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Moon Loading screen Shadow/ BO 2 Poster?


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I'm thinking that Sam is going to play a bigger role in BLOPS 2 then Treyarch is giving her credit for. Sam was in almost every level since World at War and I think she is going to make her major attack on the new team (or maybe the old team...) in Zombies 2. We're just going to have to wait and see.

She's no longer in the MPD Vril pyramid, so she doesn't have any of her old powers. It's Richtofen in control of the zombies now, based on the events of Moon and the eyes turning blue.

"In Tranzit, players will be able to piece together the cooperative multiplayer mode's storytelling." Lamia hinted that the plot of Zombies mode in Black Ops 2 will tie back into the fiction of the Moon map released last year for the original Call of Duty: Black Ops.

"If you played 'Moon,' the actions you had there may have had some impact on what happens in Black Ops 2 Zombies," Lamia said, implying that players will be battling the undead in a post-apocalyptic world borne by decisions from Treyarch's previous Zombies mode.

http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/9/2 ... nzit-grief

Boy, I sure how Samantha and the gang come into play at some point. :?

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