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Everything posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. We've all seen those hexagonal plates in the MP map and then on the shelf on the Zombies map MOON which you need for the easter. Well, after all this time and by complete accident, I found out what they are! Their part of the James Webb space telescope- But the one problem with this, is that the JWST project was cancelled recently, the map is the 60s-70s, or does it? But sticking with the time frame in the 60-70s, I looked up what the plates themselves were. Gold coated Beryllium reflector. Here's what Beryllium's Wiki summary is: Beryllium ( /bəˈrɪliəm/ bə-ril-ee-əm) is the chemical element with the symbol Be and atomic number 4. It is a divalent element which occurs naturally only in combination with other elements in minerals. Notable gemstones which contain beryllium include beryl (aquamarine, emerald) and chrysoberyl. As a free element it is a steel-gray, strong, lightweight and brittle alkaline earth metal. Beryllium is used primarily as a hardening agent in alloys, notably beryllium copper. In structural applications, high flexural rigidity, thermal stability, thermal conductivity and low density (1.85 times that of water) make beryllium a quality aerospace material for high-speed aircraft, missiles, space vehicles and communication satellites. Because of its low density and atomic mass, beryllium is relatively transparent to X-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation; therefore, it is the most common window material for X-ray equipment and in particle physics experiments. The high thermal conductivity of beryllium and beryllium oxide have led to their use in heat transport and heat sinking applications. The commercial use of beryllium metal presents technical challenges due to the toxicity (especially by inhalation) of beryllium-containing dusts. Beryllium is corrosive to tissue, and can cause a chronic life-threatening allergic disease called berylliosis in some people. As it is not synthesized in stars, beryllium is a relatively rare element in both the Earth and the universe. The element is not known to be necessary or useful for either plant or animal life. In order of the parts I've bolded- 1. perhaps it works with 115? They are both dangerous elements. 2. Maybe it could be used on reverse engineered alien spacecrafts? 3. Didn't Die Glocke have similar effects? And 115? So maybe theres a whole lot more to this than we thought? And throwing out an ENTIRELY CRAZY new idea, what if the government had discovered time travel through their tele porters and used modern day discoveries and ideas, i.e. The James Webb Space Telescope, And recreated them at secret bases in the 60s!
  2. They just copy the textures from the campaign. They're both cosmodromes, so why not make it less work? And that crater is actually a giant exhaust outlet for the Rockets first stage ignition.
  3. Well Five is during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the phones show that they are linked, so it's 1962 October. And about project mercury, doesn't Gersch say it's the Gersch Device's codename?
  4. This is baikonur from above. Look down on Ascension from a lander, it is very different. Let's just face it, if it was Baikonur, there would be a lot more pointing to that, especially since it takes place before Mason's MACV team sabotaged their ICBM division. Ascension, as we can tell from the radios, was a special facility in a remote location focusing on making weapons such as the Gersch and reverse engineering the Thundergun ,and space travel tech. While Baikonur was a famed cosmodrome known for putting the first man in orbit, and being the largest cosmodrome ever. Since Baikonur is never even mentioned or hinted to in Ascension, it makes me believe they are completely different, only similar in the rocket pads, which is all just copied.
  5. Nice but one thing you should change is Ascension being at Baikonur. Ascension is a top secret base in the middle of nowhere working on Russias best Aerospace tech. Baikonur was a rocket test facility that was well glorified and distinct in it's appearance.
  6. thanks Faust! and I think your going to break the brains bar Cause whenever I click the button it tells me I have to spread my reputation points first, :roll:
  7. BlindBusDrivr

    Helium 3?

    I remember way way back when we were still in major speculation about moon and just had some screen shots, we began to wonder what it was. And I proposed it was a base bought by the government because I read an article about Helium 3, which is found under the moons surface, and was harvested on some of the later Apollo missions, and that it is possible a company with enough money could start an operation in mining it from the moon. And it seems like most of this was busted by the radios, but Helium 3 still have role on Moon? Helium3 is special because it can be used as fuel and it can be used in, Nuclear Fusion. In other words, you can make Atomic weapons with it. And now we know Moon has giant explosive rockets which destroy much of earth. So could this have been used as the fuel and for the warheads of the Ballistic Missiles? Perhaps the Americans added them incase of a first strike by Russia...
  8. These seems kind of like an explanation of the story, but with a lot of little specified details that are just added to make it longer. It's honestly like a 1-2k words in just pure storyline talk. And I don't see anywhere in there about Richtofen taking over Shangri La when going back in time.
