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Future Maps Discussion.

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Make your imaginations grow wild with something new that hasn't been done yet. Put your creations in the box and think outside of it. We've had swamps, indoors, outdoors, snow, jungle, space and lava. We've had small, medium, large and tall. We've had a wide range of boss waves. And crazy-intricate Easter Eggs with clues of a story that we as a community have found through the passing years.

Rules and Guidelines: No criticisms! It's a huge brain storming process to create the perfect map. Let's keep it clean. No need for trash talk.


Name of Map:

Its back story:


environment: (Rain, Sleet, Snow, Lava)

Perks plus 1 new:

New Weapon/buildables:

Boss Waves:

Is there a catch to the map? (Heights, low gravity, high gravity, tight turns, wide open areas, vehicles, are perks and P-A-P easily accessible?

Here is just one of my ideas. I'm sure most of you have seen it by now. I have added a lot that I didn't post in my previous threads.

Elecri-City: (Takes place when Richtofen is in control; But the events that took place in this city took place when Sam was just getting started.) A City in post panic that was supposed to be Nuked once everything got too chaotic. But the Nuke was blown up above the city causing an EMP effect and you and your team will have to rebuild perk machines, power and traps to restore the Power to its "Promised Glory." The city has been storing some power thanks to a passing Severe Thunder Storm that is in "Repeat." This huge rain storm keeps cycling though and making it difficult to see from time to time. (Kind of like COTD)

The Map has a huge road going down the middle of map but there was a huge line of traffic when everyone was fleeing the city. Once the EMP went off, every car stopped working. A decent portion of the zombies come from the many hundreds of cars in the road. They spawn and either open the door or slide out through the windows. Watch your back at all times.

Buildable Items: Perk machines, Power, Permanent Electrical Traps (once you build them, you need to place them), Tactical Inserts, GPS (for a mini map to see your team mates/friends, nearby buildings, boxes and perk machines) You can repair the Helicopter and Jumper cables (Not buildable; But found and installed later)

Helicopter: In order for you to get to power, You must repair the Helicopter, Elecronically. Once you do this, you'll be able to fly it around to the 4 helicopter landing pads

Perks: Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Dead Aim, Quick Revive, Mule Kick and a new perk! (Each Perk you buy opens a door adjacent to the machine. Doors also close when no one has the perk that opened it) *Thank you Stop mocking me0 for the inspiration on the perk/door idea* :)

The New Perk, ‘Electro-Light Juice’ is a Perk that causes the First hit you take to not take damage and deals massive Electrical damage to whatever hits you. (Not whomever) Guns and Equipment are switched and/or used quicker and you don’t take fall damage on the first drop. That being said, something really cool happens when you dive off of high areas; especially in watery areas. You will notice that once hit that first time, many different electronics will begin to turn on. Including: TVs, Radios, lights, appliances, cars, indeed everything in the map :)

Boss Wave: There are 'Worms' that dig under the ground to steal your perk machines for the next round. No machine; No Perk.

New Box Items: Halifax Grenades (Mini Nuke power up grenades that kill everything in the general area) (Look up the Halifax Explosion of 1917 to get the back story on why they are Grenades with such POWER!) and the Dreader15.

The New Wunder Weapon is the Dreader 15 works similar to the Thundergun. But not As effective. ..This Blender like gun Shreds zombies into mush to create power on a level of "pure evil" using element 115 at its core to build something of great intelligence; or perhaps, Mass Producing?..

You only get one shot with this gun and there's no chance at pack-a-punching this 'Knock-Out Gun." Your One-shot of your ammo is retrievable.

