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IW Zombies Candy Perks & Fortune Cards


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Recently we just got some information about the 'perks' in the zombies game mode and it sounds pretty cool. By the looks of things, this time around there is a slight change of how things work. You can either choose between Fate & Furtune Cards or Candy Perks. I'll go on to explain how they work / what they do;


Fate & Fortune Cards

Fate & Fortune Cards are very simular to the gobblegums we know in BO3. Here is the description that IW gave us of them.

" Fate and Fortune Cards: Single match upgrades that can greatly enhance a subject’s abilities. Build a deck of up to five cards to bring into the game. These cards can be earned in-game by completing challenges and progressing through the story. "


Candy Perks

Candy Perks seem to work like the regular perks we know in todays ZOmbies and can be found around the map at different stations. Here is the description that we were given of these.

" Candy Perks: Bang Bangs, Trail Blazers and Slappy Taffy are just some of the candies that grant players unique abilities. They can be found at stations throughout the map. "


In my opinion, these sound pretty awesome and fun! The Candy Perk names are also very unique and I would like to know what the ones we were given could be as they sound funky.

I'm going to be adding this into my IW Zombies Mega Thread in a little more detail, if you would like to have a longer read then feel free to give it a visit here.


What is your opinion on these? :)

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