  9. ^Where did you get this information? I am not offended by the information you provided but it is very misleading, you really need to change the title to some thing like "Saudi Zombies" or "Kaaba zombies" My history class, and various sources about the Muslim Religion, wiki it. And I said muslim because Saudi Arabia's population is 100% muslim. And Kaaba zombies wouldn't make sense because it is an idol of worship, not a race. And back to the subject of this. I'm still going with that it would have something to do with the Focusing Stone in some sort of way. They are both meteorite's that fell from the sky. And we all know the 115 meteor's are black. It's like this was almost MADE for zombies. And just another thing, why didn't the Nazi's go looking here? Maybe it's because it wasn't as occult-ish as they were looking for.
  10. Yeah I know South Park gets death threats. A polish metal band destroys a bible on stage, a court declares it art but if a comic is made about a man like muhammad in the desert, half the world wants war. It's so stupid.
  11. Well, the other day in history, after a ridiculously hard test, we started the Muslim World unit. And when we got to the story of Muhammad and Mecca and all, he said about the Kaaba, which was for worshipping hundreds of Gods. And he said that it had a Black Stone, which was a METEORITE from space which was to have been sent from the heaven by the Gods. I also heard about this from Ancient Aliens. And I just immediately thought of zombies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaaba So it would seems that in zombies story terms that the Vril-ya visited these people long ago and they are the hundreds of gods and as a gift they gave them 115. Probably a more significant piece that usual though, like the focusing stone. I think that in the future this could be a setting for a Samantha to get this stone and use it against Richtofen. Maybe it's a counter to the focusing stone? The only problem with this idea is if people might get offended if they turned a religious iconic area into a zombies map... But call of duty has had you storm an airport with LMGs posing as a terrorist and slaughtering hundreds of civilians so it might even be a step back. What do you guys think?
  12. Half the community had no clue what the AC130 or any of that was before they put it in. They didn't even get the AC130 right, they kept referring it to the Spectre, when since 2000 it has no 20mm gatling guns, the new Spooky has the 25mm GAU12 which is what you have in MW2. And it's way to late for the AC47, we can just hope for the next vietnam era game. I mean the AC130 was SOOOOO popular, every kid at my school would say 'enemy ac130 above!' when a plane flew over. And the AC47 isn't weak, it's 3 fuckn mini guns making huge red lines in the sky from it's tracer rounds, sounds pretty beast to me. They missed out by scrapping that for the stupid glitchy Attack Dogs.
  13. I've been playing Modern Warfare 2 lately and remembered how much it rocked to have those Bosses of 11 killstreaks, the AC130 and the Apache/Havoc(pending on faction). And I remembered the AC130's dad, from which it was developed, the Douglas AC47 Spooky. It was a based of the DC-3 WWII cargo plane with 3 7.62mm mini guns from out of 3 windows on it's left side. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_AC-47_Spooky Wouldn't this have been MUCH better than attack dogs?
  14. Well I thought that too, until I noticed when Richtofen says, "Your daughter is the source of this madness, not I." and Maxis, "But Edward, she is just a little girl, she does not know what she is doing!" So he directly responded to him, so it's either on hell of a recording or he really is in there. Or Skype works on the moon.
  15. Hey guys I'm back, at least for a little. Um, Well, I have a question that's probably going to sound stupid. Is Maxis in the computer? Because I was doing the EE and the guy was doing that part with the computer and the rod, and Richtofen said "Maxis, how did you get into the computer?" and he's talking to him. Either they're on Skype, or something weird is going on. Then Maxis helps them launch the rockets. And if he is, how did he get there? Just some thinking outloud
  16. lol ya I was "Oh YEAH I finally got it working!" then I see nobody's in the chat. ever.... I think people don't go in the chat because they see a zero and maybe if 1 person would go on and see a 1, other people would join and it would be a chat party. I would test that theory now, but I have to go to bed. Tomarrow I storm the chat!
  17. I understand. Some people just make up BS and complain about stuff that's with EVERY SINGLE ONLINE FPS. no game has perfect servers, nobody can be perfect at every game, always gonna be some flaws, etc. people have to accept it. And then every way that people die is noobish. I hear a guy coming with a shotgun, I know I can't beat him, I go prone and surprise him and apparently I'm a camper or noob for taking advantage of a situation and playing it smart.
