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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Maybe I can give you more precise answer if you have steam version follow these steps: waPorkWTTsw To start map in game go to mods at the main menu click the map you want to play. Then open console from § button and type in devmap nazi_zombie_map name here And press enter to play!
  2. Er... No. That is what Japan controlled. Japan is 4 big islands, and then several much smaller ones like Okinawa. Yes Its the main Japan and how we know it today, but in ww2 that is the area Japan controlled and so the area was at the time part of Japan as a country. And do we have proof that Japan even lost those areas in our Nazi Zombie world that is filled with zombies?
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kookaburra http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content ... aburra.htm They don't need water and that is why they can live in many different environments, but New Guinea is full of rainforests and swampy forests (which are woodland territories). And their prey live in swamps "Common prey include mice and similar-sized small mammals, large insects, lizards, small birds and nestlings, and most famously, snakes."
  4. If that were the case, we would NEVER find the exact location of SNN. There has to be an exception to this Hyena thing. Maybe 3arc added it to toy with us? Harvey Yena -> HYENA I'm 100% sure that the Hyena sound is hint about the mysterious American Group 935 Doctor Harvey Yena who knew what Richtofen did. And that also developed Hyena Infra-Dead. But the bird must be hint on the actual location.
  5. What interests me more are those test chambers and who are inside. Could be Tank, Nikolai and Takeo. :)
  6. It would be cool to work on topics before making them public, have to stick with the CoDZL Advanced Research & Development Department. Too bad there isn't so many people to get advices from.
  7. Nope. I'm still trying to connect it to Shi No Numa. I think its just another hint to Harvey Yena. And if we can connect that Harvey Yena was there it could be another break trough in Shi No Numa mysteries.
  8. you know,i just downloaded that file (cjdog's) and was about to listen to it after i read this thread did the singing sound like this (you might have to skip a little) if so,i've already made a post No it wasn't that one.
  9. I have always wonderd what goes on in the dweller board...
  10. .... In the middle of the jungle? I don't think so. If so, Shangri La and Der Riese were also once schools because there is singing. In all honesty, I think it's just supposed to make things seem a bit creepy. Hmm might be, also here is some old Papua New Guinea buildings: Kinda like the SNN building thought it was more "advanced"
  11. Want to note also that I believe Shi No Numa was school before it was taken by the Japanese and later by Group 935. Because there was also sound file called singing_00 and it played a song sang by small kids... I don't know the language but would guess if its in New Guinea it would be some native kids.
  12. Here is the only meteorite I could find on New Guinea Dyarrl Island, January 31, 1933, Papua New Guinea, New Ireland, Mesosiderite And what Mesosiderite really is: Mesosiderites are a class of stony–iron meteorites consisting of about equal parts of metallic nickel-iron and silicate. They are breccias with an irregular texture; silicates and metal occur often in lumps or pebbles as well as in fine-grained intergrowths. The silicate part contains olivine, pyroxenes, and Ca-rich feldspar and is similar in composition to eucrites and diogenites. They are a rare type of meteorite; as of June 2011 only 167 are known (of which 51 come from Antarctica) and only 7 of these are observed falls. On the other hand, some mesosiderites are among the largest meteorites known.
  13. I suppose they could be referring to the military and not Japan itself though... That leaves us with 2 possibilities then. I think they are referring to the Japanese military because I would believe 3arc but this exact bird in the map on purpose. It lives in small region and has this extremely distinctive voice.
  14. I have quite interesting piece of information for you. We haven't been sure about the location of Shi No Numa. All we know is that its located in some Pacific Island. But now it all might change! Kookaburra: Looking trough the sound files of the classic maps in Black Ops (that cjdog23 provided **Click HERE to give him brains!**) in the Shi No Numa sound files there was 2 sounds that will give us point on real location of the Shi No Numa! They were: Kookaburra_00 and Kookaburra_01 and they played birds singing. Kookaburra is a bird that lives in Austrailia and New Guinea. So we can draw conclusion that Shi No Numa is located in New Guinea! And Japanese had been in New Guinea: ' Quoted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea_campaign Plantation: Nymphaea: New Guinea has Nymphea plantation. Swamp trees: New Guinea's swamp and trees. Shi No Numa trees. Ferns: New Guinea has a lot of different ferns. Rice: Rice is grown also in New Guinea. Buildings: They look a lot like the SNN building. Japanese empire in WW2: Discuss! 8-)
  15. I have quite interesting piece of information for you. We haven't been sure about the location of Shi No Numa. All we know is that its located in some Pacific Island. But now it all might change! Kookaburra: Looking trough the sound files of the classic maps in Black Ops (that cjdog23 provided **Click HERE to give him brains!**) in the Shi No Numa sound files there was 2 sounds that will give us point on real location of the Shi No Numa! They were: Kookaburra_00 and Kookaburra_01 and they played birds singing. Kookaburra is a bird that lives in Austrailia and New Guinea. So we can draw conclusion that Shi No Numa is located in New Guinea! And Japanese had been in New Guinea: ' Quoted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea_campaign Plantation: Nymphaea: New Guinea has Nymphea plantation. Swamp trees: New Guinea's swamp and trees. Shi No Numa trees. Ferns: New Guinea has a lot of different ferns. Rice: Rice is grown also in New Guinea. Buildings: They look a lot like the SNN building. Japanese empire in WW2: Discuss! 8-)
  16. Treyarch has said there will be no zombies only game because they are Call of Duty developer and they build games that have strong single player, competive multiplayer and co-op mode. The multiplayer is the most important factor and it couldn't be achieved with zombies only game. And there is tons of threads about this same thing.
  17. Do you guys want my MW3 info thread that has been quite long in the call of duty hq?
  18. I had a little theory about ray gun origins. First it ended up to group 935 when they found blueprints from rising sun facility. And then Maxis was able to put one together and porter later developed upgraded model. Now we come to the part how Japanese got it. It all comes to hollow earth where Vrill aliens also lived. The ray gun was their technology that ended up to Japanese. Note that in single player the statues that have ray guns rise from underground (hollow earth). Also to the op, I will read it after you put in paragraphs. :D
  19. Yeah it could be Nazi Zombies Radio. But I'm 100% sure the Paris map will have connections to zombies controlling by radio waves. I think H.Porter's grand invention was developing mind controlling device.
  20. How an earth does this have to do with anything?
  21. In the Codxp zombie panel one of the developers said the they were originally going to make Paris map but didn't want to end the Black Ops zombie maps like that. So they decided to make Moon. You can view the videos in CoDz homepage I think it was in the second or third video.
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