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  • Alan Wake 2 Tech Demo Details Revealed

    Nicholas S.

    Earlier this week Polygon.com posted an article regarding an opportunity they had to learn about and experience a tech demo for Alan Wake 2 that was originally created roughly 5 years ago once the first Alan Wake had arrived in stores. After we received Alan Wake on the Xbox 360 in 2010, it easily felt like we were going to receive a full on sequel continuing the engaging Alan Wake story. The cliffhanger and characters were all in place and Remedy had their game prototype, but then, as the Polygon article mentions, it just vanished.

    But, thanks to this opportunity that Polygon had to visit with Remedy and experience Alan Wake 2, they have released footage of the tech demo, which you can check out for yourself below.


    One of the most exciting things mentioned in the article is that the tech demo seen here was eventually what led to Remedy's upcoming game Quantum Break. There's so much more that is talked about and discussed in the article relating to the tech demo and the future for Alan Wake which you can read for yourself here. Let us know what you think about the article and anything Alan Wake related in the comments below.

    Source: Polygon










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