  18. All I hear with Modern Warfare 2 is ZOMG I hates it NOOB TUBES COMMANDO LAGZZZ WTF!!11!!! Yet, people still play it. I ge why people get mad sometimes, I go in rage mode sometimes but I'll even get pissed at Dorito's Crash Course. So what's with all the disliking of this game? People complain about Commando, once every few games someone annoying will be using it. Killstreaks? Cold Blooded, it's been out for so long like everyone has it. Noob tubes, don't play Ground War a lot, simple. And if you are, avoid open areas or spawn tube areas. And lag and spawns? Every MP game I play has shit spawns, and sometimes lag, and what do people expect from games so old they lack frequent support. I mean ya it gets annoying a little but it's just a game, and it's well balanced, every gun has it's advantages and disadvantages and all of them are usable, except the F2000 that was a fluke. but I don't have a problem with anything else, there's stuff I don't like but that's really it. I find it to be a fun, great, addictive game. Not sure why people hold grudges at CoD. And for whoever says all cods are the same, they haven't played them much because there's such a difference in MW2 and WaW it's ridiculous, in how they are played, and the map layouts, and just everything. CoD 4 is way different too. On paper, all the CoDs sound the same, but in action, they are all played rather different. The skills carry over because the basics are the same, but some love certain CoDs and love others, so it's proof they're not the same. Anyone else agree? /rant
  19. Is that a little better Chopper? It seems like a lot but it will only take a few minutes to read.
  20. Here is the redone version, I find it to be an improvement. Part 2 will be in the Labs :twisted: Discovering Kino Der Toten Date: May 22, [Redacted] Location: [Redacted], Germany 0600 hours 2 armored Huey’s and a Cobra escort are taking the President, Secretary of Defense and a paperclip scientist to an undisclosed location. The Huey swiftly flies over urban Germany until the abandoned theatre comes into sight. McNamara turns to Porter, “Are you sure that this is the place?” Porter confidently replies, “Yes it is, land them in the wide alleyway down there just away from the wall. “Pilot, lay us down in the alley, radio Cobra Escort and tell them to land in the wider clearing.” McNamara shouts to the Huey Pilot. He gives the okay and sends them the message. And the blades of the Huey slowly stop spinning McNamara, Porter, and his 2 CIA escorts hop down off the helicopter. They couldn’t take any risks of him trying to pull anything. Soon Kennedy’s chopper landed to the right of theirs. He slowly hopped off followed by his ‘guards’, Echo 2, a very abled SOG group. “Porter.” Mr. Kennedy said, “Is this infestation what you call a treasure?” Porter replied, “I mean no insult sir, but this is the place. You have to look past the decaying walls to find it’s power.” “Very well then, Echo 2, we will enter through the alley.” Oscar, the somewhat leader of Echo 2, called to his team, “breach and clear the first room boys.” With that they walked up to the door in the alley and kicked it clear down and scanned the room without taking their eyes off their sight. “It’s clear Mr. President.” With that Kennedy signaled McNamara and they all entered the first room, an absolute mess. Old rotting wooden boards and barricades of furniture, and cobwebs with an odd smell in the air. There were red trap boxes on the wall and floor as well. “What are these for?” McNamara asked Porter respectively. “Nothing, they’re just old weapons testing. It can’t even activate until the backup power is restore, that is if the backup generator still works. Echo 2 cautiously pushed open the next spider-web covered door, this was wasn’t locked like the previous. They walked down the short hall and gave a quick check to the lobby. “This one is clear too.” So they proceeded through the room. There were many thoughts going through their minds. Echo 2 all wanted nobody to be there, because they feared the dangers ahead. Kennedy and McNamara especially were fascinated by the blue flowing cord, connected to the circular platform in the floor. McNamara’s eye was also caught by the movie posters, Die Bismark, Pygmalion, and Faust. But he did not remember these men being the actors of these films... For Porter, it brought back the Dark memories of what events took place at this facility, the brainwashing, the mutations, awful thoughts flowed his mind. He snapped himself back to reality. “This door, we got through this one.” Porter stated pointed to the door at the bottom of the short little stairway. Echo 2 set up their positions around the door while 1 of them kicked it open. Echo 2 kept their rifles at their ups but couldn’t help but gaze upon the ominous theatre. “Clear,” Oscar said. Kennedy, McNamara and Porter and his