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Time Loop Helix Complex


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I have been thinking really hard about time travel and the like and how what has happened in the Giant fits into zombies. So I believe I have came up with a solution to a lot of the big questions that have arose from the Giant and even before then. Anyways the first thing I want to get out of the way is that I am really against the alternate universes idea. Not because I don't like the idea, I am writing a story about it and I love the idea. Of course it could fit into the story, I am not denying that fact but I think it offers a more complicated explanation to all of this and that this theory will give another take on that, making it so you don't really need any alternate universes. Also the other thing I want to get out of the way is that I am a really firm believer that the story is in a time loop. There is a lot backing too it and it explains so much, this theory would not make sense without that concept so if you don't particularly understand it I would look into it because I have no doubt it is the main reason we have this story.


Double Helix. A shape that coils around and has connections it. This kind of shape essentially makes up our DNA for one thing but I think it could explain something even bigger. I have this idea that I call the Time Loop Helix Complex, fancy title I know, but the basics of this theory are that we have two timelines that diverged from one point and are stuck in the same time loop. We can only break the time loop, or the cycle, through one of the timelines stuck in this time loop. Thats a weird concept to think of because before I just thought that as time goes around, the time loop is different each time but I had a realization and that was the fact that isn't exactly right. The events of the Giant weren't just changed from the end of Origins onward's, they were changed at the start of the time loop hence why the Origins we see in Black Ops 2 follows another timeline that has Dieselpunk and Maxis dying and so on.

There are two timelines. I call them timeline Alpha and timeline Omega.

Timeline Alpha has followed World at War up until Buried in Black Ops 2. In the future we could get more maps in timeline Alpha but I don't know yet that's for the future. Also within this timeline is a version of Origins where the O4 meet but Maxis survives, Richtofen is the one who begins his descent into insanity very slightly and he also chooses Selfishness over Selflessness (an ideal I created to define Richtofens character evolution.) He chose to seek the staffs for himself and dragged the others with him to get them and then they just forgot. I couldn't tell you if Richtofen had forgot but the others definitely did and that wasn't all the forgot when Richtofen found them again. Anyways that is essentially timeline Alpha, the timeline you know and love without shoe horning Origins in there, at least the Origins we have seen.

Timeline Omega follows the Origins in Black Ops 2 to the Giant and then after that we do not know what is to come. But this Origins changes Richtofens character evolution, he chooses Selflessness over Selfishness and strives to save the day. We've seen that so I don't really need to explain it as much. But this is timeline Omega, where things went differently from what we know. From the Giant though, we found out that Richtofen may have changed other things as well and that what they are doing is very paradoxical, they are crossing into Timeline Alpha and essentially making parts of it become Timeline Omega. Its very weird how that works but I have a diagram I created that explains things better than I could in words.


The Time Loop is going around and coiling these two timelines around making them converge with each other. When this happens they start again with differences in them, could be big or small like say you get a FAL out of the box or you get a Thundergun. Gameply fits into this too. Essentially if you wanted, you could ignore everything I said up until this point and I would be fine with it because the diagram is a much more accurate way of saying what I mean. Now I am not saying that time in zombies is DNA. I am saying that this shape is the perfect example to explain this. But if all of time and space is the DNA of everything, then what is the Aether and Agartha? I think they are the much bigger picture and all of this stuff is really small in comparison.

Not that relevant though, all that is relevant is this Time Loop Helix Complex idea, timelines wrapping around themselves and colliding then starting again with differences in the timeline each time. As I say though its not even an idea that I have finished yet, its the beginning of one really but I needed to post this before I lost the drive too. Even if you don't think its possible, I hope all this stuff was interesting.

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So if I'm understanding this correctly, I'm going to try to lay it out a little bit more to get a better grasp on this.

Let's say the very first purple dot on the helix is Origins, and everything else up until this exact point in time has been one linear line as no one from the Aether or Agartha, as far as we know, has ever gone back further than this. The very event causing the splinter being Samantha coming back to change things.

The two new resulting branches would be as follows:

The Red branch, or timeline Alpha, leading up to the next purple point, is business as usual and is everything leading up to what we played back in W@W.

The Blue branch, or timeline Omega, is what we experience in BO2 in the map Origins, and only Origins.

All this leads up to purple dot number 2, which is not Der Riese as experienced in the game W@W, but rather the point in which Rictofen traps Maxis and Samantha in the teleporter and send them on their merry way. This is the next convergence point as this event is happening in both timelines, and even with the differences between the two it still occurs. From this, it would go as follows.

The Red branch/timeline Alpha from this purple dot would then be the events of W@W up through what we experienced in Der Riese.

The Blue branch/timeline Omega would be the events of The Giant that we will discover upon release of BO3.

Presumably after this point and unless we get more visits to old maps, the timelines would begin differing so much that it might turn into a fork instead of a Helix. This depends on whether or not there are certain things that happened in any of the previous games that will happen no matter what the events of Origins from BO2 or The Giant dictate were, or weren't enough to change.

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No but kind of. Alpha is everything up to Buried with only slight changes each time and then Omega is Origins in BO2 and onwards. But that fork thing is a good idea, I could see it.

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When I was describing the branches I was just referring to the specific part of the branch between purple dot 1 and purple dot 2. I understand what you mean by everything we have experienced up to Buried is the entire Alpha branch and Omega starts with Origins and everything after is The Giant and whatever comes with that, I was also just trying to tie them together as they happen concurrently starting from the same point for each.

What I'm curious about is which branch SoE would fit into? 

