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Monty theory


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I have a theory that I'm not sure who will agree with me on. So after Gorod Krovi with the Dr Monty quotes we heard him talk specifically to each character, and personally I don't trust him. What we know is that he has the ability to talk with all the characters but we also know that on the Giant, Takeo has a quote something talk about how a shadow man has been talking to him. At the time I figured it would've been the Shadowman since we captured him in the summoning key on SoE. Now I am beginning to think t might have been Monty because we know he has been communicating and watching us so he might be causing the 115 fog that had been affecting our characters since the giant. This may be a way he has been manipulating us and we can guess he has similar ethereal powers to that of the shadow man meaning he has the ability to. Sorry I don't have the quotes.

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On 8/7/2016 at 10:14 PM, 98ad said:


I have a theory that I'm not sure who will agree with me on. So after Gorod Krovi with the Dr Monty quotes we heard him talk specifically to each character, and personally I don't trust him. What we know is that he has the ability to talk with all the characters but we also know that on the Giant, Takeo has a quote something talk about how a shadow man has been talking to him. At the time I figured it would've been the Shadowman since we captured him in the summoning key on SoE. Now I am beginning to think t might have been Monty because we know he has been communicating and watching us so he might be causing the 115 fog that had been affecting our characters since the giant. This may be a way he has been manipulating us and we can guess he has similar ethereal powers to that of the shadow man meaning he has the ability to. Sorry I don't have the quotes.

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Honestly, the Shadow Man was fairly underpowered. He couldn't do even close to the amount that Monty or even Maxis can do. All that the Shadow Man could do was manipulate humans into opening the Apothicon Rift Stone, thus allowing the Apothicon assimilation of that dimension. Also, I would really like to know if the Shadow Man is, in fact, inside the Summoning Key. I am aware that Blundell said he is, but he said it so off-handedly that it's possible he just slipped up. The types of rituals used are entirely different between soul collecting and the Gateworm rituals in Shadows of Evil. It seems like the soul of the sacrificed victim is used to create the Gateworm, thus the Shadow Man's soul wouldn't have been inside the Summoning Key. It isn't unheard of for Treyarch devs to be wrong, even Blundell. I think that Monty falls more on the neutral side of morality personally. I think he is most likely a necessary evil to set things right.

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