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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. New info has come up for used games on Xbox One.

    If you sell a game back to a retailer who can accept it, such as Gamestop or Best Buy, then they will scan the game into their system. Each game has a tracking number sort of. When the system sees that you've sold it back, it automatically wipes the game from your system. This is obviously to prevent someone from just buying and reselling games over and over due to having to install games on your system before you can play it.

    Now here's my question: What about eBay purchases? I guess that's where that fee comes in.

    And about the fee, retailers who resell games must sign a contract with Microsoft to sell the games and give a certain percentage back to the developer. This is so developers will still make money on used games, which has been a widespread problem for developers in the past.

    I see WHY they did it. I just don't know how much I like it. I'm sure developers will love it.

    And on the Always On issue, I don't see a real problem for me. I play most games with friends so I'm always on anyways. I can see how it could be a problem for many, but it won't be for me.

    I understand where you're coming from Mix. I don't like the requirement of Kinect. We'll see if they change things if they get enough backlash after E3.

    Lastly, I'm going to be getting the console this Fall for Destiny. If it's a 10 year spanning game, I want to be able to start it off on the new console and not have to transfer over.

  2. I think the concept looks interesting, but I haven't seen enough to completely judge it.

    And I believe CoDs are about to start 3 year cycles. Sledgehammer is developing a new CoD as well. Maybe more development time will create better games.

  3. I think most of us, including myself, weren't going to be swayed one way or the other by the reveals. We're used to controller layouts, have our profiles with Gamerscore/Trophies, our friends, and much more.

    My friends are sticking with Xbox so I will be as well.

  4. What are your opinions? Which will you be choosing?

    Playstation's presentation focused much more on games, while Xbox focused more on how it's a home entertainment console. And while that's not bad, I really wanted to see more games.

    I still haven't decided. E3 will be big for me. I want to see the games for Xbox One and the announcement's close proximity to E3 definitely was a reason for the lack of games.

    Whichever I get, I plan to get Destiny for. What does everyone else think?

  5. Only new features are slightly better graphics, leaning animations, and fish that move out of the way. Not buying this shit.

    I'm still skeptical about the game. I even talked with Flammen after saying I'd have to see more. But this statement is just dripping with hate toward IW. Not to be rude, but it just seems like they could have shown an entirely new, fresh, and amazingness and you still would have degraded it.

    The Single Player looks like a good story, but multiplayer will be the deciding factor as always. We'll see.

  6. I've always been told that the more of a certain drop you get, the less there will be later because of some equation. And it does seem if I don't get that Max Ammo when I don't need it, it gives me a Max Ammo more times sooner.

  7. So I think this song may have been hinted at to be from Richtofen's perspective as well, so I decided to look and see what I could find in it and I found...a lot haha! Check it out.

    No one can see me and

    I've lost all feeling and

    I know I won't die alone

    Take this from Richtofen's perspective. Richtofen is there inside of him but no one can see the real him because the demon has take control of his body. But he's not going to die alone because if he dies, the demon dies.

    I'll stop you from breathing and

    all your deceiving and

    this house is not my home

    The demon has control of Richtofen's body and can do whatever he wants with it. He's telling Richtofen that he has control and he also mentions how this house(Richtofen's body) is not his home.

    More forgiveness

    Richtofen showing his good side with forgiveness.


    The demon screaming no.

    and the reason is

    I know I wont die alone

    He wants to get forgiveness because if he doesn't they'll both die.

    I have returned

    Possibly a reference to the return of zombies in Black Ops.

    and everyone dies and

    everyone lies

    They're waiting for the second coming again

    Everyone tries to hold onto their lives

    When no one's alive

    Richtofen saying that everyone does things that are bad, such as lying, and everyone dies at one point. People are waiting on the second coming of Christ to rescue them from this, but He's not coming. Everyone tries to hang on and survive as long as possible, but everyone's dying.

    Bring me 115

    The demon screaming to bring him 115. The interesting thing here is that during the Side Quests in BOII, we keep bringing him 115 by killing zombies.

    You stand for nothing and

    overlooked something

    I'll bring you down all on my own

    Richtofen is telling the demon that he stands for nothing. He has no purpose other than destruction. The interesting thing here is that he tells him he overlooked something and that he'll bring the demon down all on his own. Could Richtofen be preparing to take down the demon by himself? What did the demon overlook? Could it be teleportation, which could lead to killing Richtofen before he made contact with the MPD? There are many possibilities, but many storyline implications.

    I'm the end I can taste it

    I'll justify hatred

    I am the chosen one

    left hand of all that's sacred

    The demon believes that he will be the end of the world. He's the last one who will have power. He can taste the power. He'll justify his hatred of the world to himself. He believes himself to be the chosen one. He's the left hand of all that's sacred. In the Bible, it talks a lot about the right hand of God, but very little about His left hand. This could be a reference saying that this demon is the opposite of God. Could this demon be Satan?


    Demon screaming.

    More forgiveness

    Same as above.



    I'll bring you death and pestilence

    I'll bring you down on my own.

    Richtofen will bring sickness and death to the demon. He's going to bring him down on his own without help from others. The question is: How?