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When I was describing the branches I was just referring to the specific part of the branch between purple dot 1 and purple dot 2. I understand what you mean by everything we have experienced up to Buried is the entire Alpha branch and Omega starts with Origins and everything after is The Giant and whatever comes with that, I was also just trying to tie them together as they happen concurrently starting from the same point for each.

What I'm curious about is which branch SoE would fit into? 

Ah well see where I put on Omega timeline about with unknown exceptions, that could account for Shadows of Evil because I don't know where that is at the moment.

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Given that The Giant is a bonus map, it's actually really hard to say whether or not SoE and its subsequent maps in BO3 will follow Origins or not like The Giant.

Exactly. Samantha is already at the Moon and Maxis is trapped in a cave as far as we know in timeline Omega so that means Sam could make Shadows of Evil happen in multiple timelines. But because of the Shadow Man, Morg City, the cursed mark etc, I am edging towards it following the Giant.

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Given that The Giant is a bonus map, it's actually really hard to say whether or not SoE and its subsequent maps in BO3 will follow Origins or not like The Giant.

Exactly. Samantha is already at the Moon and Maxis is trapped in a cave as far as we know in timeline Omega so that means Sam could make Shadows of Evil happen in multiple timelines. But because of the Shadow Man, Morg City, the cursed mark etc, I am edging towards it following the Giant.

I'm assuming because the curse was never brought up or otherwise even hinted at with the N4 crew, I'm guessing the time altering events of Origins and The Giant are partially what led to it. Maybe the reason why The Giant is a bonus map is because it actually just serves as the backstory for the curse mark/shadow man as in where they came from or what kicked it off.

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Given that The Giant is a bonus map, it's actually really hard to say whether or not SoE and its subsequent maps in BO3 will follow Origins or not like The Giant.

Exactly. Samantha is already at the Moon and Maxis is trapped in a cave as far as we know in timeline Omega so that means Sam could make Shadows of Evil happen in multiple timelines. But because of the Shadow Man, Morg City, the cursed mark etc, I am edging towards it following the Giant.

I'm assuming because the curse was never brought up or otherwise even hinted at with the N4 crew, I'm guessing the time altering events of Origins and The Giant are partially what led to it. Maybe the reason why The Giant is a bonus map is because it actually just serves as the backstory for the curse mark/shadow man as in where they came from or what kicked it off.

You know whats funny? Thats what I think too. I think the Shadow Man never came into play because he never saw the perfect opportunity too until this happened.

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Given that The Giant is a bonus map, it's actually really hard to say whether or not SoE and its subsequent maps in BO3 will follow Origins or not like The Giant.

Exactly. Samantha is already at the Moon and Maxis is trapped in a cave as far as we know in timeline Omega so that means Sam could make Shadows of Evil happen in multiple timelines. But because of the Shadow Man, Morg City, the cursed mark etc, I am edging towards it following the Giant.

I'm assuming because the curse was never brought up or otherwise even hinted at with the N4 crew, I'm guessing the time altering events of Origins and The Giant are partially what led to it. Maybe the reason why The Giant is a bonus map is because it actually just serves as the backstory for the curse mark/shadow man as in where they came from or what kicked it off.

You know whats funny? Thats what I think too. I think the Shadow Man never came into play because he never saw the perfect opportunity too until this happened.


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I like this. I think it's an important perspective to have going into BO3. 

Though, I believe it was @Kill_All_Monkeys made a point regarding where the next intersection of the timeline occurs, and that does cause a bit of a problem.


Now, I hate to even bring this up, 'cause as for me, I'm actually okay with his defection...but what's really interesting is Jimmy Zielinski. Maybe he didn't leave on such good terms with Treyarch after all...which is perhaps why he posted this:

He, of course would have to have been very very careful to avoid getting smacked down by Activision, and to muddy the waters, could have thrown in the references to his other game. Which is probably why the illustrations stopped.

There is, however, undeniably, a little girl in a dress holding a teddy bear, who seems to have abnormal capabilities. Regardless, his illustration here actually works with this theory well.

Edited by NaBrZHunter
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Sadly it is a coincidence. Although I do believe in this whole Fracture idea, I had a really big idea about something called the Fracture that caused what Kill_All_Monkeys was saying, it isn't linked to zombies in any way. Going onto The Monster Box website (Jimmy Z's new place of work) you will see they are developing a game named Fracture that is linked to DNA. Maybe its inspired by zombies, maybe not but there is a reason I left it out of my post and I was aware of it.

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Sadly it is a coincidence. Although I do believe in this whole Fracture idea, I had a really big idea about something called the Fracture that caused what Kill_All_Monkeys was saying, it isn't linked to zombies in any way. Going onto The Monster Box website (Jimmy Z's new place of work) you will see they are developing a game named Fracture that is linked to DNA. Maybe its inspired by zombies, maybe not but there is a reason I left it out of my post and I was aware of it.

Thanks for confirming this, Nightmare. Well, there we have it. Oddly coincidental, however.


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Sadly it is a coincidence. Although I do believe in this whole Fracture idea, I had a really big idea about something called the Fracture that caused what Kill_All_Monkeys was saying, it isn't linked to zombies in any way. Going onto The Monster Box website (Jimmy Z's new place of work) you will see they are developing a game named Fracture that is linked to DNA. Maybe its inspired by zombies, maybe not but there is a reason I left it out of my post and I was aware of it.

Thanks for confirming this, Nightmare. Well, there we have it. Oddly coincidental, however.


Dammit Hollywood, not again.

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