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Everything posted by duck

  1. ...but black ops takes place like 20-40 years later, there's no way he'd look the same they're probably just doing what they did with zakhaev from cod4
  2. wheres the option for boosters/commando? anyway, i don't see why people hate "campers" so much. why should i blindly rush up, probably barely getting a positive k/d while hurting my team while i can stay back, get killstreaks, usually make the team win and get a better k/d for myself? unless you mean the people who sit in corners (or just dont move in general) waiting for people to run by, but i don't see many of those in call of duty and people who hate dropshotting... why? barely anyone uses it anyway (i have no idea why they wouldn't)
  3. Part e kind of reminds me of this
  4. (obvious) things i noticed 1. the style of the website changed a bit 2. some weird quarter circle 2. lots of stuff to see with the frequency analysis thing, and lots to hurt my ears and MOD n s a m 55 is what they say btw, 5+5=10 so maybe replace 55 with 10? googling nsam gets me these national security memos under jfk perhaps if it is nsam10 it's hinting at cuban missions in black ops nsam55= http://fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsam-jfk/nsam55.jpg http://fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsam-jfk/nsam10.jpg = nsam10
  5. well, the first thing i noticed is that the tune that plays now sounds different..
  6. this is what i found the pattern to the beeping of the red light seems to be like this ././././.././.../.././../.. (repeat) (where a . is a flash and a / is the pause between the flashes) the time of the .'s and /'s seems to vary, though and each beep after the MOD is about 16% (very roughly speaking) shorter than the one before it
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