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Cartel Menendez Newspaper Translation


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Hello people, me again.  Sometime earlier today I noticed that nobody (I think) has translated the newspaper on Cartel on Black Ops Cold War from Spanish to English for the community to see, so I set out to do it myself and be the first person to translate it.  So without further ado, I'll leave the translation below.



      "Managua- It is hard to imagine a time when the surname Menendez did not inspire the immediate recognition, respect, and affection of all Nicaraguans.  However, less than fifteen years ago, Jose Luis Menendez was a working class man who, like many others, struggled to feed his children under the orders of an entrepreneur unable to see his full potential... But everything changed that dire Tuesday morning, when the earth trembled and put the city against the ropes.


The great earthquake of '72 claimed the lives of too many compatriots and left the economy hanging by a thread.  Jose Luis Menendez found himself out of work and with an uncertain future, but as he revealed in an exclusive interview for the Revolutionary Press, he saw the faces of his children, Raul and Josefina, and knew that it was the moment of truth: or he would continue to work as a gear in the machinery of another, playing under rules that only benefited the bosses... or he could stop being a pawn and take over his destiny.  And so, during those turbulent, anarchic days that followed the earthquake, he decided to make his fortune by providing the U.S. imperialists with our most precious resource.  I'd take their money and use it to get them on their knees.


A lot of comments have been made about your business, and most of them unfair.  In the north, there is talk of the "Menendez Cartel" with fear of hatred.  They will never see him as us: a man who literally pulled himself from the rubble and lied to power precisely because he is a person they cannot control.


Mr. Menendez explained that the first few days were the quickest, to get a person's attention is to point a gun in their face.


He was just one of many local entrepreneurs trying to lift supply lines, get customers, and eliminate competition.  Still, he had a talent for turning rivals into companions, and in less than three years he was already popularly known as "The Boss In The Jungle" or "Boss" to dry.  When asked, the surviving partners described it as "hard, but fair".  Homicide rates in those days suggest that "hard" was falling short, but he was, above all, a man you could do business with.  In this way his commercial empire grew and became famous, a legend of Managua.


Even if he has enough money to buy cars, a mansion, and private planes (not counting his personal army), Menendez hasn't forgotten where he came from.  He never forgot his roots or his pride in our homeland and culture.  He opened clinics in over 200 rural villages where there have never been hospitals, and his vocational training institutes have educated thousands of our poorest children, giving them the opportunity to work good careers in transport, exports, and safety.  And as for the personal army, it maintains peace more efficiently than the Federal Police.  In short, Mr. Menendez has done more for the Nicaraguan people than the Somoza in more than forty years of corrupt rule.


During the interview, Menendez emphasized that he never intended for his personal accomplishments to stand in the way of others.  As long as you don't try to compete in their particular market, The Boss wants you to succeed.  This is his main message, and the reason he wanted to talk to Revolutionary Press.  He wants everyone to understand that suits, cars, and the rest of his material goods do not make him one of those decadent capitalist parasites that pull the strings in Washington and London, those who imposed Somoza dynasty on us and would rather see us starve than thrive; No, Menendez is turning his fortune into a weapon to talk to the world oppressors in the only language they understand.  And he's very good at it.


They will have become perished by by the lack of quotes in the article, something unusual for a press interview.  But Mr. Menendez asked us not to record it or quote him.  The first thing is because he is a very cautious man (in fact, he barely uses phones); and the second thing, that their message, which is very well received by the Sandinist leaders, is that Nicaraguans must take care of each other and build a united future.  Jose Luis Menendez is still a man of the people."


On the newspaper there are two other stories but they are completely made up of Lorem Ipsum, however their headlines aren't.  The first headline reads "LA LUCHA CONTINUA" which translates to "THE FIGHT CONTINUES".  and the other headline reads "Comunicado Sandinista" which just translates to "Sandinista Communique" which relates to the "Sandinista National Liberation Front" which you can learn more about by clicking Here


I think that about sums up all I wanted to say.  Thank you for reading.  




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Love this. Shows the cruel backstory of the Menendez family but also the good side of a bad character. That's really well done. I wonder if Jose's son Raul also continues in his father's footsteps of having a good side. We know he created Cordis Die mainly out of vengeance against the US, but the organization also fights against global poverty and led to revolutions in authoritarian states like North Korea and Iran. Maybe even Raul Menendez's motive has a good side?


Thanks for the translation

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