This Wunder Weapon has moderate recoil and shoots a cone effect of grinding saw blades that spew out and shreds those in your line of sight, (Not Peripheral Vision) creating a 'Mini Tunnel Vortex' that Obliterates Zombies to create a new pathway for a 'great escape.' If you are lucky, your ammo will be waiting roughly 15 yards from where you shot. It'll be at the end of the pathway as it 'lands like a slinky when it's done moving..' And that’s the key, When it’s done moving. You try to pick it up too early while it’s slowing down or still in effect, you’ll be hurt. (Equivalence to a few swings from zombies)

There are pros and cons for having such a beast in your arsenal.. On the side of very limited ammo, you have one more thing that will be of an annoyance. Once held in your hands, you won't be able to hear approaching zombies from any direction. Grinding saw blades and maybe your own thoughts are The only things you'll be hearing in the game.

To build this monster, you'll need to grab 5 things: The base of the gun, the handles, a container of Gasoline, the mechanics and of course, our saw blades..

Sam's Game: The Lost Files

Audio/Video Files: Need to be turned on using Electro-Lights Perk! Also have to be activated in order.

Video Log: News Channel- "The city is in panic as the dead have taken over. Mass Chaos, riots and Death are occurring all over the streets. There seems to be no hope. I went home to find my f-*static*-lood. If anyone’s seen my little girl please *Static*... “The Military is on their way, Helicopters are in sight. All of this will go away soon and we'll*Static*..” (Samantha Laughing at the end of transmission)

Audio Logs: Military signal- Sierra-Tango-Oscar-Papa-Sierra-Alfa-Mike-November-Delta-Oscar-November-Echo-One-Five-Zulu (Calling in Nuclear Strike with the confirmation code)

Video Logs: News Channel- "These are our Last moments before nuke hits." (The camera goes around as most people hold onto their loved ones. While others panic in the streets trying to get out.) "Cars are packing the streets; making it near impossible to flee the city." (News crews are in tears for final countdown…) "5..4..3.." (EMP goes off) (You can hear a helicopter drop out of the sky) "Oh God please help us!!" (T.V. Goes out)

Audio Logs: Before EMP hits- Man #1-“I hope they’ve heard me. I don’t think the Russians are going to step in. Any second, we’ll all be dead” (Sound of the Nuke going off) – Man #2- “What was that sound? If that was the Nuke, wouldn’t we all be dead?” Man #1- “Stay here, I’ll go check it out…” [Helicopter crash lands on the guy who went out to go check] Man #2- “RYAN!!!” (I used my name as an example) “Oh no no no.. This can’t be happening…” “Fetch me their souls!” *Static*

Audio Logs: (Panic breaks out as the people who are left go completely insane and attack the Hell Hounds.) Man #2- "AHHHH I will kill y*Static* all! *Static*itch! Fuck You Mut!!" Sam- "That's not a very nice thing to say to Mr. Doggy!!" Man #3 "Who the **** said that?!" Man #2 “Was that a little girl?” [Audio cuts out]

Tape recorder: Mystery Man- “It’s been 2 days since the power went out and the 4 of us that are remaining have been trying all we can to get it back on… Last night these mysterious machines appeared. Do not drink the bottles that come from it. Charlie hasn’t been thinking straight. He says his mind is “moving a mile a second” He seems to be quicker with his movements.. Which is hard to believe since his accident. I don’t trust it for one bit.”

Tape recorder #2: (Inside the Worm’s stomach and Found after you kill one of the worms. Also Shiny, indicating that it needs to be used) The same Mystery Man- “Juggernog?!! Wooo! I feel like a damn ox!” “Ok, our 3rd attempt to change some parts in the generators is over, we just need to flip the switch to see if it has worked.” The streets seem pretty empty except this one here with his legs blown off haha! (Gun shot) There that’s the last of them! (Ground Shakes) “What the Hell?! The power’s on? How? We didn*Static* (You hear the generators being over loaded with his 2 friends being electrocuted) ”NO!.. They’re gone.. It’s not fair. (Ground Shakes) What the hell is that? Not you guys again?! Get back! Get the Hell b-ahhhhhhh!!” (Those were the sounds of the boss wave starting after ‘The Mystery Man’ shot the last crawler)

While playing the map, you’ll come across a few Downed Helicopters. One that came through a building, one that made a "Safe" crash and one outside of the map with a zombie caught underneath of it. This is Ryan from the Audio Files; who went out to check on things shortly after the EMP. You’ll earn an achievement/trophy for killing him and looking at the others who died playing Sam's Game.

