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Maxis and richtofen


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As you may know maxis and richtofen are mortal enemy's in the 1.0 timeline because of what richtofen did to maxis and his daughter Samantha In derise but years later richtofen discovered that they were not dead and maxis was in a tomb and Samantha was in the dp9 he got a friend of his to free maxis to get Samantha out of the dp9 because it has the power to control the zombies but when maxis gets her to come out he says for her to kill every one in group 935 and she does what he says it is unclear how maxis dies after this point

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From Der Reise facility he was teleported to Shangri La, and somehow became very knowledgeable, so much that he believed that an after-life was an inevitable facet to the universe. He left no trace of him existing in Shangri-La, which is a problem. For some reason, Maxis from Agartha has no soul. Yet we still don't know how or where Maxis is communicating from in Green Run. We know he used electronics to communicate, and wherever he is, the actions of the Tranzit crew directly affect his existence. Was he a Soul?


And was he wrong about Agartha? 


Did the Summoning Key absorb Maxis because his soul was already IN the Summoning Key? That's probably the answer. See, as I decipher the anomaly that is Maxis, this is my conclusion to his fate.



Maxis understood the depths of his life in Shangri La, killed himself in front of Samantha to set off a chain of events. His soul, now in after-life, can't completely move on. Then Monty comes in, literally spawns in a Maxis (as convenient as ever) into his world, uses him to enact a grand scheme of his own to reunite his soul stuck in Tranzit to enter Agartha.


BUT HE IS ALREADY IN AGARTHA. It doesn't make any sense at all, does it?! I've went through all possibilities and he does not make any sense. I have to resort to meta-possibilities. There is an unexplained gap here that I'm still pulsed to figure out.


Whatchu think

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@Abel! Maxis being in the Summoning Key is an interesting thought I self never have thought about. IF (and only if) the Vril Egg on Moon is the Summoning Key, it is very likely that it is that what absorbed Maxis's soul after his death. I believe that people who have noclipped Moon during the Easter egg, have seen that the Vril Egg in the end appears in one of the rockets, and that it is taken to Earth.


How Maxis exactly is able to communicate, stays for me a mystery, although he communicates via electronic devices and we all know that the Æther has everything to do with electromagnetism.

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4 hours ago, anonymous said:

@Abel! Maxis being in the Summoning Key is an interesting thought I self never have thought about. IF (and only if) the Vril Egg on Moon is the Summoning Key, it is very likely that it is that what absorbed Maxis's soul after his death. I believe that people who have noclipped Moon during the Easter egg, have seen that the Vril Egg in the end appears in one of the rockets, and that it is taken to Earth.


How Maxis exactly is able to communicate, stays for me a mystery, although he communicates via electronic devices and we all know that the Æther has everything to do with electromagnetism.

Ha! Didn't even catch that! Awesome. But no, it isn't the Summoning Key.  There's an interesting fact about the key that nobody ever talked about, which is irritating, not even any of my favorite channels covered it.


It's a Key TO itself! We are IN it! 


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