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Everything posted by blackfire561

  1. Oh I thought they were taking away classic wave survival zombies? It would be cool if they had the 8 player thing but your character is customizable such as hair, clothing, pants, shirt, Favored weapon Yeah im really glad people are reading this, I am also glad this is clearing up people thinking 4 players mode is not going to be in there. It's not only confirmed now but they would have never taken it out. It's what made zombies what it is today. Why ruin that you know.
  2. Lol 8 players spamming the mystery box lol it would move to the next location sooo fast.
  3. See they said something like this in a video about the 4 player mode but I didn't see the 8 player thing hmm should I change the title to 4 player zombies confirmed now that we kinda have proof.
  4. Yeah but they did say there would be 4 players mode with the original hero's. I thought I saw it on machinima but its not there I tried looking in my history and cant seem to find it.
  5. An article said that the capacity 'would be doubled' for Blops 2. 4 x 2 = 8 Yes but treyarch has yet to come out and confirm it It's very likely this is going to happen but for now its unconfirmed.
  6. Sorry I need to edit it to be more clear I didnt say they confirmed it I was saying if it gets confirmed this is what would happen my bad.
  7. Lol yeah its going to be crazy. It will be more challenging and I think I will feel more safe with 8 players lol.
  8. I am so sick of people saying there will be no 4 player co op. LISTEN they confirmed in an interview there will be a seperate mode called classic zombies it has the original characters 4 players and everything. Now the 8 player co op mode is not confirmed yet but this is most likely what would happen. For 8 player co op mode there might be separate new characters so that will be separate. Now you can imagine for the 8 player zombies mode there will be special designed maps for the specific modes. Now I cant find the interview where they say this about the 4 player mode anymore so you guys can choose to believe or just be stupid and ignorant. Its up to you. Update 1 read D3adZombz3's post he kinda confirms the 8 player part.
  9. Hey guy's treyarch said in an article that the money the Rezurrection Map Pack Made covered enough to have the studio take zombies in a different direction apart from what happening in the story mode. This means zombies in black ops 2 could have the weapons from the first black ops and not have it in 2025. I think this is the direction they are going in. I doubt they would make zombies in 2025 I think its going to take place in its own maps, and have the guns from black ops 1.
  10. I do apologize I cant find the article. I really think it was a YouTube video they said they had to bring david vonderhaar out and answer some question's. He said there will be brand new fun modes with more players. Along with the 4 player classic undead experience. That's all I remember. I am sorry I can find it.
  11. Yeah hold on im working on it im having to go through all my history it should be up in about 5 min.
  12. Guys just read this please hopefully you will understand now. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=21460
  13. Hi guys I have been seeing massive comments about the whole 8 players in zombies thing. I read an article last night where david vonderhaar confirmed there will be multiple new game modes as well as the classic zombies. He said that there will be a mode for just 4 players zombies just like it was in W@W, and BO. So don't worry the 8 players zombies thing it will be separate they know what they are doing give them a little credit.
  14. Yeah he was right not Christopher Nolan he directed it.
  15. Yep black ops 2 was apparently written from the ground up by the guy who wrote The Dark Knight, and Batman Begins.
  16. Nice I was about to post this. I think what it means by game modes is one like Classic Zombies. Classic Zombies has the zombies we know and love 4 player co op and everything. The second game mode which what they say will have teams is like 4 or 7 players on each team sectioned of in the center. So the teams have there own sides and whichever team has all the players downed loose. Or you can have point based games such as whichever team gets to 10000 points wins stuff like that. The other game mode could be like more players like 7 or 8 players in one game. Keep in mine this will mean the maps will be TEN TIMES AS BIG AS LAST TIME. I mean there are so many possibilities but remember there will for sure be a classic zombies mode 4 players like it was. I am dying to see what these game modes can be im hoping this will mean no more host migration connection failure type errors. It will run much more smoothly and a lot more fun. Cant wait for bigger, badder, better, scarier zombie maps.
  17. Guys take a look at this thing called strike force. It will change COD skip to 5:26 iKiwJi44CgY
  18. Yeah I have ZERO doubt's about this game, treyarch in my opinion makes THE BEST COD games.
  19. Hi guys I nearly died after watching this trailer I died again when they confirmed zombies. I cant wait to play this game but I want to know what makes it a sequel to black ops besides characters being back. Like there is no numbers thing or any of that. Im not trashing the game im fine with it the way it is but its killing me to know whats the connection between the two, is mason back. AHHHH cant wait.
  20. Hi is this cods offical facebook page becuase they confirmed zombies on there too if so http://www.facebook.com/pages/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-2/284772421608298
  21. Hi can anyone tell me how to find Cod's facebook I searched for hours on facebook. I clicked the link on there website and it just takes me to facebook home. I want to like it please help.
  22. Which game are they going to debut the trailer on tomorrow.
  23. Not blotches of blood. It is just color correction at it's finest. Look closely on his first two fingers you can see yellow warts and stuff.
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