I've left out the easter egg in the off-chance this does become a playable map in the future Call of Duty games. AND IT'S A SECRET!! My Secret! :lol:

Feel free to post your ideas/theories/feedback. I'd love to see some of your ideas on new maps.

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Does nobody have an idea of a map they wanna put out there? Am I the only one who doesn't mind being criticized?

Lol... Dude... Go and look up



My prediction of die rise

My zombies campaign/stand alone game idea (see my sig.)

Some of my perk ideas

Some of my weapon ideas...

And that's just the bare minimum of ME! There are TONs of people with their own ideas each different from the rest receiving a lot of critisism, sometimes because their bad ideas, sometimes because they just don't think it's possible...

Dont see yourself so different...

Also why does your map remind me so much of bioshock?

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I wanna see these ideas right here on this thread. Not one weapon idea or one perk idea. I wanna see a future map idea coming from the public. I can't just go and read the entire forums for ideas. If people have a good idea for a map, whynot post it on the topic, "Future Maps Discussion" ?

And I've played Bioshock 1 and 2 but and I don't see the resemblance from this map. I’ve actually started working with clay and hot wheel cars to build my vision of this map hehe! I also have the perk emblem on my player card on Black Ops 2 Multiplayer. Lots of people are giving me feedback and asking questions about it. And once I start explain the perk and map idea; they automatically assume I work with Treyarch and one person tried recording what I was saying lmao!

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I got one

Name:City of the DEAD based on Highschool of The Dead

story: The New 4 end up in a altenet universe where Them rule and they meet up with the HOTD heroes only Stu knows why their here but refuse to reveal until the easter egg is completed

Wunder weapon: magma beam PAP V0lc9nicD00m5d9y

i will explan the easter egg in a diferent topic

Boss Round:Alpha crawlers+ Hammer zombies

Hammer zombie simular to Gorge.A.Romeao(spelt it wrong :oops:) of call of the dead only with a ice elemental abilty

i will explain fully soon

you like? :mrgreen: Maxis called it uncanonal :evil: but it could work as a oneshot map :|

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I got one

Name:City of the DEAD based on Highschool of The Dead

story: The New 4 end up in a altenet universe where Them rule and they meet up with the HOTD heroes only Stu knows why their here but refuse to reveal until the easter egg is completed

Wunder weapon: magma beam PAP V0lc9nicD00m5d9y

i will explan the easter egg in a diferent topic

Boss Round:Alpha crawlers+ Hammer zombies

Hammer zombie simular to Gorge.A.Romeao(spelt it wrong :oops:) of call of the dead only with a ice elemental abilty

i will explain fully soon

you like? :mrgreen: Maxis called it uncanonal :evil: but it could work as a oneshot map :|

Dear zombie Lincoln, his grammar is worce then mine...

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  • 1 month later...

Perks: Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Dead Aim, Quick Revive, Mule Kick and a new perk! (Each Perk you buy opens a door adjacent to the machine. Doors also close when no one has the perk that opened it) *Thank you Stop mocking me0 for the inspiration on the perk/door idea* :)

The New Perk, ‘Electro-Light Juice’ is a Perk that causes the First hit you take to not take damage and deals massive Electrical damage to whatever hits you. (Not whomever) Guns and Equipment are switched and/or used quicker and you don’t take fall damage on the first drop. That being said, something really cool happens when you dive off of high areas; especially in watery areas. You will notice that once hit that first time, many different electronics will begin to turn on. Including: TVs, Radios, lights, appliances, cars, indeed everything in the map :)

Boss Wave: There are 'Worms' that dig under the ground to steal your perk machines for the next round. No machine; No Perk.

New perk on MOTD looks pretty similar this perk idea I came up with.. As does the Boss Wave. Since the super zombie rams into your perk machine, thus making you lose your perk.

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