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Top things you want in the new call of duty zombies 2015

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Hey I finally came up with an idea about how mod tools can be implemented in the next call of duty zombies which can at the same time satisfy Treyarch's love of money (yes we will pay with this method, but at least we get more content). So the idea goes like this :


There should be a system where you have a certain (limited) amount of maps allowed per profile and you can buy extra map slots for $3 in order to download any map you want in the same way like microsoft points let you buy any content from the Xbox store (this way you also get rid of the DLC problem where you have 4 multiplayer maps and only 1 zombie map per DLC for a striking cost of $15). Now you can see where I'm going : Treyarch continues to release their DLC's like before with their main maps based on the story with EE's, new WW's, etc. and we buy the maps using the method mentioned above and after the final DLC has come out, we get the mod tool...but in order to let them continue making their profit, you cannot share your created maps with anybody else on any site (they are locked into your account by some sort of code just like BO1 and BO2 DLC's were). Instead, you have to upload them on a special Treyarch server and they become available for anyone to download for a cost of one map slot in your profile ($3). If they port those maps on Xbox one and Ps4, their profits will be even bigger, so I guess I just found a valuable reason for Treyarch to let us have more fun. It's still better than nothing and anyways players with more modest income can limit themselves to the official DLC's that contain the biggest piece of the game (story, characters, EE's, etc. )...or they can replace the DLC's maps with custom zombies maps which will make no difference for Treyarch since custom maps will be Treyarch's propriety generatinng $3/map.


P.S any map you download becomes permanently associated with your profile, so you cannot delete one to download another one using the same purchased slot.

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