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How could green run be affected by revolution?

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We know the revolution map pack will make "dinner" a playable Turned map, but what else could be changed?

Could the nav cards finally have a use? I hope so... I don't think we'll be able to freely travel between the maps, but I think that someone from die rise (such as a perk or weapon) can now be downloaded into another nav card system and sent to green run!

So let's say die rise has a New wonder weapon that can only be found in the box at green run... By placing that gun into the nav card machine it takes the gun,and your nav card but gives you a new nav card as well, then when you die/leave and go back to tranzit green run, you can go to the nav card machine there, insert your card and get the same gun!

It's kind of like the fridge but across maps...

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That would be amazing! I really like the idea of transferring weapons. Maybe the Nav Card could be sort of like Die Rise's bank, and it'll allow you to transfer money between games.

Either way, I'm hoping we get SOMETHING that would explain the Nav Cards when we play Die Rise.

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Interesting theory. Definitely possible.

I definitely think the Green Run navcard will be used in future DLC, and we will get one that works in the Green Run reader in future DLC also. I really have no clue what it's use will be, though. I was thinking that possibly we won't get the correct Navcard for Green Run until the final DLC, and the "grand finale" of Black Ops 2's EE will require us to return to the first map... or possibly even returning to ALL the maps.

I'm not sure if this is common knowledge at this point (wasn't around the forums for a while), but the Navcard reader is definitely NOT needed for Richtofen's side of the Green Run EE. I was speculating this from the start, but everyone tried to argue with me and said that you HAD to build the table/reader to do his side of the EE. Because I had already built the table, I had no way of testing to confirm I was right. Well, the table reset in my game and I successfully completed Richtofen's quest without having ever touched any piece of the table.

This means that both the reader and the navcard have absolutely NO known purpose in the game right now.

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Interesting theory. Definitely possible.

I definitely think the Green Run navcard will be used in future DLC, and we will get one that works in the Green Run reader in future DLC also. I really have no clue what it's use will be, though. I was thinking that possibly we won't get the correct Navcard for Green Run until the final DLC, and the "grand finale" of Black Ops 2's EE will require us to return to the first map... or possibly even returning to ALL the maps.

I'm not sure if this is common knowledge at this point (wasn't around the forums for a while), but the Navcard reader is definitely NOT needed for Richtofen's side of the Green Run EE. I was speculating this from the start, but everyone tried to argue with me and said that you HAD to build the table/reader to do his side of the EE. Because I had already built the table, I had no way of testing to confirm I was right. Well, the table reset in my game and I successfully completed Richtofen's quest without having ever touched any piece of the table.

This means that both the reader and the navcard have absolutely NO known purpose in the game right now.

Hmmm interesting... Personally what I think what will happen is when blops 2 map pack 4'is released, it will contain a brand new zombies epic, nuketown zombies and three never before seen survival maps: (one for misty Samule and russman )

What may happen is after completing the super mini Easter egg on the three survival maps (sense they will all happen before tranzit) such as surviving to round 25 on nuketown and hearing marelton, will give you a new nav card (the program isn't set yet so doing this now won't do anything) which you can put in to the machine and use for hidden things, such as new areas, previously unavaible perks, buildables, and weapons, Easter egg? Steps, and perma perks!

That's another thing: What if for the final Easter egg that requires one to do all the previous Easter eggs, one gets all perks, an epic "ending", possibly 90-sec death machines... AND a new perma-perk: One that allows a player to buy all the perks at one time?!? So once you compleat the super hard Easter egg, you can come back on any map, and buy all the perks you wanted! Seems like a reasonable prize to me... Although its just a hypothesis...

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