    I have returned

    Same as above.

    and everything dies

    look to the skies

    to see the end of all creation again

    This seems to be a reference to the rockets that would come down to the earth. But it could be Richtofen sending out a warning saying that everything is going to die. If you look to the moon, where the MPD is, you'll find that the demon will end all creation from there.

    See with your eyes

    my army of flies

    when no one's alive

    Perhaps Richtofen telling the demon that he won't be able to do much when no one is alive.

    bring me 115

    The demon wanting 115.

    I've lost all form and unity

    where has my life gone

    I'll bring you doom that you can see

    and bring you down to see you bleed.

    Richtofen telling of how he seems to have lost his form and unity, aka he hasn't felt in control of his body in a long time. He wonders where his life has gone. Then he tells the demon he'll bring him doom and bring him down.

    The rest is just chorus that has already been explained.

    So what do you guys think?

  8. The secret songs are always sung from someone's perspective. Whether they be Samantha, the zombies, or the crew, they always are sung from the perspective of someone involved. Today, I want to bring you back a few months to something that just clicked within me today. And we must go back to the song that many disliked, but wasn't awful like Coming Home...Carrion.

    Fated...why are you going back to this? It's sung from the zombies perspective. It's already been diagnosed by many. There's very little story there. I BEG TO DIFFER ON ALL POINTS! :twisted:

    Listen to that song. While it could be sung from the zombies perspective, I don't believe so. We haven't had a song like that since The One. Why return to it? I don't think Kevin would bring that back. Instead, I suggest that Carrion is from the perspective of Richtofen!....nothing? You don't really care do you? Why does that matter anyways, right? Well let me help you understand what clicked in me.

    Like a dream where I'm falling and calling out
    My resistance is silent
    I can feel but I still can't control myself
    Please forgive me

    Imagine that sung from Richtofen. That makes no sense. Richtofen is evil. And his quotes as the announcer still back that up. There's no way that make sense.

    Well what if that wasn't Richtofen? Listen to these radios really quick.


    So after you've listened to those, you'll notice the difference between Radio 3 and Radio 4 especially. Before Radio 4, Richtofen seems sane and a normal doctor who wants improve the human condition and help bring peace to earth. He even argues with Maxis about creating weapons for the Nazis. But in Radio 4, he seems to be a bit insane and things are different with him. Interestingly enough, he also refers to Shusta as Mr. Shusta instead of Dr. Shusta, which is what he called him leading up to the touching of the MPD. Things change. It seems that something has taken over Richtofen...a demon perhaps. I know I use this show as a reference far too often, but it's like in Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood how Ling has his body that Greed also inhabits. Greed has control while Ling sits back and let's him do what he wants because of the power he has received with it. Two souls in one body. I believe that is what has happened to Dr. Richtofen. And the lyrics seem to back this theory up. Let's look at those again.

    Like a dream where I'm falling and calling out
    My resistance is silent
    I can feel but I still can't control myself
    Please forgive me

    Richtofen is in there calling out trying to get back in control, but his resistance is silent. It doesn't matter what he does, he's not strong enough to regain control of his body from this demon. He can still feel things, but he cannot control himself. The demon has control. He can't do anything to stop it. And because of this, he sees the destruction of the earth and the real Richtofen who wanted to improve the human condition comes out asking, even pleading for forgiveness. He's sorry he can do nothing to stop this demon in control.

    Shadow, nothing
    All I am
    Stalking, killing
    All I can

    Now this is the demon. For the demon, he has control now. Richtofen is nothing but a shadow. He's nothing anymore. The demon is stalking and killing all he can.

    I was spawned from eternal night
    By infernal rite
    And I need your carrion
    Neurons fire when I violate
    Pupils dilate
    And I feel your carrion

    This is also the demon talking about he comes from where it's always dark and he came into being by infernal rite. Sounds like Hell. It isn't dark in a light sense, but is dark as in it's the home of darkness.

    I could scream but I know I won't hear myself
    I'm a slave to synapses
    In my dream is the sound of a lullaby
    Calling me the
    I'm undone
    And they'll all run from
    The chosen one 1 5

    This goes back to Richtofen. He can scream all he wants for help, for the demon to stop, but he won't even be able to hear himself because the demon has control. Nothing will come out. He's a slave to synapses. In other words, the only reason the real Richtofen is even still there is because his brain is still functioning. You can't just take a soul out of the body that easily. It's like the demon's and Richtofen's soul are tied together in a way now. The real Richtofen is still attached to it. The next part seems like a shoutout to all the old secret songs, and it is in a way. But we can still look at it. In my dream is the sound of a lullaby...Lullaby of a Dead Man. Richtofen seems to be a dead man. If he gets his body back, he'll be killed. If he doesn't, he mineaswell be dead. And if you listen to Lullaby of a Dead Man, it sounds like it could be from Richtofen if you take him in this perspective.

    Then, he references The One. If you listen to it, you can also see many parts that could be taken as Richtofen under the control of another. I understand Kevin has said that it was written from the Zombies perspective, but he could have easily made it fit both if he desired.

