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About TheViking

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  1. me: I play zombies till I die!!!!! ;)
  2. The joker..... you have great taste :)
  3. I think they took into aspect that area 51 has never been found and wwould be in space with some type of invisibility shield on it.and beacause zombies are in area 51 is that because zombies have found and invaded it. Also this might explain why you wear space suits in acesion they have found the cordinets for earea 51 and take a rocket to there Thanks and please add [brains]
  4. I think they took into aspect that area 51 has never been found and wwould be in space with some type of invisibility shield on it.and beacause zombies are in area 51 is that because zombies have found and invaded it. Also this might explain why you wear space suits in acesion they have found the cordinets for earea 51 and take a rocket to there Thanks and please add [brains]
  5. Samantha is in richtofens body how can that be samantha unless she Gota sex change
  6. Sorry if anyone has already said this. I don't have time to read all those comments (Ninja) If you go prone you can not be detected by zombies however you cannot shot or move
  7. And do you really think that there's going to be zombie dinosaurs. And why would Dr maxis want to destroy Pandora I'm just satin the theroy that poped into the strange dimension they call my brain :ugeek: [brains] :facepalm:
  8. Hey I was just satin that time traveling is bs and wouldn't really link up the story sr all and the last part was me goon tuck this whit I write too much
  9. My theroy also explains why zombies is gona be be 4v4 with zombies in the mix because one side id trying to keep they're earth while our galaxy is trying to steal it from them because zombies would be able to be wiped out on that planet
  10. I think when u go throught the first teleporter you got another dimension where the zombie infection is at large you fire the missels at a copy of the original earth Dr maxis daughter was the host taken by the hounds to the pyrimid to control them that's why fluffy returns yo that world a hellhound because of the glitches in the teleporter she is sent to the other dimension she is infected and has her puppies and they get the power to teleport with lightning because lightning had the same elitric texture as the telepoter beams the hell hounds are the intergalactic traveling dogs the zombies need a host because u need a little bit of life force to make them and slowly Dr richtofens soul will disspear but the pyrimid is like a satilite for zombie control sending waves down to earth and the element 141 picks it up like a reciver the mussels were shot at the other earth to destroy the element 141 the zombies can still exist but Dr richtofen would cease to control zombies on that earth were the zombies are trasfering throughto our dimension the element also breeds zombies so there would be less zombies transverse to our dimension there is still zombies on that plannet but they could be wiped out however there is still a lot of the element. On the moon. The black ops 2 zombie campaign could be of blowing. Up. The moon. And destroying all the other element 141s left standing this is why in the picture of that girl holding that shotgun the world is in ruin and maybe why everything is orange
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