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Everything posted by Talix

  1. Xbox here too. More testing it is :P
  2. In terms of hoarding, I'd consider the Thundergun equal because it appears on maps (Kino and Ascension) that have special rounds, and therefore guaranteed Max Ammos, so in my mind that explains why the Jgb has more ammo. :P
  3. Lots of discussion of that stuff going on here. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=4821 Also, I don't believe that Kino has an Ascension sized easter egg, but at the same time Der Riese had the Fly Trap, so Kino definitely could have SOMETHING we haven't found yet.
  4. Happened a third time. The circumstances as far as I can tell involve being on your next to last clip or less, and killing an electric zombie from a pissed off George. Still testing EDIT: I'm starting to believe this is intentional by the developers, as I've never seen anything drop from a zombie killed by a Wunderwaffe in CotD BESIDES a Max Ammo.
  5. I'll do some more testing tonight and see what happens.
  6. Well... 8-) I was running around the 74u area with my Wonder Waffle when I accidentally pissed off George. He electrocuted the zombies and I went down the slide to cool him off. When I went back to 74u and let the zombies catch up, I shot them and they dropped a Max Ammo I did the same thing to see if I could recreate it a few rounds later. I pissed off George and he shocked the zombies. I ran to the slide and cooled him off. Electric zombies show up, I shoot them with Waffle, BOOM: Max Ammo Did I just get a lucky bug twice in a row or something?
  7. Are you supposed to get Max Ammos from zombies killed by a Wunderwaffe?
  8. Round 26 with 3 randoms. We camped out the minecart. I had The Fractalizer and Porter's X-2 Ray Gun :D
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