Once the Tombstones have been ignited, a triangular stone will spawn on either of the eight jumppads scattered across the maps. But to continue the Easter Egg, the player has to summon the Keeper Protector first. Building it requires three parts:
The Keeper Skull: This can be found in the Verrückt section of the map.
- Either on a shelf next to Speed Cola.
- Or in a wheelchair next to the Electro-Shock Defense.
- Or in another wheelchair adjacent from a Wunderfizz location.
The Keeper Flag: This object can be found in the Mob of the Dead/Origins section of the map.
- Either in Mob, to the right of Mule Kick.
- Or on top of the Excavation Mound in Origins.
- Or in a sandbag on the dirtfield behind the possible Magic Box location.
The Crystal: This purple crystal can be found in the Kino der Toten/Der Eisendrache section of the map.
- Either near the jumppad leading to Verrückt outside Kino.
- Or in a basket near the Primis statue in Der Eisendrache, close to the potential Magic Box location.
- Or next to the antigravity pyramid in Der Eisendrache.
Once all three components are collected, a Summoning Altar can be crafted at one of the four Unfinished Altar sites scattered around the map. There is one in Der Eisendrache, one in Kino der Toten, one in Origins and one in Verrückt. Once built, the Summoning Altar can be used to summon a Keeper Protector for 5000 points.