    Then he references Undone and as a song with no lyrics, we can only take it for it's title. Richtofen is undone. His intentions that he had to improve the human condition will never come to fruition.

    After that, he references 115, the most popular song in the zombies franchise. This one is actually REALLY interesting because we've always seen it sung from Sam's perspective, and it is in a sense, but it could also be from Richtofen's perspective within his body not able to do anything.

    My suggestion would be when Elena sings, listen to it as Richtofen, then when the more screaming Elena sings, take that as the demon. It's actually quite interesting how all of this is tying together in ways I didn't even see it when I started this post. And something I think you have to notice in this song is the underlying, background male voice when Elena is singing.

    Now back to more Carrion.

    Vermin martyr
    Just as planned
    Why must I be damned

    The most interesting part of this is how demonic the voice of Clark Nova gets for this part. It's almost as if he's the demon yelling at Richtofen. Richtofen in a sense is a martyr, sacrificing his body for this demon's purpose. Imagine a demon screaming at the soul of the body he's occupying "You vermin martyr! This is going just as planned! Now stop asking 'Why must I be damned?'!" Richtofen is sorrowful. Why must he be the one doing this? He doesn't want this.

    There's more to the song that can be seen as sung from the demon's perspective. I think the things we must question is this:

    1. Who is this demon?
    2. I suggested yesterday that Hell's Retriever could refer to Maxis and Richtofen could refer to Hell's Redeemer due to their matching colors. Could Richtofen really be the Redeemer of the situation and save the world? Could he gain control back and take the zombies out?

    So if Richtofen is good deep down, could Maxis be the evil one. You've heard from me countless times how the radio in TranZit tells of someone wanting to destroy this planet and kill everyone, but then mentions that the one he is yelling at speaks through electronics(Maxis). Could Maxis actually be the more evil of the two. Could inner Richtofen have a plan that the demon does not know about? Blue has always represented good and red/orange evil. Could this hold true even in this situation?

    So that's what I have left you to dwell on today. PLEASE comment and give me feedback. I'm a glutton for people's comments and love to see people reading and giving their thoughts. It's a fault of mine. :roll: So thanks for reading and I hope to see your comments!

  9. WARNING: I am looking far too into this!

    So we have the Hell's Retriever and the Hell's Redeemer. No big deal, right?....right?

    "Wrong!" I say. What is the deal with these names. They're very unrelated to a tomahawk. So I was thinking about it, and something popped into my mind that I know is probably looking far too into things, but what else is this forum for! :D

    As many know, I have claimed that Maxis the more evil of the two voices in Black Ops 2. I believe this may be hinted at with this tomahawk. I'm on my phone, so no pictures, but most have played it so you know what they look like.

    Well, Hell's Retriever is an orange color. Orange is Maxis' color throughout Black Ops 2. Retriever means to retrieve or to bring back. So Hell's Retriever is kind of like a dog that fetches souls for Satan. So what if Maxis is Hell's Retriever? What if he is with Satan trying to send all souls on the earth to Hell? "You mean to destroy this planet and kill us all! So yea...keep talking. But no one's gonna hear you cuz we destroyed everything...everything electronic starting with that evil, radio box thing!" Sounds like he's yelling at Maxis.

    Now Hell's Redeemer is blue. Blue has signified Richtofen in Black Ops 2. A redeemer is someone who gives another chance or brings one back. Salvation in a sense. Could Richtofen be salvation, a redeemer even, to earth. Could Richtofen bring salvation to the earth with his plan?

    Discuss please I'd love to hear your thoughts on how I'm reading way too into the color and names of the tomahawk! ;)

  10. I think Nuketown Zombies is giving us a date for Moon more than anything. We know they are occurring at the same time. If you notice, the nuke has just gone off at Nuketown, since the mushroom cloud is still there and the flames and everything. It had to have happened extremely recently. Then crews were called in to investigate it and zombies came out.

    Remember that the idea of Nuketown Zombies came from a PC mod of Nuketown that was a zombie map. The devs played it, loved it and made it their own. I don't think there's a big easter egg on it or anything. I think it's closer to just a date map.

  11. 1. Dead Ops Arcade is awesome. It's such a fun mode and while it may not be like any other zombies map, there's something to it that keeps me going back. Things are always changing and it's not just running a loop for an hour plus.

    2. There's evidence that MotD may be post 1942. Obviously, many, possibly most, disagree with me here, but I'm still firmly on the side of post 42. If you want evidence, I can give it to you.

    3. Interesting theory, besides the parts where you say you barely consider DOA a map(how dare you! ;) ) I'll have to think about this more.

    Good stuff overall EJ.

  12. I'll depend on what's included.

    For MW3, HE came with a subscription to Elite and a Founders Card. Well the Founders Card had a code on it that could be redeemed for Founders Status if you missed the deadline. So I basically paid $40 for Elite instead of the $50 that was required outside of HE. Then, I sold my Founders Status code, since I registered before the deadline, for $36 on eBay. Then, I sold the female Juggernaut avatar skin for $2 on eBay. So I ended up paying $2 for an Elite Subscription that included all of the DLC. I thought it was one of the best HEs they have had.

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