escorts then entered the theatre. They all took their time staring at their surroundings. There were big piles of old debree where the seats would have been, all piled up, but leaving a walkway open through the middle. Above them, was still the projector room. To the sides of that were the balconies where the wealthy guests would have sat, if this were a normal theatre. The ceiling was home to a fanatastic still shining bronze chandeliers. It was quite in the theatre when they entered, all were to in shock and awe to speak. Kennedy couldn’t help but to wonder how magnificent it must have looked in it’s prime. Porter, was the only who new what went on here was anything but attractive. McNamara’s eye was caught by the great black pod on the edge of the stage. The silence was soon broken. “What is that large black pod, or chamber upon the stage?” McNamara asked. “They are MDTs” Porter resonded, “Or should I say, Matter Transferance Devices.” “You mean…” “Yes Mr. Secretary, teleportation.” “But how was this technology achieved?” “115, the element we both worked with during the War. I will explain in more detail later.” When they got to the curtain Echo 2 halted them and check there were threats. “Clear” Oscar shouted once again. They all stepped behind the curtain of the stage and Porter put on a glove. “Now to show you what you have come looking for.” And with that he gave the switch a heave and sparks flew and the whole building lit up. The MDTs lit up in blue and the 115 pulsed through it’s bulbs once again. The Perk A Colas lit up as well as the stage lights. The curtain rose and everything was on. “Incredible” Kennedy stated, “Magnificent!” yelled McNamara in his joy. “Let’s what chance the Russians will have now!” “Slow down McNamara,” Kennedy warned, “We are not looking for war, merely defense.” Then the roof started shaking and moans and hisses could be heard. Kennedy yelled, “Plan B! Back to the helicopters for now!” McNamara yelled to Echo 2, “Initiate Kilo Zulu! We briefed on this clear it all out!” Echo 2 already knew this and slipped on their Tactical Masks, and began to fire rounds into the zombies and crawling mutants. Loud bangs of their rifles echoed throughout the theatre. Kennedy, McNamara and Porter with their escorts were rushed out before they encountered any threats. CIA guards with MP5’s were waiting for them by the helicopters. “I want everything of value. Get 2 Chinooks here stat, have the workers take it all to the Lab at the Pentagon. I will examine it there, I will not set foot in their again.” Nobody questioned if Echo 2 would come out alive with no surviving zombies, those 6 men were the best they had, a couple hundred of the undead would be a training exercise to them. The CIA escort asked, “Is there anything else Mr. President?” Mr. Kennedy replied, “Yes. When it is all out…burn it to the ground.”
  21. Well, before I continue, I require some revising because it doesn't really add up perfectly, I'll just repost the new version as a reply.
  22. Discovering Kino Der Toten Date: May 22, [Redacted] Location: [Redacted], Germany 0600 hours McNamara: Are you sure this is the place Porter? Porter: Yes, I could never forget it. Huey Pilot 1: Let’s lay the bird down here. McNamara: Okay then. Huey Pilot 2: This is Huey 6. Cobra escort 0-2 land in the street to the left. Cobra Pilot: Copy That Huey 6, over. *UH-1 Huey lands in Alley outside of abandoned theatre. McNamara steps out of the chopper with Porter, and they await for Kennedy’s Huey to land. They land next to Huey 6 in the open street. Kennedy and his guards step out of the Huey. McNamara: Hello Mr. President Kennedy: Greetings secretary McNamara, has Porter confirmed this as the place? McNamara: Yes, he claims this is it. Kennedy: Be careful, he’s a clever little genius, don’t let his age fool you. Send in some of the guards first. As they approach the entrance of the alley they see the big sign that must have gone over the Marque previously. The SOG team kicked open the steel door with their eyes down their M16’s sights the whole time. They looked around to check and be sure, and called out to them- SOG 1: CLEAR McNamara: Okay let’s proceed. Kennedy: Very well then, Mark, do you have any flashlights? It’s dark. CIA agent Mark: Yes Mr. President Hands Kennedy and McNamara each a light. McNamara: Mark, tell Jack and Trent to stay behind Porter, he hasn’t earned out trust yet. Kennedy: and shouldn’t plan to… They move up through the short hallway containing odd movie posters, Die Bismark, Pymagilion, Fuast…. Until they come to the next door, the SOG team motions for everyone to step back and they ram down the door, and slowly walk into the theatre. SOG 1: This ones Clear too. McNamara: Okay let’s continue, Porter, where are these ‘treasures’ you claimed to us were here? Porter: Look ahead. Kennedy: What, what is that dark metal