it bc it would'nt make sense for treyarc to say that


    4th cipher down we all here understood that this was a seperate timeline which means things in this timeline are different including ages and such.

  12. Just now, urbanrooster said:

    I'm not so sure that's the case. If you remember from moon, there's a radio that plays the exact dialogue that occurs between richtofen and groph at the beginning of DE. obviously slightly changed bc Richtofen 2.0. so we know this map takes place before the original characters go to moon, be it in another time line or not. the ciphers could have simply been dated in the past.

    If we are in another timeline then our four never went to the moon too. Not entirely sure you understand that. Also considering that we have Tank right there in a chamber also implies this. Also this timelines Samantha and Richtofen should be the exact same age. Samantha though from the timeline of the moon is still a little girl while Richtofen is a full grown adult.

  13. 7 minutes ago, urbanrooster said:

    Richtofen from the past is dead tho, thats what happened in the giant. Dr. Groph was the one killed on the moon.

    I'm getting confused as according to the cipher's though Richtofen should be around Samantha's age currently. Yet we have other stuff that contradicts that. Also YOU HAVE CHANGED NOOOOOOOOOTHING

  14. Just now, urbanrooster said:

    They were all in the same game pal. Mrroflwaffles, radaustin, noahj, and someone I didn't recognize :/

    but yeah holy shit that easter egg. the second I saw there were rockets on der eisendrache I knew it was going to end with the moon in pieces. also it's a shame there wasn't a nice zoom in on tank 1.0's body before it ended, really wanted to see his upgraded graphics in full glory.

    Was watching via Noah's stream so I know and yeah Waffles stream crashed so he couldn't but yeah I agree perhaps we can mess with the video of it get a close up of him.

  15. 8 minutes ago, steviewonder87 said:

    'Meatball' is not just the name coined by the community; that's the dev name for them (like the Apothican Servant's dev name is 'IDGUN'). R.A.P.S. are the multiplayer scorestreak that the meatballs are based off, but they are not supposed to be the same - why on Earth would the meatballs on Shadows of Evil go under the acronym 'Rolling Anti-Personnel Sentry'?? That makes no sense at all. The MP ones are robotic drones whilst the Shadows' ones are clearly supposed to be organic, semi-sentient beings.


    Edit: On the wiki it says their 'official' name is 'Insanity Elementals' which I don't think is going to catch on somehow lol. It also says that Jack Vincent refers to them as 'meatballs', so all credit for this supposed 'crude' name should go to Treyarch.

    Not sure why you and the guy above you are still going on about this it was already dropped.

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