pod? McNamara: What the hell is this blue cord on the floor? It seems to be pulsing some sort of blue energy to that pod…. Porter: Keep your patients, once we’re beyond the curtain all will be revealed. McNamara whispers: Mark I don’t like the sound of that, tell SOG 4 to keep his eyes on the President, I don’t wish harm to come to him, I warned him of the dangers. Mark: Okay, Oscar! Over here…. So the group of them approach the curtain, while Kennedy admires the great black pod standing before him, but Oscar escorts him behind the curtain with the rest of them. Porter steps forward, Porter: allow me to pull the switch. SOG 2: How do we know this isn’t a trap? Porter: I’m risking shocking myself with 10,000 volts for you, nobody is in danger but me. Porter walks up to the big metal switch with the strange gauges and huge handle, and gives a great heave upwards. With a big whoosh sparks fly and the curtain opens and lights turn on. McNamara: Oh my God… Kennedy: What, is all of this? What is the pod? Porter: It is an MDT, a Matter Transference Device. Or more simply a teleporter, it is a dangerous machine. I will explain more at the lab, but will stay as a safety consultant, for you don’t know what any of this is yet. McNamara walks over to the strange green containers in the back of the stage. McNamara: Mr…Mr. President, you should see this. Kennedy walks over in awe of what he see’s, a deformed little face looking back at him. Kennedy: Porter, what are these? Porter: Don’t open them, I will show you what they do in the lab. McNamara: Mark! Go to Huey 6 and call in we need a Chinook, and some men, there’s a lot to be done here. Mark: Got it! [unknown]: WOOOYAHHEEE Kennedy: What was that? McNamara: Porter, what is this? Porter: Nobody, go to that door. McNamara: Echo 2(SOG unit) go check it out. Porter: Don’t! Kennedy: Why? What is it? Porter: It’s the abominations… Kennedy: The what? Abominations? Porter: We created mutants, they look like they’re from another world, upon death the air sacs in their sides pop releasing the Nova gas, killing anyone in seconds. McNamara: Then what do we do? Porter: Ever heard of a Tactical Mask? SOG 3: Is this a joke to you old man? Porter: I have just bestowed the greatest secret of my life to you and you sit and insult me for trying to protect you? Kennedy: Enough. Get the masks from the chopper. Echo 2 goes to get masks from the Huey, Oscar staying to guard the secretary and the CIA guards watching Porter from pulling any tricks. They come back with enough for the 3 of them, Oscar, Kennedy and McNamara. The rest just stay back. Echo 2 blows down the door met by the most horrific sight they have seen. All but Porter gasps but his eyes widen in memory of the awful creature. Echo 2 wastes no time putting rounds in it’s face, but soon another wail comes from the back of the dressing room. SOG 2: Back up! Shots fly and zombies pile up on the floor of dressing room until silence returns. SOG 1: That should be all of them. Porter: At least only a couple dozen re-animated, the rest must have been taken back to Der Riese. Mark: What were those, men? McNamara: Zombies. Mark: This isn’t a game. McNamara: We had inside men in Group 935, they experimented with an element that caused reanimation of dead cells, the result what you just saw. Porter: Without a food source they would die in weeks, some feed off the others and last longer, but there should be no more. McNamara: Regardless, escorts should be given to all the workers. Kennedy: I want everything of importance loaded into the Chinooks. Leave nothing. We need a gain like this on the Russians. McNamara: Maybe now we can put the lab in the Pentagon to real use. Kennedy: My thoughts exactly. Porter: Ahh, weapons is mainly what you seek? Come, this way. With Echo 2 following they enter the stage control room. McNamara: What is here besides a bunch of ancient switches? Porter: Just come here. He walks over to the doorway and goes to a box. He pulls open the lid and picks up a strange looking weapon. The SOG team yells for him to drop it. Porter: Oh shut up, if I wanted to kill you with this I could have already. And it’s incredibly old, unloaded, and isn’t even on. Echo 2 gives him an angry stare at this statement, while Kennedy and McNamara look on in awe. Kennedy: What is it? What does it do? Porter: The power Thunder, a massive air blast exerted from this wide tube barrel, blowing back everthing within a 30 ft radius. McNamara: We have done much research on your Group in the past, isn’t there more? Porter: Ah yes, my finest creation. He reaches in a pulls out what looks like a toy gun. Echo 2 stiffles a laugh at the old man. McNamara: What is that? It looks like a toy. Kennedy: Enough of this foolishness. Porter, tell me what it is. Proceed. Porter just replies “It’s out of this world.”
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